Advanced Players in Arc

Chapter 31 Lively Aircraft Carnival

The weather today is very nice, with blue sky, white clouds, gentle breeze, and bright sun.

At the Aircraft Carnival, people were coming and going in the static display area of ​​the venue, and there was a constant buzz of voices.

The outdoor flying area is also extremely lively, with model aircraft and drones rising and falling from time to time, accompanied by people's applause and cheers.

Dong Chen carried his backpack and his friends and walked into the venue with the flow of people. As they walked, Mu Xiaoji kept chattering.

I was really not a coward yesterday, nor was I afraid of heights. It was just my first time riding a flying skateboard. I felt unsure and my legs were a little weak. And I really didn't pee my pants. That was all Liu Jingshou's fault!

Believe me, if I fly again today, it will be fine!

How can I be timid if I'm so confident? I'm just a little nervous when I come into contact with such a high-end thing for the first time!

Oh, okay, okay, we believe you, please stop beeping!

That's right, you've been nagging all day, don't you feel tired?

That's right, let's apply for flight time quickly. If we get there late, it won't be our turn!

Yes, yes, let's go, today is a good day for Brother Dong to show off!

Hahahaha..., yes!

When Dong Chen heard this, he smiled helplessly and turned back to glare at them.

After they had arranged to apply for the flight venue and time, they wandered around the static model exhibition hall, looking at the well-made aircraft models and drones made by enthusiasts, and then comparing what they had made. It turned out that they were professional and amateur. The gap.

The things Dong Chen usually makes can surpass most of the models here, but today, Dong Chen is here to beat them all.

Hey, Xiaodong, you're here!

When he walked to a booth, he heard someone calling him. When he looked up, he saw that it was Lin Dajiang whom he knew.

It's you, Lao Lin, I said these models look familiar! You have traveled far enough, from Shanghai to Shimenzhuang.

Hey, wherever I have business, I am there. Otherwise, how would I be able to support such a big family!

Fart, you, the chairman, are just running around!

Haha, just because I am the chairman, I have to run around looking for business!

After saying that, he looked around, lowered his voice twice and said to Dong Chen: Xiao Dong, is that video that has been online these two days real?

When Dong Chen heard this, he didn't answer directly. He just patted the backpack behind him and said to him with a smile: As soon as we have flight time, you can go and have a look. You will know after you see it.

When Lin Dajiang heard what Dong Chen said, he immediately felt confident and said with a smile: Hehehe, it seems that I didn't come here in vain this time!

I knew that your purpose of coming here was not pure. It turned out that you were trying to pay attention to this.

Hehe, that's the same thing. Wherever there is business, there will be me. Otherwise, how will I be able to support such a big family!

After bidding farewell to Lin Dajiang, Dong Chen continued to visit the exhibition. While he was chatting with Lin Dajiang just now, his roommates left.

Now that I am walking around alone, I am recognized by some fans from time to time. Hehe, it seems that my reputation as director is quite big.

There are many people coming to this aircraft carnival, including companies, enthusiast teams, and individuals. It can be seen that the technology of companies, enthusiast teams, and individuals has improved compared to the last time, and the precision processing levels of enthusiast teams and individuals seem to be better. Not much worse than those companies at all.

These technological gaps can be seen from the sophistication of model aircraft and drones, and the models exhibited this time are all extremely sophisticated. Well, it seems that private precision processing and technology are developing rapidly.

While admiring the exquisite models and drones, I greeted the fans who recognized me, but suddenly a strange Chinese accent was mixed into the greetings of these fans.

Oh, dear Dong, it's so nice to see you here!

Dong Chen looked along the sound and saw that it was a foreigner. After a closer look, he realized that this foreigner was his American friend, Bill Moore.

Hi, Bill, I'm so happy to see you, but why are you in China? Aren't you supposed to be preparing to graduate now?

And you should speak English, your Mandarin is so ugly!

Dong Chen said this in standard English.

Oh my gosh, Dong, I haven't seen you for a few months and you actually speak better English than I do!

Oh, but my Chinese is still so bad. Chinese is so difficult to learn!

Bill Moore was surprised when he heard Dong Chen's standard English. When he thought about his Chinese, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed, but he immediately became happy again.

Haha, I didn't expect that I would come to China now, huh, because I am smart and have already completed my credits and applied for graduation in advance!

My good friend and I are planning a global trip now, haha, isn't it awesome!

By the way, Dong, this is my good friend, Valentine Matthew.

Fan Lundin, this is my good friend from China, Dong. He is the skilled man I have always said.

Hello, Valentine.

Hello, Dong, Moore told me about you, you are great!

While several people were chatting, the roommates also came. Dong Chen introduced them to each other. After the introduction, Li Xiang reminded Dong Chen that it was time to fly soon.

Haha, Bill, you came just in time, let's go, let me show you something good!

When Dong Chen arrived at the designated flying venue, the previous group's aerobatics show had just ended. People were still discussing the performance. When they saw someone else coming, they all looked at Dong Chen and the others, still guessing about their performance. What a show.

However, someone already recognized who Dong Chen was, and the name Director was gradually shouted out.

Is it the director?

Yes, that's the director.

What is the director planning to do? He opened his schoolbag.

What was taken out? Could it be?

Oh my god! It's a flying skateboard!!

It's a flying skateboard! It's really a flying skateboard! Just like in the video!

I'll go!! I'll make a lot of money this time! Shoot quickly!

Accompanied by people's exclamations, Dong Chen finally took out the contents of his backpack.

Ou, Dong, is this your latest achievement? My God! It's a flying skateboard!

Yes, Bill, this is my latest achievement, the flying skateboard, I call it the Black Phantom!

God, it's so beautiful. I can't wait to see its graceful figure!

You'll see it soon!

He took the helmet strap from Li Xiang, fixed his feet to the flying skateboard, grinned at them, and put on the goggles.

Three two one, start!


It's really flying!

Oh no! The director has gone to heaven!

It's really a flying skateboard!

So handsome! So handsome!

Oh, God, Dong's skills are incredible. He is the smartest and most skilled person among my friends!

Hey, Bill, this friend you met is really awesome. I thought you were bragging before.

Bill looked confused. I see you guys were having a great time chatting.

Valentine smiled at him, brother, you are too naive.

The moment Dong Chen flew up, the crowd immediately exploded and looked at the sky. People in other areas were also attracted by the movement here.

People looked at the flexible figure in the sky, coming and going freely. It suddenly stopped, rushed, spiraled, and rolled. All kinds of aerial maneuvers were at their fingertips.

People were very excited when they saw it, wishing that the figure in the sky was themselves.

Hey, let me go, what are people doing looking at the sky? Are there any flowers in the sky?

This was the question raised by Liu Changfeng and his group who were belatedly arriving.

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