Chapter 150 Killing three birds with one stone

“I want Director Wu to change my job. I can’t do the transportation team job.”

Ding Jiannan was pulled by Gu Han to the wall outside the dormitory. There was no one here, and basically no one could hear what he said here.

“Brother Ding, you don’t know that the two of us can work in the factory. Director Wu has already thought of a way. Director Wu is the director of the down jacket workshop and has no control over the transportation team.

 You are thinking about changing jobs now, which must be extremely difficult. Do you think Director Wu is willing to help us now before we have made any contribution to her? "

Gu Han felt that the Ding Jiannan in front of him looked nothing like the Ding Jiannan he knew.

The thoughtful and methodical Ding Jiannan seemed to fly to the sky in an instant. The Ding Jiannan in front of him was simply a child who couldn't endure hardship and complained to his teachers and parents at every turn.

 Knowing that the current relationship between them and Director Wu is mutually beneficial, how could Director Wu do this for them before they made any contribution?

More importantly, if I go to Director Wu now because of this, wouldn't I be looked down upon by Director Wu?

 The favor between them and Director Wu will be lost once it is used. If this favor is used up because of changing jobs, what will happen when they encounter difficulties in the future?

 Gu Han obviously thinks more deeply than Ding Jiannan.

“Then what do you want me to do? I have to carry 30 big bags a day in the transportation team. Do you know how much that big bag weighs? Which big bag weighs almost 200 kilograms?

If I don’t carry enough 30 big bags, I won’t be able to get that much salary this month, and my salary and bonus will have to be deducted. "

“See for yourself, I carried ten big bags this afternoon, how worn my shoulders are.”

Ding Jiannan looked aggrieved.

Gu Han opened his collar, and sure enough he saw that the skin on his shoulders under the clothes was already a bit bloody, almost sticking to the clothes.

Ding Jiannan grimaced in pain when she turned him over.

  I couldn't help but shudder.

She also didn’t expect that Ding Jiannan’s life in the transportation team would be so difficult.

“Brother Ding, please calm down first. This is not the time for us to act arbitrarily. You should know that you are not familiar with the place and place here, and you don’t have many acquaintances.

There are no old friends or connections from your father to help.

 Director Wu can help us out of uncle's sake, which is considered a favor.

 You don’t know how many people want to break their heads and enter the duvet clothing store. "

“But I can’t do it. Look at my shoulders. Can I survive carrying your big bag for another day?”

Ding Jiannan wondered why the Gu Han in front of him had become so philistine now!

It was completely different from the fresh, refined, elegant and luxurious Gu Han in his mind.

“I understand, Brother Ding, I know you are suffering in your heart.

 Actually, I have done something for you.

I have already inquired about the positions of men in the down quilt factory. Apart from the transportation team and being a driver, there is no third profession. In other words, after leaving the down quilt factory, you will most likely have to go back to farming. "

When Ding Jiannan thought about farming, he hurriedly shook his head. He couldn't do it. He was so hot in the sun those days that he almost fainted in the field.

 “I won’t go back to farming.”

“I don’t want you to go back to farming either.

I have already thought that you are knowledgeable and educated. If you can find a way to build a good relationship with the leader, then we can help Director Wu deal with Xia Zhi, and we can naturally transfer you to the driver team.

 Being a driver will definitely be easier than the job now, but once you leave here, you will have to go back to farming, so you have to think about it.

 Go back to farm, but you won’t have this month’s salary. "

Gu Han could only scare Ding Jiannan.

 Lest Ding Jiannan do something out of proportion.

After hearing this, Ding Jiannan's shoulders drooped in despair.

“But I really can’t carry those big bags. I really can’t. If I continue like this, I will die.

 Gu Han, please help me, help me think of a solution, what should I do? "    Gu Han thought for a moment and said in a low voice.

“I wonder if you would like to suffer a little?”

Ding Jiannan looked at Gu Han doubtfully. Gu Han whispered something in his ear, and there was some hesitation in Ding Jiannan's eyes.

But thinking about those big bags, I gritted my teeth again.

“And you must do this at work, otherwise you will not get the treatment you deserve.”

Ding Jiannan suddenly had an idea and remembered Team Leader Wu and Liu Qianjin today.

 “I know how to do it.”

 The two of them were whispering there.

 After talking for a long time, they finally separated.

Ding Jiannan returned to the dormitory, lay on the bed and closed his eyes without eating any steamed buns.

 Xia Zhi I always felt something was wrong when I went to work today, and my right eye kept twitching.

 I always feel like something is wrong.

 But I can’t tell what’s wrong.

I made a few mistakes in my drawing today, and Xia Zhi felt like something was going to happen.

 Put down the drawings at Xia Zhi. If something goes wrong, these drawings will be useless. Put the drawings in the folder.

 Get ready to go back to the workshop and step on the sewing machine. Stepping on the sewing machine for a while may make you feel better.

 Xia Zhi walked out of the office and couldn't help but glance at the transportation team.

  Walked over involuntarily.

Ding Jiannan was struggling to carry the big bag. After all, his shoulders were worn out from carrying the big bag all afternoon yesterday.

 I finally had a good night's rest and the scabs formed, but I had to carry a big bag again in the morning.

 He could feel that the wound on his shoulder was open again, and the pain was severe.

I couldn't even straighten my waist, so I carried the big bag and moved towards the warehouse step by step.

He has already thought about it. He just needs to go into the warehouse, throw this big bag there, and knock down all the big bags.

 When a big bag hits him, he can become a work-related injury.

He was already prepared to avoid critical parts of his body when the time came. It would be better to hit his arms or legs, so that he would be injured again and not have to work.

He carried the big bag with difficulty and walked towards the warehouse step by step. When he walked into the warehouse, he saw Liu Qianjin walking past him carrying a big bag.

Ding Jiannan was so happy that he wanted to frame Liu Qianjin.

Since Liu Qianjin was a fool anyway, he would say that when Liu Qianjin accidentally enlarged the bag, the bag fell down and hit him.

 Liu Qianjin has to bear this responsibility.

Besides, even a fool can't explain it clearly, and there will be no proof of this matter.

The team leader here is Team Leader Wu, and Team Leader Wu of the transportation team must definitely bear the main responsibility.

This is simply killing three birds with one stone. It not only takes care of Liu Qianjin and Team Leader Wu, but also gives me strength, and I can rest for at least three or four months.

At that time, due to the problem of work-related injuries, he can still make requests to his boss, and he may not be able to go to a driver's class to learn to drive.

 (End of this chapter)

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