Upgrading to LV 6, Reiatsu wanted to upgrade again. The required enhancement points suddenly skyrocketed to 8,000 points. It takes about 67 days to collect.

In contrast, Shunpo, Kidō, and Kendō require a lot less upgrade points.

“Let’s improve other abilities first, especially Shunpo.” Lin Lichuan faintly muttered to oneself.

Shunpo also has derivative skills, if it can be mastered, it will also be a big improvement in strength.

“500 Enhancement Points, you can collect them in just over 4 days.”

After thinking for a moment, Lin Lichuan soon had a plan in his mind, turned off the personal panel, and changed his mind Put it back to another matter.

Since I heard the conversation between the two who killed Lu Gang on the monitoring light screen, and learned that Qianzhong was secretly planning a conspiracy with another mysterious organization, he secretly took care of it and was always on guard. .

However, more than half a month passed, everything was calm, and the other party did not act, which made him quite puzzled.

Thinking about it again and again, Lin Lichuan decided that he still had to make another preparation and disclose the news to Nightsong.

The person who revealed the news is naturally impossible is Lin Zhenyi, but fortunately there is another more suitable person.

Assuming that aunt hadn’t been out for a long time, and according to past habits, he should not come back so quickly. Lin Lichuan quietly left the community, found an unmanned corner, and took out Hollow White’s dedicated phone. Dial Jiang Han’s cellphone number.

“Hollow White!”

As soon as the call was connected, the girl’s surprise voice came from the other side.

“It’s me.”

“Are you okay? I heard Young Lady Meng say that you also went to the scene the night the City Research Institute exploded. It seemed that something terrible happened there. Fight.”

“I’m fine.” Lin Lichuan said, “Meng Xiaotong also went to the scene, didn’t he tell you?”

“She often disappeared after that night silhouette, after the Imperial Army settled in Linyang, he left directly.”

Jiang Han explained, with a hint of joy in his tone.

“By the way, what are you looking for?”

“Can you still contact Meng Xiaotong now?”

“Can it be.. …. But what do you want to do with her?” Jiang Han’s tone suddenly became a little weird, and he reacted after speaking and quickly said, “Hug, sorry, I didn’t mean to ask you… ..”

Lin Lichuan interrupted her directly: “I just have something to confirm with her.”

“Well, well, then I will send her cellphone number Here you are.”

“Thank you.”

Lin Lichuan hung up the call. After a few seconds, a text message was received on the cellphone, which was exactly a cellphone number.

He called immediately.

After a beeping sound, the call was quickly connected, and Meng Xiaotong’s unique lively jump voice came from the other end.

“Hey, who is it?”

“I am Hollow White.”

“Hollow White!” Meng Xiaotong was obviously surprised, “You How do I know my cellphone number… Ah, Jiang Han told you.”

Lin Lichuan un’ed, went straight to the subject and said: “Do you know that people from Qianzhong are here in Linyang City? “

hearing this, Meng Xiaotong immediately startled, surprisedly said: “People from Qianzhong? Aren’t they in Ning’an City? Why are they in Linyang?”

” This is exactly what I want to know.”

“Is the source of the news reliable?” Meng Xiaotong paused, his tone of voice could not help but bring a hint of solemnity.

“I can guarantee the authenticity. In addition, there are two people who showed up, one of them is Qianzhong, most likely Gold Rank Transcendent, and the identity of the other is unknown, but I expected If yes, it should be Transcendent Influence from Qianyuan Trade Union.”

Meng Xiaotong immediately said decisively: “That must be from the Special Affairs Division. At this point in time, he will Only those business hounds are colluding with the remnants of Qianzhong.”

“Special Affairs Division?” Lin Lichuan’s heart moved.

“That is the official transcendent organization of Qianyuan Trade Union, which is roughly equivalent to the Special Control Committee of the White Crown Federation and the Secret Police Division of the Empire.” Meng Xiaotong explained, “In short, this information is very important. Thank you, Nightsong will write down this favor.”

Lin Lichuan said: “You’re welcome, it’s your last favor.”

“Eh, isn’t it, I Waiting for you to tell me a few more questions, no, no, this favor should be returned to you by Nightsong, but it can’t be counted on me.” Meng Xiaotong immediately became anxious.

Lin Lichuan was amused for a while, and thought about it for a while and said: “Well then, I just have something to ask you, even if it is the reward for this information.”

“That No problem, what do you want to ask?” Meng Xiaotong readily agreed.

“Is there something hidden behind the war between Qianzhong and Nightsong? For example, is it related to the recent war?” Lin Lichuan took the opportunity to ask his doubts.

On the other side of the phone, Meng Xiaotong was silent for a while, and then he said: “How much do you understood?”

“Almost none, but I think both of them are unfathomable in many places. Mystery is a coincidence, so I vaguely feel that there may be some connection between them.”

“You feel quite sharp…” Meng Xiaotong muttered and hesitated. He said, “Forget it, since the war is over anyway, this matter will soon be no secret. It doesn’t matter if you know it.”

“In fact, there is a deep relationship between the two. Contact.”

Meng Xiaotong first admitted Lin Lichuan’s speculation, and then asked another question.

“You should have known the situation of White Crown Federation in the international arena?”

“Know some.” Lin Lichuan said.

As a second-rate country sandwiched between Qianyuan and Tania, White Crown Federation has always been suppressed and exploited by two great powers. This is no secret to the outside world, even among the general public. Many people know.

It seems that Lin Lichuan’s thoughts have been guessed, Meng Xiaotong said in a condensed voice: “In fact, it is much more serious than you think. The White Crown Federation has been infiltrated by Qianyuan and Tania a long time ago. Whether in parliament or in the military, a large number of officials were bought by two great powers or bribes, or threatened to control them, and became their puppets. Almost 80% of the upper echelons of the entire country are controlled by two great powers. It is said that White Crown Federation was no longer an independent country at that time. If it weren’t for Qianyuan and Tania still playing games and confrontations in secret, White Crown Federation would have been publicly annexed.”

Lin Lichuan heard it. I was shocked, but did not interrupt, but continued to listen intently.

“The confrontation lasted for more than ten years. In the end, Tania and Qianyuan couldn’t stand it any longer, so after discussion, the two sides decided to use a secret war to determine the ownership of their interests.”

Hearing this, Lin Lichuan suddenly came across.

“So, that war refers to the war between Qianzhong and Nightsong?”

“Yes, Nightsong and Qianzhong are actually Tania and Qianyuan in the federation long ago The Transcendent Influence, which secretly supports the development, is aimed at combating the hostile Transcendent Influence.”

“You can also see the result later. Nightsong defeated Qianzhong, so Tania Empire grabbed the bulk of the cake and took it. Nearly 80% of the territory of the Federation.”

Lin Lichuan took a breath and finally understood why the White Crown Federation had been so passive when faced with the attacks of Tania Empire and Qianyuan Trade Union. I have long known the ultimate fate of the federation. The so-called resistance is just to show that’s all to the general public.

“In other words, the members of Nightsong are actually imperial citizens.”

“All core members are, but in order to facilitate operations, we have fake citizenships in the Federation. “Meng Xiaotong replied casually.

Lin Lichuan hearing this frowned slightly.

putting it that way, aunt is actually an imperial citizen.

What about him?

Is it a federal citizen or an imperial citizen.

What about the dead parents? Which country’s citizens are they, and what’s more, are his parents ordinary people, or are they actually the Transcendent of the Empire, who sneaked into the Federation to form Nightsong under the command of the Empire more than ten years ago?

Lin Lichuan had a lot of doubts in his heart for an instant, and suddenly felt that his life experience suddenly became confusing.

It only lasted a few seconds before he recovered his calmness and dispelled all doubts from his mind.

In the final analysis, his life experience does not matter to him as a transmigrator.

Like the surrender of the White Crown Federation, he doesn’t at all feel too much, whether it is a federal citizen or an imperial citizen, it doesn’t matter to him, as for whether his parents are Transcendent or not.

After all, he has already stepped into the transcendent circle.

As his thoughts flew, Lin Lichuan’s mood quickly recovered.

Meng Xiaotong on the other side of the cellphone seems to be waiting for him to digest the information, and after a long time, he continues: “So Qianzhong and Special Affairs Division are actually the same thing. They will get together. It’s not surprising, it’s just that the people of Qianzhong escaped our organization’s pursuit and surveillance, and suddenly appeared in Linyang City, which is surprising.”

Speaking of this, Meng Xiaotong seemed to think of something. Suddenly asked: “Did you see the appearance of the two?”

“Of course.”

Lin Lichuan described the appearance of the two in detail.

When he finished describing the appearance of the Qianzhong man, Meng Xiaotong’s low voice immediately rang from the other side, and his voice was full of shock.

“Ruan Zhou!”

“Who is he?” Lin Lichuan asked immediately.

“Leader of Qianzhong.” Meng Xiaotong clenched his silver teeth, secretly surprised and angry in his heart.

What are the people of Azure Wolf Team doing, let the Leader of Qianzhong escape from the encirclement without even knowing it.

No, this news must be reported to Captain immediately.

The Qianzhong Leader and the people from the Special Affairs Division gathered together secretly, without thinking or knowing what they must be conspiring.

Thinking about this, Meng Xiaotong immediately said: “I have something to do, hang up first, thank you for your information!”

After all, without waiting for Lin Lichuan’s response, Hung up the phone in a hurry.

Lin Lichuan frowned and looked at the cellphone screen, with a thoughtful expression flashing on his face.

Not long after, another cellphone vibrated suddenly, and when I picked it up, it was Lin Zhenyi’s text message, saying that there was something tonight and he wouldn’t go back, so he didn’t have to wait for himself.

“It seems that the situation is more serious than I thought.”

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