"You're a good cook for nothing..."

"Normally, you don't eat warm meals like this."

Nick smiles a little proud of Willie and Marcus for their praise.

"Really? There was a lot of carnivores at the party."

"Look, the sisters there are both obsessed with eating."

When Marcus saw who showed, he was eating a labyrinth chicken made by Nick silently, along with Swissen and Karan and his sisters.

"... what the hell"

"It's good because it's delicious lo...... Speaking of which, why not tomatoes, Da?

Both Karan and Swissen look at Marcus, to say the least, but they didn't stop eating.

By the way, the main ingredient in today's labyrinth chicken is meat, based on ginger and spices, not dried tomatoes.

"The more you go on the mountain, the colder it gets. I still don't feel that much right now, but I think it's better to have food that warms up like this than something that cools your body."

Heh, while everyone leaked the exclamation that we all pounded Nick's cooking.

"Oh, hey! Why are you guys having lunch?

"It's not lunch. Noon is still ahead. You know, brunch."

"Here, Mr. Tiana. It's not too absurd."

Tiana and Verrocchio mixed in such a circle of meals.

"Brunch is a meal for lunch and morning... you had a good breakfast."

"When climbing a mountain, the trick is to take a short break. It wears off without even being aware of it. Eat, too. Yeah, we've got Velochio's share."

"Oh, excuse me. Then I'll take it."

They both seemed hungry and instantly flattened the vessel Nick offered them with a pepper. Verrocchio sometimes mocks himself as if he were old, but such a bare gesture was a healthy one that didn't even make him feel fine dust.

"... So, I ask you again, are we done?

"Yeah, it's all right."

Tiana nods with a full grin.

"I'm sorry. Thank you. When the conversation got exciting, I was obsessed."

"Well, it's very helpful."

"So, Mr. Nick. Which route are you going to choose?

"Is that good?

Nick asked back in surprise.

I'm pretty sure Tiana stabbed Daggerwolf in the stop, but all of a sudden it happened when he broke in during the fight. It's not strange to get complaints.

"I don't mind. How about you guys?

"I don't mind. It's true we're late."

"Don't be shy."

Willie and Marcus, who were told the story, don't even seem attentive like this.

"How about Mr. Swissen?

"I don't mind if Mr. Bellocchio says so."

Even as he sent a slightly thorny gaze, Swissen nodded.

"So go ahead. I can somehow guess where I'm going to choose."

"Oh. We..."

Nick stood up and pointed to a certain path.

"Choose the Route of the Wheel of War"

"I guess."

Verrocchio smiles.

"What would be the bullet of that magic bow would be the image of a battle wheel. Collect as many arrows as you can here and proceed with the attack. That would be a good idea."

"That's all. Where do you pick that one?

Nick replies to the praise for the bad mix.

"It's a long spear."

"Isn't that a long sword...?

"It means you're not the only ones with hidden balls. So it's time for us to get serious, too? I was going to give it a rest until the next route, but it seems I'm no longer in a position to be out of hand either."

To Verrocchio's words, all [Wanderers] laughed.

Tiana has previously heard the phrase "This was a garden" directly from Verrocchio. In that sense, nervousness ran to everyone in [Survivor], knowing that Verrocchio's main office would finally be unleashed.

"Shall we go with the fight in earnest?"

As always, the sight continues to be unintelligible.

What [Survivor] is going on now is a mountain path that is large enough that there is no problem with the carriage being different. Its left and right are surrounded by trees. And at the root of the tree, a blade glowing in silver grew like wild grass and mushrooms.


"Your smile."

"Oh, my God. Excuse me!

Tiana ripped one of them off and set it on her proud guide bow. The ringing inorganic sound of a squeaky and complex mechanism is a symbol of power.

Bowguns and crossbows can use pulley mechanisms and the like to unleash powerful arrows and bullets even in people with weak powers. It is a valuable ranged weapon for humans who cannot use magic because it is strictly forbidden by the state to use oil or gunpowder other than magic as a weapon. It's easier to remember than a bow and arrow if you just use it.

"Because guns are not allowed on this continent. It's very comforting."

"Gun? Oh, was that a big old weapon?"

"Mm-hmm. It's not a magic fire, it's a weapon that explodes with gunpowder and shoots out lead bullets."

"Whoa, whoa."

"Because natural fire is hard to extinguish. If it's a magic fire, if it loses its magic power, it goes away, and if it's a magic water, it's easy to put it out, but natural fires are easy to burn and troublesome."

Fires that have no magic power at all are called natural or natural fires. Regardless of the extent to which you light a little and get warm, it is not much recommended to use it to keep the firewood burning for 24 hours of full operation. Demonic props were recommended for use in aristocratic mansions and castles, such as cooking grounds and winter heating.

"Don't chat, I'm here!

From the bush in the back, the Lesser Augs show up and kill to [Survivor]. I had a battle wheel in my hand. The distance is still far away, and I don't think he's going to throw it at me. But that's the only distance you can't reach. Enough range for Tiana.

"Whoa! Shoot me!

Along with Nick's voice, Tiana stepped forward and pulled the trigger.

And a fast spinning battle wheel is launched, making a creepy wind-cut noise and hitting the Lesser Aug.



He gets shot out and goes straight for a while, but when he reaches some distance, it takes a curve. Because rotation affects it. As a result, it is difficult to read what kind of orbit it subtly takes. Fast bullet speed again in the first place. Having eaten a decent battle wheel attack shortly after defending himself, Lesser Auga collapsed on the spot, injuring both of them by a bounce. But more than that, it was cowardice that disadvantaged Lesser Aug.

"Let's go, Karan! Kizna!"


"Leave it to me!

There the Nicks arrive, slaughtered by the frightened Lesser Augs. It was no longer a first hand and the formation was completely decided. Nick gently manipulates the battle wheel like a knife to cleave the Lesser Aug. And with the momentum of whether Karan would beat him anymore, he slapped him with a battle wheel, plus Kizna definitely stabbed him to a stop.

"Oh, you didn't even have time to shoot the next bullet."

"That's the challenge. The next bullet is gonna take a long time."

"If I had at least two cars, I could help load them."

Squirting as Zem checks everyone for injuries.

To the words of Zem, Tiana shrugged her shoulders.

"I made it through piercing... I can't have two on a boulder."

"But just having ranged attacks doesn't change things considerably. Fast paced, too."

Nick can flatter his face, but Tiana had an imaginary face somewhere.

"I hope so."

"You got something?

"You don't know what your master is going to do... I'd like to hurry up."

"That's right... but I could still think of what they'd do over there. It's time for the mountain belly. I need to take more breaks."

"Mm-hmm. Given the altitude, it's not a good idea to put in a break"

To Nick's words, Kizna nodded as she agreed.

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