"You're in a bad mood."

"I'm not in a bad mood!... Well, I'm a little angry that it was slow to explain."

Tiana was still buzzing after attacking Firebird Peak and returning to the Adventurer Guild Fishermen. To shake off the heat and fatigue, he puts magically made ice into a jock and drinks diluted wine. Nick could fool Tiana like a bad one, but Tiana didn't give it a shot.

"So next time we'll have a more suitable labyrinth for us..."

"Right. Attack where it suits you. That's not wrong. But it's not even right."

Tiana, while grumpy, had some pitiful eyes.

"What do you mean?

"It's also important to choose where you can attack according to your current strength and direction. I did say that on that occasion. But it's a different matter of staying that way."

"Mmm... sure"

Let's avoid this labyrinth because it's difficult. That's an important idea. But if the inevitable path awaits, it has to be overcome at all costs. It is important to make solid money so that you don't lose your life, but it is also the adventurer who does the adventure. The paradoxical consequence of losing adventure and being spoiled by the status quo is awaiting even the status quo is difficult. Tiana instinctively guessed it, although her career as an adventurer was short.

"But what are we gonna do? There's a lot of fire magic over there, and a lot of flying demons..."

"It's not like there's no way. The wider the boundary, the weaker the effect. The narrower the bond, the stronger the effect."

"I mean, tighten a narrow line?



So Nick saw Kizna.

Kizna grins slightly and stretches her chest.

"I knew I was the one who could count on you. It would have been easier if you had relied on me."

"No, you're actually right. Give me objective comments on that."

"You're embarrassing me when you say that in the face."

I coughed with Ohon so that Kizna could delude herself blushing.

"There's no way that Nick/Tiana would break that line and activate the ice magic." No, doesn't that greatly weaken you when you involve the firebirds in this junction in the first place? It's like twisting a baby's hand. "

"So is that."

"I know that. If I can improve that to the point where I can use it on my own, I'll have more firebird peaks... or other labyrinths to work with."

"... can you?

"It's not impossible...... it's very hard though. However, if you're a leading magician, you have to turn it upside down to a slight topographical disadvantage. Instead, it's magic you can count on."

"You're right it's okay to raise your strength."

"Nick, you're absolutely right to prep like you to make the winning strengths certain. But I don't know when or where there are unexpected events. In order to do that, you need to have as much of a back hand as you can flip the unfavourable plate surface."

"But isn't that when the Combination comes?

"So could it have been an immediate merger in the meantime?

"... you'd be dead if the timing wasn't right then"

Nick was more like... Everyone remembered when he was attacked by a white mask. The result took the form of a complete white mask, but that was only with Olivia's help. If the gear had been just a little off, it wouldn't have been strange if they'd all been dead by now.

"... what Tiana says, it's the right thing to do"

Karan put his arms together and nodded with a serious face.

"If you're just going to adventure normally, stay right where you are. But... the eagle has grown stronger Yi. It's like a white mask, and you can't even buy time."

"It's not a good rush, though. I don't suppose you can be strong all of a sudden."

"That's right, but I don't want Nick to tell me. I"


Nick had acquired new technology in recent times at an unexpected rate. It's a stepping stone. It reaches the point where it can be used in action in such a short period of time as fostering cultivation. It was also natural in some ways for Karan to send a tight gaze.

"What do you think of Zem?

Nick asks Zem to escape his gaze.

Well, Zem answered, beating the gavel for a beat.

"I'm not wrong, but I'm not in too much of a hurry, you know. Why not set specific goals and directions before challenging the grump to work out, etc?

"I see."

"I think it would be better if you had an easy-to-understand goal, such as when to master what. And you'll need something like a training plan to figure out how you should master it after you set your goals. Mr. Nick was fortunate to meet someone who happens to be his master. If you want to remember something, you might want to find the way ahead."

To Zem's words, both Tiana and Karan began to worry with similar faces.

"Sorcerers get stuck in our research, so it's hard not to disciple anywhere..."

"There aren't that many dragon warriors either si..."

"Sorcery will be an institute or a genre, but the Dragon Nation doesn't even know me from the boulders... You know, the kind of guy I think I know around... about Olivia."

"Well, he's like a living creature."

Nick remained a sinister face as he nodded at Zem's words.

"But he's gone somewhere, hasn't he? You're not here when it's important."

Everyone nods yeah, yeah, to Nick's blur. Though helped by something, Olivia still has countless secrets and mysteries. It wasn't a relationship that I could honestly trust.

"Anyway, we're strong enough. I think I can be an adventurer who is said to be advanced or something. But I also don't think it's a good idea not to do anything, given the crisis that might come in the future. Even if you have the strength to stably attack the labyrinth, don't forget your weakness."



At that time, two voices echoed from the direction of the unawares.

The first voice is an elderly crouched voice, while at the same time being a loud voice.

Everyone around me is surprised to see the Lord of their voices.

"So, who?

Nick turns around. There were men and women lined up. If you're a man, you look older than middle-aged or younger. Silver hair on light dark skin. He has a cane and wraps around an old-fashioned robe. His eyes are sharp and his feet are clear. It's too solid for a 'Fishermen' mid-level adventurer.

And the other was a dragon woman. Both arms were covered in scales, but they emitted a blue, lustrous glow as opposed to Karan. The hair is also the same blue as the scales, with long, loosely wavy hair tied together with a net string. Not as good as the man next door, but somewhat stylish.

"Be, Master Bellocchio……!?"

"Hey sister...!?"

Tiana and Karan muttered their names and stared at the two.

Seven men and women sit at the table in 'Fishermen' with serious faces.

[Survivor] Five of them and two men and women who have just suddenly arrived.

The man was Tiana's, the woman seemed to know Karan, but neither Tiana nor Karan were strangely nervous to try to speak up. Nick thought about getting rid of it for a moment, but that prompted the two of them to hang it in their chairs because they felt it was going to be strange.

"... From what I've seen, I seem to know our people, what can I do for you?

When Nick looked at the man as if he couldn't do it, the man answered Nick with a smile on his face.

"Yes. Oh, you don't have to be afraid. I'm just an adventurer."


He is a man with an aristocratic and elegant attitude at the same time as being a magician's appearance. Nick was not sure if he should behave to the nobility, but if he was named an adventurer, he would have to be treated as an adventurer. Nick switches his head between atrophy and madness.

But Tiana looked like she was in the middle of a whole mess. I am frightened by every man's actions and I am cold sweating.

"Apologize first. I suddenly broke in during the conversation and excused myself. May I introduce myself again?


"I'm Verocchio. I was teaching at the magic school in Wangdu, but I quit because of everything. Now we're on a journey to spread the word."

Wang Du's School of Magic, Nick guessed the situation the moment the name came up.

I'm Tiana's teacher.

Or maybe it's a more intimate, teacher-disciple-like relationship.

Tiana is getting more and more upset by Verrocchio's words, but he dared to pretend he didn't notice, and Verrocchio continued to talk pale.

"As you can see, I'm a little bit of a sorcerer. I was furthest from the front line and I've been teaching people for a longer time. So..."

As the old man glanced at the dragon tribe woman next door, the woman nodded small and opened her mouth.

"I'm Swissen. There..."

A woman named Suissen sends a harsh gaze to Karan.

If you noticed, Karan looked terribly evil, just like Tiana.

"Karan's sister."


Everyone in [Survivor] but Karan raised their voices and were surprised.

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