"What's wrong with this, Da?

"You seem troubled."

Early in the morning, Karan looked surprised to see how Nick was doing when he visited Nick's room at the Rent Inn.

Nick, who was called this, was now upside down.

Plus, with one index finger.


Karan rolled out a very light knife on Nick's flank.

"Whoa!? You'd be surprised though!

I flipped myself and landed where Nick was about to fall.

"That, use magic, Le. sloppy zo"

"Still, it's hard to balance with just your fingers. Ada told me about it as a training method."

"But I've been training like this all morning. Rare y. There are always lots of light runs and barebacks ta"

"Uh... listen, I'm just curious."

So Nick told Karan in disguise of what Olivia told him.

About Olivia's identity, about the demon god, and finally, about leaving meaningful words behind to travel. Karan was listening with his eyes round, just like Nick, but decided there was no story to figure it out right now and regained his composure.

"... so for some reason Olivia came up with the name of my old nest genre"

"[Martial Arts Hundreds], was that the name of the party, Lo?

"That's right. It's also the name of the genre."

"Olivia lives a long time, and you weren't involved in the martial arts in general as a genre, Ca? I mean."

"You mean?

"If you're curious, to the party before that..."

Karan could pull in the phrase "why don't you just ask" that goes on from there. Because Nick looked terribly complicated.

"No... um... that's awkward"

"... so is that, Na"

"It's like you've been broken in the first place. I'll try to train you. So far, Ada's been teaching me a lot."

"Un. Be a brave man with that momentum, good yi"

"Brave man..."

Karan looks at it with strangely exciting eyes.

"Will we save the world together if we have time?"


"I need to get my job done before then. Any luck with that?

"Perfect. I also decided on a souvenir, Zo"

Seeing how it was, Kizna twisted her neck.

"What, are you two going this way?

"Oh. I think it'll be over in the morning... for a little visit"

Kizna seemed to have guessed the whole place by the word visit.

I'm snorting.

"He's a very well looked after man. Sometimes you have to ask a man to get caught."

"Well, yeah... I told you I'd be back."

"Ma, good good. Brave men don't start with such authentic good deeds. If I get pryed, I'll leave a message while I'm reading a book."

"Boil and crush the sweet potatoes of the south and simmer m while mixing butter, cow's milk, sugar,. After that, add dried fruit or nuts and cook carefully in the oven. Potatoes tend to be seen lightly, but I'm not ashamed to say where I served them if I cooked them properly."

"... that's a lot of classy confectionery. Well, not bad."

"If it's about five days, I'll have sunshine. I have a good stomach, so I can take it on an adventure. Zo"

"Adventure hey...... don't give me any trouble. I'm the best person in the city."

While I yawned all the time that Leon was uninterested, I reached for the sweets offered.

This is the Knights of the Sun detention facility. This brings me to my third visit.

"Well, you're not here to give me souvenirs."

"Promise fulfilled"

Leon glanced at Nick's frank words.

After a lot of silence,

"... well, that helps"

And I muttered quietly.

"Don't you have to check?"

"I don't care if you're the type to lie good in here. Then I guess not, you are. And even if I can't read your face, the lady behind you can."

Karan was annoyed by the words, but soon realized his expression and squeezed his face tight. I guess I realized that I could see things like this easily.

"... easy to read ka"

"No, you're not."


"You, I would have tried to pull in angry feelings. That's probably not the right way for you. Kill the guy in front of you just in your head or figure out a way to kill him...... Or you think you're going to set a trap that's going to shake you weak and let you get on with it and let your mouth slide? Let your emotions dissipate in a different way from your facial expressions and body movements. Look, controlling emotions is not about patience. It means you decide in what direction to spit out your emotions. Especially a race whose emotions are not just in their faces, but in their tails and ears."

Karan stared at Leon with his honest eyes to see if there was anything to feel in Leon's words.

"Why would you say that?

"Thank you for the sweets. I'll take care of it myself."

"... Understood"

But on the other hand, Nick looked a little frightened.

"Can you talk about people?"

"The trick to living in a place like this is to put yourself on the shelf. Say goodbye in a little while."


"You didn't hear that from Red? The trial will officially begin next week. Regardless of how long it's going to be, I'm sure it's going to be pig boxed."

Contrary to that word, Leon didn't look so grieved.

"Is there any hope of plugging in"

"Right...... good book. Good adventure novel."

"You, do you read books? Surprise... No, no surprise."

Leon is somewhat knowledgeable, contrary to his appearance. Nick was remembering that.

"I get surprised when I talk to the one in the next room in my spare time. When I go to jail, they tell me to try because I can make money from this. But if I just talk about my experience, I'm gonna lose my story."

"... you're a miserable merchant"

"Of course not, it doesn't suit you sexually to dazzle without doing anything.... By the way, who was the stepman?

"Oh, that's..."

Nick caught up with the disturbances surrounding Stepping Man.

While I blurred a little about Olivia, I basically explained it along the lines of the facts. The thing that surprised Leon most about that story was not about Nargarva, but about the white mask.

"Oh, you... you knocked down the white mask!?"

"Well, don't be like that"

"Right...... Well, using that sword might not be possible."

"Are you that famous? Did you know?

"I heard rumors. They say he's a Yami saint, but I don't know him. One way or another, a bandit specializing in magic props has a strong image."


"Oh. The adventurer who specializes in excavation hated the whole snake scorpion thing. Just vandalize the ruins, kill the adventurers and take away the magic artifacts...... There was no plausible evidence left, but there were a few people who were killed even though they were crushed frogs. That was definitely a white mask M.O."

Leon throws up in a depressed face.

Perhaps some of those murdered adventurers knew each other.

Even with that imagination, the word crushed fell to my heart.

That white masked weapon looks like a sword and the truth is it's like a giant hammer.

It is no surprise that there are those who are killed that way.

"But that's good news with the Buddha. Will you do it?"

"... I hope so"

"What are you talking about?"

"I was saying something that bothered me. I don't know if I'm done with the white mask."

"What the hell?"

"I don't know, I'm just curious."

"... what did he look like? What kind of weapon did you use?"

"The weapon is a long black sword, but you kind of said something about the way it's supposed to be folded. Sounds like a giant hammer. You know what?

Hmm, Leon puts his hand around his neck and thinks in.

"There will be a type of demon sword or demon axe that strengthens the human power equipped. Isn't that the same principle? Yeah, the moment the blade touches it, it only weighs in for a second."

"... So you're saying it's essentially the same thing in general circulation? The effect is just awesome."

I don't know how strong he was.

"I see... it was helpful"

"I don't mind your reference, but I think we're gonna have a problem with you guys."

"What do you mean?

"A big guy about a white mask got knocked down. They're not a single rock and they're not one organization in the first place. But that still doesn't make it any worse. They might have gutted the place I taught you the other day."

Nick meets Karan in surprise.

"... I'm sorry I put you behind me. Let's go right away."


"Though, you're delivering theft, aren't you? More likely to come back. It can't be bad."

"I took what I took back myself a"

"... that makes sense. Come on, come on."

Leon did the trick of snugly getting rid of the dog.

Nick and the others get up and leave the visiting room behind.

Before closing the door, Nick let the words go without even looking Leon in the eye.

"I'll be back to see you after the trial. Stop poking around in jail and dying."

"If you're a celebrity, I'll say hello. You cross the dangerous bridge and die first."

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