This suddenly made the three of them excited.

Ren Ke couldn't hold back, turned around and jumped up to hug Lin Wu very quickly, hanging on her like a koala, and exclaimed: "It's a corpse, it's a corpse! Come on, no matter what comes out, you two I'll kill him first by force!"

Lin Wu was about to retreat: "..."

 Can't move at all.

 Guan Chen next to him: “…”

 The fear and fear that just appeared suddenly subsided.

Before the three of them came back to their senses, they saw that the mound was still moving. Something inside seemed to be breaking out of the earth. A little bit came from the top, and the broken earth was pushed and scattered in all directions.

 Something is really coming out!

Lin Wu immediately retreated, but with Ren Ke around, she couldn't move very nimbly, so she started to pull the person down.

Ren Ke refused to let go, burying his face in Lin Wu's neck and refusing to lift it up.

There was no way, Guan Chen had to stop in front of the two, pulled the gun to quasion the grave, and he was alert to rising rapidly.

But the next moment, suddenly - a shovel popped out of the grave!

Lin Wu and Guan Chen were stunned for a moment.

Soon, the shovel worked hard to remove the soil, and there seemed to be other assistance that made the hole bigger and bigger.

 Finally there was a hole that could accommodate one person to climb up.

 The shovel was thrown out, and two hands stuck out!

Ren Ke heard the sound, turned around and was stunned, "This person... is quite fresh, lifelike. He can move, so he must be a particularly powerful corpse charlatan, right?"

Lin Wu took the opportunity to pull her off.

 Perhaps it was because he saw something very human-like, so Ren Ke calmed down a lot and was willing to let go.

Lin Wu drew his gun and stepped forward with Guan Chen.

As soon as Dan got closer, a person suddenly jumped out!

 Guan Chen's conditioned reflex was to load the gun immediately.


The man probably didn't expect that there was someone outside, so he immediately raised his head and quickly reached for the tool at his waist.

Looking closely to see who the other person was, Lin Wu was a little surprised and immediately held Guan Chen down to stop him.


 Ren Ke and Guan Chen were slightly stunned: "Are you sure?"

 Would one of our own people dig them out from a place like this? ?

The man was startled when he saw Lin Wu, and immediately shouted: "Master!"

 Suddenly it is Zheng Yuan!

Lin Wu didn't expect to see him like this at all. Thinking of her previous weirdness, she said solemnly: "How do you prove that you are Zheng Yuan."

 Ren Ke and Guan Chen looked at Lin Wu and then at the people in the pit.

Zheng Yuan crawled out, looking disgraced. He wiped his face and said, "Master, you asked me to do a lot of things before departure, and I got here in time."

Lin Wu: "That's true."

"Hey wait, don't rush to a conclusion yet." Ren Ke stretched out his hand to pull Lin Wu back, "When you came in just now, didn't you say that he was some distance away from us? Why is he so close now? Don't be The illusions we create ourselves are deceptive.”

Zheng Yuan looked at her directly and said, "Miss Ren, your long hair is still more pleasing to the eye. Because you are beautiful and have a bad mouth, others will not be too angry."


Ren Ke flew up and kicked him, but Zheng Yuan dodged it.

Ren Ke said angrily: "He is real, Juebi is real! Otherwise, he would not have the same temperament and temperament as Lin Wu, which would be annoying!"

Lin Wu: “…”

Guan Chen: “…” He also believed it.

Zheng Yuan calmly walked further away from Ren Ke and said: "Master, I don't know what's going on. I've been wandering around this area for a long time without going out. I finally found a way out. Seeing that the soil here is soft, I can get out. I'll see you when I poke it open and climb up."

Then, Zheng Yuan's face suddenly became solemn: "It would be great to meet you. On the way to meet you, I met an injured woman. I carried her back, and she is now under the pit."

Lin Wu frowned: "I asked you to come here because I have something important to do. Why are you picking up a bystander?"

"It's not someone else." Zheng Yuan hesitated and said, "Master, I will carry her on my back. You will know after you look at her."

 He put down his backpack and jumped into the pit again.

The three of them looked at each other in confusion, and Guan Chen followed to help.

Soon, they actually got a woman, and she was wearing clothes similar to the four people who were found bitten to death earlier!

"This is the person who came before the archaeological team...the extraordinary woman who led the team?" Lin Wu said in surprise.

 “Maybe. But…”

Zheng Yuan thanked Guan Chen for his help and carefully laid the woman down.

The three of them saw clearly that she had a serious injury on her abdomen, and there were many small injuries all over her body, and her clothes were a bit tattered. I don’t know what she has been through, but she is dirty and embarrassed.

 Fortunately, the injury has been treated carefully.

Zheng Yuan reached out and brushed the woman's messy hair away from her face, and wiped the blood with his sleeve for Lin Wu to see.

When his eyes fell on him, Lin Wu's expression changed slightly.

That woman has a good face, and her facial features are exquisite and bright. People can remember her at a glance and cannot take their eyes away.

There is a heroic spirit in her eyebrows and eyes, which makes her beautiful and unconventional.


“Lin Wu, why does she look a bit like you?!” Ren Ke asked in shock.

 That woman’s appearance is exactly like Lin Wu’s!

Guan Chen thought of something quickly and looked at Lin Wu unexpectedly and said, "Is she...a member of your family? I heard that the Gu family also has a daughter named..."

 “Gu Siyin?!”

Lin Wu immediately stepped forward and crouched beside the woman, and even Ren Ke's subtle words about asking her how she had a family with great interest were forgotten.

 She just looked at the unconscious woman, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

Zheng Yuan said warmly: "Master, don't worry, I have treated her injury. All the medicines I brought were sent from the medical organization. They are very effective and I gave her everything I could use. Preliminary estimation is that she should have lost blood. Too much and exhaustion caused me to fall into coma.”

Lin Wu calmed down and asked, "How did you meet her?"

 Zheng Yuan looked at Ren Ke hesitantly.

Lin Wu turned around and glanced at Guan Chen.

Guan Chen understood and immediately grabbed Ren Ke's hand and dragged her away.

 “Let me go take a look around and see if there is anything unusual.”

"? Isn't it the biggest anomaly that we are here! You go alone, I want to stay and listen to what happens..."

Guan Chen didn't let Ren Ke finish speaking, so he covered her mouth and dragged her away.

After the light of the flashlight disappeared, Zheng Yuan spoke: "I did what you said earlier. I went in from the underground river cave and passed the place where the bodies were piled up. I encountered a rapid stream of dark wood in front of me. There was still water in the water. There were unknown piranha species and giant blood-sucking leech spiders. They leaked my boat. When the danger came, I noticed a gap on one side that I could get through, so I crawled in."

"I probably crawled in the rock crevices for more than an hour. I fell into a round, downward passage, rolled for more than ten minutes and fell into a cave. There was a very special red coffin inside. I was in After searching inside for a long time but unable to find a way, the doctor opened the coffin, but it was full of red viscous liquid, with a still alive corpse soaked in it."

Thinking about that time, Zheng Yuan still felt a little scared.

"There were still some soft vines and nematodes in the liquid. They were mobile and long. They almost strangled me to death. I don't know how they grew. I accidentally leaked the coffin, and the liquid flowed out, and they lost their activity. Then. I found a secret door under the corpse. From there, four meters deep, there is a dark stone path. It is more like a natural formation in the mountain, and there are not many traces of man-made construction. "

"After that, I kept wandering in the stone path for a long time. Just when I thought I couldn't get out, I turned to a quite strange place. It was very big, and there was a towering tree growing there, at least ten Several meters high. There is a huge stone embedded in the tree body, with pits on the surface. At the root of the tree under the coffin, the woman fell unconscious there."

 Zheng Yuan pointed to the woman on the ground.

Zheng Yuan was not interested in taking care of it at that time. He originally wanted to leave directly and seize the time to find Lin Wu. It can only be said that she was very lucky. She was facing up at the time and Zheng Yuan saw it.

As soon as Zheng Yuan looked similar to Lin Wu, he suspected that he was from the Gu family. Then he thought that there was a Gu Siyin who could match the number, so he hurried to save people.

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