Lin Wu raised his voice and called for someone. The crew members in the cabin and Gu Shiqing and others heard the sound and asked what happened.

Lin Wu pointed out the strange shape of the sea surface he saw, and the flow of sea water nearby accelerated.

A few people couldn't see very clearly. When they took a look with a telescope, their expressions changed slightly.

 “No, we must leave here immediately!” the crew member said.

 Generally, whirlpools at sea are formed by the surging ocean currents and the movement of the earth's crust. No matter which one it is, the harm caused is great. If the whirlpool is big enough, it may stir up the ship and sink it to the bottom!

 The crew immediately went back and changed the ship.

Miyano, Gu Shiqing and Mo Langzhongjun also went to reef the sails and anchor to check the situation on the ship and ensure safety.

Lin Wu used a tablet to find a suitable direction and sea area, and asked Bo Qi to take it with him and tell the crew to follow the same direction.

“Hey, is there another whirlpool over there?” Ren Ke suddenly said, pointing in the direction they were traveling.

She has good eyesight and suddenly noticed something strange in the distance.

Lin Wu looked and saw it too.

Gu Siyin used a telescope to go to the crew and ask them to change direction.

 In just a few minutes, the whirlpool discovered became bigger and bigger, causing the nearby seawater to surge, and there was no calm anymore.

It happened that the night was dark at this time, the clouds were thick, and there was a strong tendency of rain.

"Lin Wu!" Ren Ke was looking at the telescope, suddenly put it into Lin Wu's hand, and said nervously: "I feel like I saw it wrong. Take a look, why do I feel that there is something in the vortex you discovered earlier?" It's green and faint, as if something is burning?"


Lin Wu followed the words and looked.

The whirlpool stirred up the water and became terrifying. But if you look closely, you will see a faint green light reflected in the rolling sea water, and it becomes more and more obvious, as if something is floating up from underneath.

At this time, Lin Wu discovered that several more whirlpools had appeared on the nearby sea surface!

Lin Wu didn't care to see clearly what it was, and said: "Let's go first! This sea area is not safe anymore."

 Ren Ke quickly went to find the crew.

Lin Wu went over to help Miyano and the others collect their things.

 After a while, everyone on the ship knew about the accident.

 Lu Guichi and Guan Chen both came out of the cabin to help.

The ship was about to sail out of this small sea area, but due to the emergence of more and more whirlpools, the water was turbulent and the ship's hull was shaking, so its speed was limited.

 Suddenly, someone shouted, "Look at the sea."

 A layer of green fire appeared on the sea! Reflecting the dark night sky and turbulent waves, it is particularly terrifying. The source is the center of those whirlpools!

"What the hell? What the **** is that?!" Miyano stared.

“…It’s a scene that occurs when phosphate rock on the seabed burns under certain conditions!” Gu Shiqing knew a lot, but he couldn’t figure it out, “How could this happen for no reason?”

 “It should be the volcano underneath!”

Lin Wu thought of the information he had found, "There have been professional surveys before, and the volcanoes under the sea in this area have recently shown a trend of activity. We are unlucky. The volcano underneath woke up at this time, and its activities caused changes in the sea water. , the hot air spewed ignited the phosphate rock accumulated by the creatures in the sea, and the fire came up along the whirlpool that appeared!"

"If those fires come over, shall we..." Ren Ke hesitated.

A few people were slightly startled and asked the crew to speed up the ship. However, the waves on the sea surface were extremely rough, and large wind waves hit the ship, making it more difficult to navigate.

There was a sudden thunder in the sky, dark clouds were pressing down, and the heavy rain was caught off guard. But for some reason, it didn't extinguish the green fire on the sea. Instead, it made the green fire burn even more fiercely and rolled towards the hull.

Everyone on the boat could barely stand, and their skin was sore from the fire. It was useless even if the rain hit them.

Lin Wu felt something was wrong, very wrong!

She staggered to the side of the boat, wiped the rain off her face and looked down. There seemed to be some shadow flashing across the fiercely surging sea water.

 “There’s something down there!”

“What we encountered should not be a natural disaster, it was caused intentionally!”

She turned around and shouted loudly. Her voice was lost in the thunder and wind waves, but others still vaguely heard her and tried their best to steady themselves to prevent being thrown off the boat.

They could no longer leave the sea. They were surrounded by increasingly violent whirlpools, almost surrounding them. The green fire on the sea had also burned to the sea below the boat and was about to climb up.

Some crew members ran out in a panic, shouting that the ship's engine seemed to be entangled in something and was damaged. The waterline of the ship's hull had also sunk greatly. There might be something entangled in the ship below!

The faces of several people changed slightly, and Mo Lang and Zhong Jun made a decision immediately: "Let's go down and solve it!"

"No! The fire below is weird. What if the fire burns you even if you sink into the sea!" Ren Ke said.

Those are so weird that she doesn’t think they can be explained in normal terms. If they go down there, they will definitely be courting death!

“If we don’t do this, we’ll be waiting to die on the boat!” Miyano roared, coughing again as the rain and seawater filled his throat.

At the critical moment, Lu Guichi said: "I'll go!"

 “I am more relaxed than you in the sea, I am still a stranger, they can’t hurt me!”

"Wuwu, if I don't get up in time after the boat can move, you should leave as soon as possible and I will look for you!"

 Lu Guichi turned around directly.

Guan Chen suddenly had a strong thought, which drove his eyes to split with fear: "Lu Guichi! You are not allowed to go!"

Lu Guichi was unreasonable and wanted to jump into the sea.

At the critical moment, his body was suddenly pulled by a strong force and stuck on the railing.

 When he turned around, it was Lin Wu.

Lin Wu stretched out his hand to pull him back.

Thinking about the strange things in the sea, and then looking at Lu Guichi, Lin Wu understood everything in an instant, and said angrily: "It's not your turn to go down! Tell me how to stop this! You know!"

Others looked in shock, unable to realize what Lin Wu was talking about.

But Guan Chen understood. He staggered and rolled towards Lu Guichi and called his name.

But Lu Guichi didn't look at him, nor at Lin Wu and others. He just smiled and said goodbye, waved his arms to cut off Lin Wu's control, and jumped into the sea resolutely.

 Disappeared from everyone’s sight in an instant.

 Time seems to stand still at this moment.


 The sound of falling water sounded again.

It was Guan Chen who turned over and jumped into the sea without hesitation.

Lin Wu rushed over without even thinking.


 Gu Shiqing and others were shocked.

“You’re going to be fine, get out of here and don’t come back!”

Lin Wu left these words and jumped into the sea.

The fire covering the sea instantly burned her body, blurring Lin Wu's vision, and something slippery and slippery wrapped around her silently, suffocating her and dragging her into the depths of the sea.

Just as Lin Wu was about to struggle, he caught a glimpse of two figures below who were sinking like her, and disappeared within a few seconds.

 Probably Lu Guichi and Guan Chen.

Lin Wu gave up the struggle, closed his eyes and disappeared into the mysterious abyss. (End of chapter)

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