Ghost demons are all highly intelligent.

Many individuals can understand the language quite well, but that is not all. It's a demon who understands the finesse of mass warfare, understands and exploits the advantages of weapons, and is intelligent and similar to humans, not just in appearance and form. Nearly ten hordes of hobgoblins caught Nicks with their eyes and began to take a circular motion that encircled them. I guess we're going to block the exit and make sure we finish it off.

"That's a lot of numbers, make it a pain in the ass...... Zem!

"I'm going...... Rigidity!

Nick, who received fortified magic from Zem, slipped between Hobgoblin and Hobgoblin.


Nick was diving into the siege net in a motionless motion that seemed as if it were Kasumi. When I thought I judged with my hand the whipped dagger of a wandering hobgoblin, Hobgoblin's body was twirling up and down the opposite. Nick was grabbing and lifting his ankle with a smooth body twitch and reinforced arm strength. And other hobgoblins surprised by the sight became the underlings of goblins thrown at Nick.

"I'll look around, Nah!

Karan didn't miss the upset that went across the herd.

Momentum of fury instantly kicks the hobgoblins away.

There was no problem at all whether a lot of them were opponents.

"All right, let's move on...... Tiana! If we make it through here, it's a rendezvous point, we'll give up and move on."

"Hey, wait a minute...!

"No! Try it on the next route!

Nick pulls Tiana's hand without question and moves on.

That footprint was never too late, but it wasn't even fast. When I was in [Martial Arts Hundreds] as Nick's physical sense, it took about 50% more time.

"But Mr. Nick. Killing the boss inside the rendezvous point is something the other team would have to do to prevent this one from wearing out, isn't it?

"No... Daggerwolf is not a big threat in our ranks. I think it's worse not being able to choose the next route. There's obviously a clam route over there."


"The Long Sword."

The route from the third to the sixth is divided into three parts.

One is' The Long Sword '.

This is the most orthodox of the three routes, though the road is clear.

A monster smaller than Auga, Lesser Auga, strikes with a long sword in his hand. But it doesn't have any more features, and it doesn't make any strange attacks. The journey was relatively flat and the accident was the first unlikely route. Most adventurers choose this route.

Next, 'Long Spear'.

This is a slightly troublesome route. There are lesser augs with spears, but that number is small and therefore not a great threat. But there are other special demons. It's a snail named Demon Bullet Lu Shellfish. It has the characteristic of preying on native spears and generating its own shell. The outer shell is therefore very hard.

But that's only a secondary threat. The most horrible thing was to accumulate impurities in their shells, and to form them into a shape like a claw and fire them at the outside enemy. You can knock them out as soon as you get close and whisk the shell, but it's hard work to knock them out from a distance. And you have to scratch that bullet to get close.

"Oh. First of all, I wouldn't choose 'Long Spear'... because it's impossible to choose 'Wheel of War' first."

And the last route is Wheel of War.

It is a ring-shaped throwing weapon, also known as Chakram.

No one can handle this well. There should be demons born here and basically an instinct to handle weapons, but I can't even say that Lesser Aug is proficient. More Lesser Augs hold the handle on the inside and use it as a close range weapon than throw it and use it. Other than that, there is no such feature as this, which is less threatening than the long sword or long spear route.

But people who step in here also have to use the battle wheel, and in the end, the proficiency of the battle wheel remains the tactical difficulty of this route. Something even says it's a route for maniacs.

"Chakram, it's so much fun to use."

"I thought that was just Nick..."

Tiana smiles invincibly.

"I'd like to give it a try, too."

"Make sure you can use your Special Attack first. If we can't do that, we'll have to choose a safe route."

"I know!

[Survivor] reached the rendezvous point while in conversation with others.

The sound of a sword strike echoes.

Apparently, [Wanderer] hadn't finished Daggerwolf, the middle boss, yet. Nick and Tiana both try to breathe relief......

"... you're being licked. What the hell"

"Ah, already!

I felt angry when I saw them at my leisure.

"Mr. Willie, you are not originally avant-garde, be careful! Mr. Marcus, follow me!


"I'll take care of it! Now!"

[Wanderer] was fighting Daggerwolf. A wolf as big as a tiger is waving a dagger at his mouth, and he is attacking [Wanderer] with a handsome move. But Verrocchio had skipped the instructions, Willie and Marcus had followed them like limbs, perfectly undoing Daggerwolf's attack.

Marcus stands around skilled. Without being flirted with by Daggerwolf's speed, he avoided the attack with minimal movement, thought he'd picked it up on the way and held it in axe.

The odd thing is Willie the Mage. I haven't gotten used to standing around like Marcus the Warrior, but the axe blow was unusual.

"Let's go... Wind Pressure Sword!

The moment Willie's axe blow hit Daggerwolf, something to say, even pressure, ran into Daggerwolf's body. Willie should be obviously lighter, but the giant Daggerwolf is being bounced off.

"Similar to Fire Dragon Slash Le"

"You sure do. What the...?

To Karan's surprised voice, whine as Nick agrees.

"He... taught" The Magic Sword "...?

"Magic Sword?

It was Tiana who answered Nick's question.

"It's a technique that turns a weapon into a magic activator like a cane... Instead of flying sorcery off the tip, let it work in the moment of attack. It's hard instead of powerful, and it's supposed to be pretty high-tech..."

Tiana twists her neck.

But as a matter of reality, Willie was using the technology.

"Okay, now!

With the voice of Bellocchio, the Swiss sen who had refrained behind it popped up.

He wraps strange blue things around his body.

That's not just a matter of appearance.

It probably brings tremendous agility and strength.



Because even a small hand axe can jump Daggerwolf's forefoot.

Daggerwolf growls bitterly.

There was no longer any doubt about [Wanderer] 's victory.

"Verrocchio is totally thorough in directing. I don't think you're simply keeping your health warm. He had Daggerwolf defeated while training..."

"Wait here, Ta. That's what this is about, Na?

Karan groans in dissatisfaction, Nick nods. Maybe it's a sign of intent that you're not going to decide to compete here, but I'm sure you can afford a lot. Shit, Tiana gave a bright voice out of the way when Nick thought.

"... I see, I get it!

"Tiana, did you find out what that was?

"I don't know."


Nick sounds blurry, but Tiana ignores it and begins to squirm the dagger she picks up with her hands.

"That's not what I figured out. It's a way to use magic in this labyrinth."

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