
The day after Kaede returned to Photo Len.

The royal palace gathered the nobles, the army, and the upper echelons of the Alliance for meetings.

Because of the lack of time, only those who were near King's Landing were gathered... but there were still more than twenty participants.

Though he hasn't come yet, the King will join us.

What do you want to talk about when you get together like that.....

Nerel's take-up technique. Though I was expecting it... it's a mess. "

"It must be Soyelle's discretion, not Nerell's. Well, things haven't changed...."

It is about Kaede.

When he left the country, the seal handed over to Caede was stocked with magic equipment for recording, and it was discovered that he had taken it from inside.

By the way, Kaede didn't know about the recorder, but it's no secret or anything.

When something happens, it's grandiose to be used as evidence.

If Kaede had known about this, perhaps the seal would have been in the item box and never removed.

"Mm-hmm. Even the frog could be pulled out as it is. We gathered there to decide what to do... but who has a plan?

"We should execute him immediately!

As the chairman concluded his questions, Count Genger, one of the participants, shouted.

"Sir Gengar, I don't think so. The adventurer Kaede benefited the country and did not commit evil. There's no reason to execute him."

"But the Adventurer Caeda went to pick up a specialty from a neighboring country! This is treason against the country, such as friendly relations with neighboring countries!

"... Nerell is a friendly country, and it was Baysis who sent them as reinforcements?

"But the fruit thing is a personal contract!

"Well, the Adventurer Kaede may have some faults in that regard... but it's impossible to execute him alone, and it's a small story compared to his achievements. In the first place, what are we going to do about killing the nation's greatest power?"


That's all I'm saying, but Gengar is eating down.

The reason is simple. For Gengar, frogs are in the way.

The Maple Chamber of Commerce is at stake for Gengar, who owned and benefited greatly from the underground market in which the fraudulently lewd Zunana grass was traded.

It is a subject you want to crush with any hand.

"Gengar, that's impossible."

As soon as Gengar tried to object to what he had said... he shut his mouth.

Because Gengar's words were blocked by the King, who came into the conference room one day.

"Let's say we had a reason to give way and execute Kaede. How do we execute him?


The King sighed at the Gengar, who did not fully understand what was said, asking the Knight Commander.

"Do you think you can beat Kaede if you mobilize the National Army?

"... first of all, I wonder if it's impossible. I wonder if I'll have five minutes."

"I guess. Five seconds didn't surprise me. Turning a man who defeats a dragon that turns the continent further into an enemy is insane.... it would be best to give Baysis territory ahead of the rest of the world."

Listening to the king's remarks, the conference room is wrapped in surprise.

That's not impossible either.

Getting territory means being noble.

It has been unprecedented in the last few centuries for adventurers to become nobles.

"Are you giving territory to the Adventurer?

"Ah, the Adventurer Caedad did what he deserved.... and there's just the right amount of land.

That said, the king pointed to a point on the map.


... and then a few days later.

A letter came to me.

It is a letter with a decoration that can be seen at first glance as an unusual substitute and a number of large verdicts pushed.

When I cut the seal and looked inside, I was told to bring Mercia to King's Landing to celebrate her achievements as an adventurer. Kindly, it says what route to use and what lodging to stay in.

I don't care. Why Mercia?

... I don't know, but it's best to talk to him. You know better than I do how the award works.

In the meantime, a peek at the Chamber of Commerce revealed Mercia.

"Hey, Mercia, I got a magnificent letter."

"Not to the Chamber of Commerce, but to Kaede-san? It's unusual that it's not through an Alliance. What did it say?

"It's a very decorative sentence... in short, to bring Mercia to King's Landing in honor of my achievements."

"Recognition...? It's kind of suspicious. As far as I'm concerned, I don't really want to leave Photo Len... but who's the sender?

"From... speaking of, you didn't see it."

I was distracted by the flashy decor and forgot to check with the sender.

I read out the name written in the letter, thinking that I might have been a little upset by the strange letter.


"Bhu!? Keho, keho..."

As I read out my name, Mercia called out.

"Mercia, are you okay?

"That's my line! The sender, isn't he the king?

"King? But it's written in a letter...."

"I don't have to write, but no one will notice."

No, I'm here.

But if you ask me, it feels like royalty to have the same last name as the country.

Or is it because you are a person who is in a position that everybody knows, that you should write your position in front of your name?

... maybe not in this world.

"So I was summoned by the king of this country?

That's what it is.

"... what should I do?

"There's nothing we can do, we'll have to go. Well, I've never been too careful, but I don't think you should worry much about the King himself."


You don't have to worry about being summoned by the King...

"If anyone were king enough to turn Kaede-san into an enemy, this country would have been destroyed long ago. Rather, it may be the nobles of the King's City who should be wary."

"A nobleman is someone who pretends to be guilty, arrests people, and confiscates property?

"No, I don't think there are enough idiots in the boulders to think we can arrest Kaede from the front. Assassinate while you're asleep."

There was a fool like that.

Well, as far as assassinations while asleep are concerned, it won't be a problem if you keep your magic armor.

But I wonder if there are circumstances in this country where the nobles have to kill me.

When I killed the item box holder, I didn't think I'd get the contents.

"Who's gonna assassinate me and make a profit?

"I think Kaede-san or the Chamber of Commerce is in the way. Hardly any damage, but it's getting a little more complicated. Strangely equipped bandits appear in unnatural places, trying to assassinate me on the move...."

Mercia talks like nothing... assassination is important!

As far as Mercia is concerned, it seems like an attempt....

"What happened to the assassination attempt?

"It's normal to fight back. I was expecting to have magical equipment for defense and, above all, good guards. The number of enemies was about 30, but I don't think the results would have changed even if there were 300."

"Why are guards so good?

I'm an ex-Deshvatre.

I see.

It seems that Mercia was in a position to require escorts while I was unaware.

Well, if there's a Decibatolian and a Magic Equipment Guard, I don't think Mercia needs to worry.

So the mastermind is a nobleman in King's Landing?

"I didn't find any evidence of my client on the boulder, but as far as the bandits' belongings are concerned, I'm pretty sure. Is it particularly suspicious about Count Marshlon and Count Gengar?"

"Are there any of those two?

"Both are houses that were earning money from the dark trade in Zunana grass. For the two of you, this chamber of commerce will be on top of your eyes. Especially since Count Gengar seems to have relied heavily on dark deals, it's no wonder he used any kind of hand. I've tried to sink a ship before."

Was there a black deal in Zunana grass...?

Because we got in there, we didn't make any money, and we set up sabotage.

Yeah, that's a splendid resentment.

... okay.

"Crush it."

Shall I crush it?

Our opinion was unanimous.

Let's crush the people who have been setting up troublesome work while traveling to King's Landing.

However, the treatment of the culprit is brutal simply because he was engaged in a dark trade with Zunana grass.

We need to do something else to get the mastermind out.

... well, if they come all the way to assassinate me, let me use it.

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