"So... you're not the guy who got the money and just wrote the paperwork, Ka?

Karan answered Nick's question.

And Hector snorts.

"You're right, I was actually being investigated by the Knights. He wrote a book for 100,000 dinars for gold."

"... is that really all?

"Oh, my God, Nick. Is that where you get caught, too?

"You can write as many as you want if you serve the money. You can largely tell if you stick with the adventurers around 'Fishermen' around the poor aristocracy. But I don't even think that someone who plans to disappear as painfully as possible without leaving any evidence and doesn't want to interact closely with someone can quickly find a 'nobleman who writes letters of recommendation and yet doesn't do extra imitations'. The more you know about adventurers, the more blind they'll be."

"Really? Surprisingly, there's a second boy, a third boy."

"'Don't imitate extra' would be conditional there. A guy crossing a dangerous bridge, like Carios, trying to use the first person he's eating up?

To that explanation, Hector's face, which was half the story, becomes serious.

"... well, I don't really want to use it. There will be a lot of bastards out there looking under their feet for more rewards, lousy blackmail, and stumbling around earning change. The quickest way to talk is to rely on the collaborators of the fraud itself from the start"

"Hey Hector. Don't you think it's worth a little more research on the guy who put out the recommendation?

"Well, I got the story. But, Nick."


"All of it, I'm guessing you've come up with now."

"It's your job to make sure of that."

"Work means you can make a request, right?

Hector glances at Karan.

"How much money do you usually hang, Le?

"I can't say anything... No, wait. If you find anything interesting, you can get a reward from Baba in Vilma."

"You're gonna double it."

Seeing Nick look blatantly unpleasant, Hector grins this again unpleasantly.

"Don't worry, I won't take it from you two. It's just that Baba was the one who asked for it first. I'll tell you first when I get a good result, and then I'll flaunt you guys, too. If you are reluctant to reward me there, help me with the necessary expenses. When the investigation is likely to take money and time, quote in advance. How about that place?

"Un. Help or Le"

Negotiations are in place.

Hector asked Karan to shake his hand.

Karan grips it back, too.

With strange emotions, Nick was watching the sight.

The sun was completely down.

But there are still plenty of people. Anyway, in the winter, in the summer everyone and he all work and flourish. People also gather in nature and in the platforms of the night. Nick and Karan were on their way home from buying and eating in the street at night. Bake eight, that's the dish. An octopus-bearing octopus-like creature named Eight Legs, trapped in flour dissolved in water and cooked round. Eight legs is a specialty that can be picked in the nearby ocean, and because of its strong vitality, it can be transported alive without having to freeze like other blue fish. In the labyrinth city, it was a familiar sea blessing that could be enjoyed from the poor to the noble.

"It's delicious to soak it up with soup and eat it with cheese."

"Good, Lo. Recently, a stall with a hammer started."


"Don't burn me, yo."

Pretending and Karan smiled.

"... you suddenly look like an adult"


To Nick's sudden words, Karan turned away.

"Oh, hey, you okay?"

"Heh, because I say weird things Lo! Ya......"

Karan swallows the eight remaining roasts in his mouth and prepares his breath.

And asked Auntie and Nick.

"... where do you look like an adult, da?

"Would you have settled down and wrapped up the conversation with a lousy guy like Hector? Besides, I didn't get angry when they told me my identity at the encounter"

"Oh, what da..."

In Nick's answer, Karan sighed a little disappointed, relieved.

"No, I'm not lying. Is it hard to tell if it's you?

"No, not like that... um... what can I say na..."

Karan puts his hand on his chin and thinks in.

And I started talking to Pompous around the thought of words to say.

"Humans don't have tails, Lo."


"Don't move your ears too much either, Yi"

I'm just gonna move a little bit.

"Yeah, what da?... no, not te"

Apologize to Karan with a frightened face, Nick laughing innocently.

"Bad, bad. So, what's the story going on?

"Hey cheat na"

"Are you sloppy?"

"'Cause I'm happy or sad, I'm prone to delusion, Lo"

"That's right, but if you don't have long ears, you don't hear distant sounds, and a race with no tail doesn't have a better sense of balance."

"Nick has a better sense of balance than the cat people in that area or something, Lo. Normally you can stand upside down with your fingers or something."

"That's a gift of training."

Nick smiles proudly.

But Karan nodded honestly to Nick's pride.

"Unh, I trained you, Da. So I stopped thinking it was sloppy and changed my mind."

"How do you think? What do you mean?

"I've imagined how it would work if this guy in front of me had ears or tails or something. I was thinking about that, and I was thinking about it, and I forgot to get mad at you."

Nick felt a hint at Karan's words.

That is not disgust or repentance.

It was something more, with respect.

"... how did Hector's ears and tail move?

"The hunt is failing and recessed, but the tail of someone who's deluding it. I'm trying to pinch it, but the tip says hey, Le."

"Oh, my God, that's so cute for nothing"

"He knows about Nick and the eagle. It's just lo. But I didn't help Nick, and I failed to look into Carios."

"Sure you do."

"Maybe... you felt a little bad about the pieces, Na. I really wanted to do something, but I couldn't do anything, like na"

Karan puts his hand on his chin and thinks in.

"I don't know if he's such a special winner..."

But it's never an off-target prediction.

Nick was aware of that. There may be mistakes in the branched part, but Nick thinks it's probably Jesus when he says if something like that works in the unconscious part of Hector. Nick was occasionally whining to Hector about the stupidity of [Martial Arts Hundreds]. And Hector, the literary temperament, was agreeing with Nick what he thought. If you find out about Nick being kicked out of the party, you have more sympathy for Nick than any other member of [Martial Arts Hundreds]. And I might have plotted to sell Nick a favor. If there was an exceptional element there, it would be that Nick had formed a party at an unexpected rate to relaunch it.

"... then I'll get him to work."

"Yes, Na."

"I want to ask you one more thing..."

"What da?

How does my tail work?

Those words came out of my mouth.

But I could pull in when I saw Karan walking around the city at night looking like he was having fun. I stick my face in a stall lined up in the street and look for something that looks delicious. A moment of adult expression hissed, and innocence like a girl was there.


Nick's mind, who was talking to Hector at that time, was upset by what happened to [Martial Arts Hundreds]. And hid the upset. Even Hector's heart could have seemed promising to Karan today, such as his own.

"N? Weird no"

But how about just because this guy spotted me?

Karan is Karan.

We are friends who have exposed an embarrassing past, and now we are.

Accepting that it was known, Nick felt like it was something important.

"You're more thirsty than that. Let's get you something to drink."


And they walk slowly down the street at night.

The summer festival is nearby and I see signs that the street at night was already floating somewhere.

Somewhere far away, the sound of singing and dancing practice echoed in Nick's ears.

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