Chapter 324


In progress…

Two-thirds of the progress has been completed…

Lin Feng is on the operating table, the wind is light and the clouds are calm, Pao Ding Jie Niu…

The stitching is precise and fast…

Many doctors onlookers yelled 666 while experiencing +1000+1000+1000+1000…

The General Administration of Sports and the coach watched nervously.

The heart goes up and down.

“Absorbable suture!”

Lin Feng gently held up the patient’s shoulder with his left hand and held the elbow joint with his right hand, doing half-week exercises.

The elbow joint was straightened passively, and Lin Feng intermittently sutured the biceps brachii tendon which was severed in the zigzag position in the straight position of the elbow joint.

Suture blood vessels…

“Finger blood supply is back to normal!”

After the bleeding is completely stopped…

Suture ribs…

Suture the nerve thread…

Suture the skin incision layer by layer…

Upper limb plaster backrest…

Place the patient’s elbow joint in a 160-degree upright position and fix it.

The operation is over!

He was relieved heavily, and this operation was also a novel experience for him.

The patient is an Olympic champion after all!

The operation is over,

Lin Feng put the needle-holding forceps and scissors on the instrument table.

Go off the operating table.

At this moment, many doctors woke up one after another.


Applause involuntarily sounded, resounding throughout the operating room!

“Doctor Lin, amazing!”

“This speed is much faster than me…” 08

“Such a difficult operation can be done so easily and quickly!”

“I feel as if I have learned a lot!”

Each orthopedic doctor looked at Lin Feng’s eyes, and they all showed their admiration and respect.

Lin Feng used a new operation to conquer them.

at this time,

Among the crowd, the leaders of the General Administration of Sports did not know how to operate, so they did not know whether the operation would work.

He asked Professor Lu nervously.

“Professor Lu, how is this operation going?”

Professor Lu was delighted with a little excitement:

“Leaders, please rest assured, Dr. Lin Feng’s operation is perfect, even if I personally play, it may not be able to complete it so well…”

“Really?” The head of the General Administration of Sports was overjoyed.

If the operation is really done well, then it means that you have chosen the wrong person!

The coach was also happy when he heard the words.

1 hour later,

In the intensive care unit,

Olympic champion Yu Kenan recovered from anesthesia.

Lin Feng heard the news and returned to the intensive care unit from the consulting room.

At this time, Yu Kenan had heard the news that the operation was successful, and there were many smiles on his face.

“Thank you Doctor Lin.”

“You’re welcome… In addition, you have to pay attention. Remove the fixed plaster four weeks after the operation and start the elbow joint flexion and extension function connection. For at least three months, you should not go to the table again. If you recover well, you can try it from the fourth month. Playing basketball, with a one-month recovery period, shouldn’t cause much problem!”

Lin Feng solemnly exhorted.

He knows what it means for an Olympic champion to stop training for a few months, especially when preparing for the Olympics.

In fact, Lin Feng speaks conservatively. With his passive aura of “prognosis +100%”, Yu Kenan should recover faster and earlier.

Yu Kenan nodded: “I am not so stupid as to make a joke with my body. Anyway, I have won the Grand Slam. Even if I miss the Olympics, there will be several World Championships in the future.”

Actually, without Lin Feng’s advice, the team doctor of the General Administration of Sports will give enough advice to Kenan.

“The coaching staff means that Yu Kenan will be staying in the Harmony Hospital for observation for the time being. I also ask Dr. Lin Feng to bother!”

The team doctor smiled and said that she was once also a harmonious high-achieving student in the imperial capital.

“You’re welcome……”

at this time,

outside world……

As a table tennis leader, Yu Kenan’s injury also caused an uproar on the Internet.

The official of the Long Guo table tennis team, Bo, revealed in the afternoon that he was expected to participate in this year’s Olympics because of the successful Kenan operation.

Also @上了 Lin Feng’s collar.

Once again, Lin Feng ranked first in the hot search.

the next day,

Lin Feng continues to work and sits for a consultation.

After the rounds, 8:30,

Lin Feng is sitting in consultation room 3…

Turn on the calling machine,

“Huang *wu, please go to Clinic No. 3 for treatment…”

Then Lin Feng saw a young man walking into the office with sweat on his face, clutching his stomach.

“Sit, what’s the situation?”

“Doctor Lin, my stomach hurts now…”

“What a pain? It’s like lightning? Or being hit by a hammer?”

The young man thought for a while: “It’s like being smashed…”

Lin Feng looked at the patient’s age, 28 years old…

It is basically not a cardiopulmonary problem, it should be a gastrointestinal problem.

This disease is very complicated, with dozens of causes and investigations are needed one by one.

“Nauseous, do you want to vomit?”

“A little bit… I vomited…”

“Have a fever?”


After asking a dozen questions,

Start physical examination.

Physical examination results: deep pressure on the right lower abdomen, intermittent dull pain or swelling pain, sometimes severe and light.

This location is probably the kidneys, gallbladder, appendix, colon…

Lin Feng changed several methods: “Gall bladder tenderness test”, “Psoas muscle test”, “Colon inflation test”, “obturator internal muscle test”…

The results are all right.

In the end, it may be “appendicitis.”

“I’ll have 3 inspections, you go and do it…”

“Blood routine examination”, “Urine routine examination”, “Abdominal ultrasound”…


Lin Feng opens an order…

“Okay, doctor.”

After more than an hour,

The young man returned, clutching his stomach,

“Doctor, this is the test result…”

“Let me see.”

Lin Xuan took the checklist and looked at it.

·Blood routine: white blood cells increased by 1 times, neutrophils increased by 1.8 times

·Urine routine: see a small amount of red and white blood cells.

·CT examination: it is found that the appendix is ​​thickened, the surrounding fat is swollen and fuzzy, and appendicitis is suspected

·B-ultrasound: The appendix is ​​swollen like an earthworm, and the lumen is more severely dilated, and dark areas of empyema can be seen in the lumen.

Lin Feng nodded.

To be sure, this is “appendicitis”!

And looking at the B-ultrasound results, it is already considered suppurative appendicitis, which is considered moderately severe.

Surgery must be done.

The young man clutched his stomach in pain: “Doctor, are there any results?”

Lin Feng nodded: “It’s appendicitis. I’ll make an order. Are you going to be admitted to the hospital and undergo surgery? By the way…”

The young man’s face changed and he was shocked: “Huh? Do the operation? No, doctor, I just have a stomachache…”

Lin Feng rolled his eyes: “This is not a common stomach pain, it’s appendicitis…”

Then Lin Feng introduced something like appendicitis…

The young man was still not happy: “Dr. Lin, can I not have surgery? Can I take medicine?”

Do not have surgery, take medicine, this is conservative treatment.

The so-called conservative treatment is non-surgical treatment. As long as there is no surgery, you can take any medicine.

For some people, non-surgical treatment can indeed relieve pain 010, but non-surgical treatment is only suitable for the early stages of simple appendicitis, and the method is to achieve relief through antibiotic treatment.

However, if the condition gets worse, surgery is still needed.

If the appendix has been purulent or gangrene, lose it quickly, it is a malignant tumor.

There are not many advantages and many disadvantages.

Lin Feng analyzed these to young men.

The young man was helpless: “Okay.”

Lin Feng: “Then do you choose laparoscopy or open surgery. The previous one is more expensive but less traumatic…”

The young man cried and begged, “I will choose a smaller wound… Doctor Lin must help me make it more beautiful…”

Lin Feng smiled and didn’t answer.

He will not tell young men that appendicitis surgery is done for interns and Gui Pei students (the superior doctor is present to watch)…

Lin Feng no longer has this operation.

Not far away, a business building.

some company.

Wang Jiali, a white-collar worker, 29 years old, just married for 2 years…

In the past few days, I don’t know why, did she have a faint stomachache, and sometimes even have blood in the stool.

Because she was too ashamed, she didn’t tell her husband.


Her psychology is very similar to that of many patients: I’m fine, it’s just a minor problem.

She thought Shinnin would pass.

At this time, she was at work and suddenly felt a little diarrhea.

Go to the toilet quickly.

When I came to the toilet, I just squatted down, then my stomach hurts, and then I pulled abruptly…


Wang Jiali found out in horror,

A lot of blood broke out directly.

Bright red! !

At this moment, Wang Jiali’s face was pale!

. .

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