The next day.

When I was in the city, my treatment was too good and I felt uncomfortable, so I decided to go out for a bit and try to hunt.

Quiet escape is a potentially noisy momentum, so I try to get out of the front of the city with dignity.

"Kaede-sama, are you going somewhere? I will prepare a guard....."

But when I tried to leave town, the guards stopped me.

This treatment still seems to be continuing.

If I was to escort someone, what would I do if I was escorted?

"Even if you put an escort on Kaede-sama, isn't it the opposite?

Luckily, before I said it, the other guards put me in jail.

"But, Captain, Kaede-sama has been instructed to respond in the same way as the senior nobles of other countries, and to go outside without escorts..."

"That's true, but consider why Kaede-sama was here and our combat power. We'll be protected on the contrary. What should I do with my feet and hands?"

Apparently, the man who put me in there was the captain of the unit.

In other words, my previous treatment was the same as that of a senior aristocrat...

I'm here as an adventurer, and I want you to treat me as an adventurer.

Ah, the inn meal was very delicious, so please treat it like a nobleman. Especially the stewed dish of Taylor was good.

I decided to drink tea appropriately because I couldn't say anything like that.

"It's just a little bit of a look. I'm fine by myself. If you're protected, you don't know what you're doing here."

"I understand. I really want to be escorted, but I don't have the right person... I'm sorry."

That's how the guard sending me out looks worried.

Do you look unreliable because you are young among high-ranking adventurers?

If this is Baysis, I don't think there's a single guard out there who's worried about the Decibatoles going out into the woods that aren't me or the monster realm.

Rather, it is a level that is worrying about the ecosystem impact of defeating monsters from one end.

Fortunately, it seems that monsters will spring as soon as they are defeated, and there is no concept of ecosystem protection in this world.

So far, there are no signs of a major outbreak in the surroundings.

There are still about two days to predict a major outbreak, and it does not occur until just before the warning of a major outbreak, so it is only natural that there is no warning at this time.

"... quite different."

But the forest of Soyel was quite different from the forest of Baysis.

The most different thing to look at is that there is snow. There are also many coniferous trees growing, and the landscape is very different from that of Baysis, which is dominated by broad-leaved trees.

But the biggest difference is the scarcity of monsters.

Even though Baysis walked a few dozen monsters in a normal forest and a hundred monsters in Decibatole and Broken, he couldn't find one.

The warning signs of a major outbreak didn't say that the monster would escape, so it's probably not because of a major outbreak.

Because it stands out when you fly, I was thinking about looking for monsters from the ground, but it's still better to look from the sky...

After considering this, I finally encountered the first monster.

A cow monster with a slightly smaller body than Gargon and a big tail.

The tail is nearly twice the length of the body and has a large cob on the tip.

It looks like a weapon if you swing it around... but your tail is too big for the body, and you're worried about swinging it the other way around.

According to [Information Operation Analysis], the name is Taylor - is that it? That's a name I've heard of. It's been quite a while.

I mean, it's the ingredient of the food I ate yesterday.

As soon as I realized it, I removed the Magic Sword from the item box.

Then, at once, close the distance to the tail bull and swing it down to the neck.

To minimize damage to ingredients, it is important to stab them all at once with a sharp blade.

In the meantime, get one.

I decided to fly a little to find more monsters.

In addition, Information Operation Analysis is used in combination to uncover the location of the tail bull in the surrounding area.

There are no five characters of ecosystem protection in this world dictionary.

It should have been in my dictionary, but I can't find it now.

Looks like a chop or a chop, but I won't replace it.

- And thirty minutes later.

I had a lot of tails in my item box, and I was looking for other monsters with a dusty face.

In that corner of my vision, I see a tail bull. I thought Taylor had hunted it all down... but I wonder if it's still there.

For a moment, I thought so, but [Information manipulation analysis], which is supposed to keep searching for Taylor, did not react to the monster.

I don't know, so I came a little closer and found out that the monster was different from Taylor.

Large size. His height is higher than that of the surrounding trees, and he seems to weigh as much as a regular tail with only the saws on his tail.

His name is King Taylor. Yeah, it's as cheap as usual.

Either way, it's good to have something to eat.

I take the Magic Sword in my hand and approach the King Tail Bull.

On the way, King Tail noticed me, too, and he swinging his tail toward us, but it was slow.

Before the tail reaches me, I'll stick a magic sword to King Tail's neck.

Because of his thick neck, he couldn't drop his neck with a single blow like a regular tail bullet, but he did.

When I put the King Tail I defeated in the item box, I started looking for the next prey.

There may be other good monsters.

When I found the monster and repeatedly defeated it, the evening came.

The total number of monsters defeated was 1,775. It's not a bad result.

In addition to the low density of monsters, I was careful not to hurt the ingredients so that the pace wasn't too fast, but the forest was so wide that I was able to hunt for a long time.

Well, you can hunt, but we have to think about cooking.

I have Seoul, so you can try and make mistakes yourself... but I'm staying in a delicious inn with food, and when I go back to the inn now, it's just the right time to eat.

Let's ask him.

As soon as I finished the hunt and returned to the inn, the food was ready.

Even though it was a sudden return, there was almost no time to cook, and perhaps the inn had a food storekeeper with an item box.

Today's food was also delicious.

When the meal was over, the chef came out, so I asked him nicely.

"It was a great meal today. I want to hear the recipe."

"It seems to suit your mouth, and above all, Would you like me to prepare a recipe for you?

"Are you sure?

I didn't expect you to get the recipe.

"Of course. You can make it over there and sell it. If it's Baysis, it won't compete, and even with us, it's great to sell specialties."

Specialty... ahh. Certainly, I feel that these dishes are mostly made with Seoul.

This inn may also have something to do with Seoul's producers.

"Well, please!

Then, about two hours later, a thick bunch of paper arrived in the room I was staying in.

Are you sure this is all a recipe...?

I'm afraid, I'll flip a piece of paper.

From the amount of ingredients and condiments used, to thermal power and cooking tips, it was written in detail.

The second and third ones are the same.

I counted them using an item box, and there were about seventy pieces of such paper. Isn't paper precious in this world...?

I'm not that good at cooking, but there must have been a cook at the Maple Chamber of Commerce.

I feel like you can make it if you just prepare the ingredients.

By the way, as far as I can confirm, all the dishes written in the recipe used Seoul and the local specialty liquor (it seems to be called Meilin), and it was mixed with the recipe and it said, "If you come to Soyel, I'll sell it anytime."

I don't have to feel any tricks... but it's delicious.

The only thing left to remember was that only the King Tail Bull had no recipe for the monsters he had defeated. Should it be the same as Taylor?

... I'll ask you tomorrow.

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