Advanced Players in Arc

Chapter 24 The Return of Superman


The hatch of the automated auxiliary learning device opened, and Dong Chen staggered out, shaking his dizzy head.

Huh~ I feel so dizzy...

He held the hatch and sat on the chair next to him to relax. After a while, he felt better, at least not so dizzy.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already past 6 p.m. The learning efficiency was really high. Although the content of primary school was not too much and I was already very familiar with English, I had to study all the primary school courses in seven or eight hours. Still quite amazing!

The learning efficiency is quite high, but the body engineering is too rough. It was too uncomfortable to lie down all afternoon!

But I just forced myself to remember it. I have to review it more later, otherwise I will still forget it.

And learning is compulsory to a certain extent. Based on your physical fitness and intelligence, your ultimate learning progress will be estimated. You will not be allowed out until you finish learning!

However, this should be able to be improved. It's just that they didn't think about making it comfortable for users. They just wanted to let users learn knowledge.

If this was built in the real world and optimized, it wouldn't be sold like crazy!

After summarizing the experience of this study, I feel that my head is still a little bloated, and my stomach is still very hungry. I haven’t eaten at noon, and now it’s time to eat in the evening.

I returned to the hall, ate something casually, moved the supplies to a dormitory very close to the experimental area, solved some personal problems in the bathroom, put the sleeping bag on the bed, got in and fell asleep tiredly.

In the next few days, Dong Chen lived an extremely fulfilling life. In the morning, he went out to find bobbleheads and books and magazines, and collected some technical information. In the afternoon, he used a learning device to study standard knowledge, and the time required for learning was also increasing. He was growing up, so he lay down to sleep every day, and he also ate more and more.

After eating all the food he brought, he didn't want to leave, so naturally he started to eat food from this world. However, before eating, he had tested it with the shelter's food detector and it was all fine. Although some food has been stored for two hundred years, there is no problem in eating it.

So after solving the food problem, Dong Chen stayed in the radiation world for more than a month. On the twelfth day, Dong Chen’s bicycle was replaced by a repaired motorcycle. The motorcycle was bought by Dong Chen in a room. What was found in the vehicle repair station was a pure electric motorcycle.

The electromagnetic radiation generated when this motorcycle was exploded by a nuclear bomb two hundred years ago burned out the circuit and motor. Since the motorcycle has been kept in a closed room, the body of the motorcycle has remained quite intact.

The repair station happened to have intact circuit lines and motors. Dong Chen replaced the burned items and they were usable again. Dong Chen also used the items in the repair station to make a small trailer and hung it on the back of the motorcycle.

Dong Chen also tried to repair the vehicle. However, first of all, the vehicles were powered by nuclear energy. No matter the technological content or the complex internal structure, they were not comparable to electric motorcycles.

Secondly, most of the vehicles are kept outdoors. They have been exposed to wind and rain for two hundred years and have long been dilapidated. After all, civilian equipment cannot be compared with military equipment.

But having a motorcycle and a small trailer is not bad. Since having this motorcycle and a small trailer, Dong Chen can bring power armor with him wherever he goes. In this way, he can get bobbleheads, books and magazines from dangerous places.

Moreover, after improving his mobility, Dong Chen also went to where the academy was, but he couldn't find the entrance to the academy after searching for a long time. It seemed that he had to use a teleporter to teleport to the inside of the academy, just like in the game.

It seems that the academy can only find it slowly. Parts of the teleporter are not easy to find. After all, there are no mission prompts like the game. Just follow the mission and you will find it.

However, after more than a month of hard work, when Dong Chen was about to leave, his course study had reached the elite level, and his Pip-Boy display data had also undergone tremendous changes.


User: Dong Chen

Strength: 5.0

Agility: 5.3

Endurance: 6.1

Perception: 5.4

Intelligence: 5.7

Charisma: 4.9

Status: healthy

As usual, physical fitness and perception were increased by 0.1, and then the bobblehead was increased a little. The extra 0.3 in agility was due to finding three Modification Masters. When adding manual ability, an additional 0.3 in agility was actually added.

The skill status becomes: (novice, advanced, elite, expert, master)

Science Level 3 (Elite)

Manual Level 4 (Expert)

Mechanical Level 3 (Elite)

Electronic Level 3 (Elite)

Computer Level 3 (Elite)

Art Design Level 3 (Elite)

Melee Level 2 (Advanced)

Firearms Level 2 (Advanced)

Military Quality Level 2 (Advanced)

Wilderness Survival Level 2 (Advanced)

Medical Quality Level 2 (Advanced)

Eloquence Level 2 (Advanced)

Lockpicking Level 2 (Advanced)


And that... Glass Ball Bouncing Level 3 (Elite)

Some first-level novices didn't even look at it, just skipped it. They felt satisfied just looking at the long row of second- and third-level skills, and the fourth-level one was even more surprising. I hadn't been working in vain for more than a month. It was just If you want to upgrade in the future, you will have to learn slowly by yourself. There may be no shortcuts like this.

But this has saved me a lot of time, and now that my basic quality is so incredible and my IQ is so high, I should be able to learn very quickly.

However, these data will only take effect after the energy exchange occurs when he travels back in time. Otherwise, if he wants to use the tester in Shelter 75 to test his true strength now, the data must be amazing!

It’s almost done. I packed up the items I wanted to take back and paid attention to the icons in my mind. The Radiation world was fully charged and the Los Santos world was 53% full. It’s been more than a month and it’s only half charged. This is too slow. !

Is the first recharge of every world so slow?

The interstellar world is still unresponsive.

Okay, just wait, don't be in a hurry.

Opening the arc light curtain, Dong Chen pushed the car and walked in.


An electric arc light curtain unfolded in the room, and Dong Chen fell directly out of the light curtain, his bicycle also fell out, and his belongings were scattered all over the floor.

After the light curtain disappeared, Dong Chen was still covered in arcs and lay motionless on the ground, while the arcs continued to run wildly across his body.

After an unknown amount of time, the arc on his body disappeared, and Dong Chen's body suddenly trembled.









After saying these two words, I lay still on the ground. After a while, I was able to move a little bit, and then I wanted to get up. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get up. I couldn't use any strength and still hurt all over. !

How could I forget that energy exchange would be very painful? The last time I increased my endurance, it hurt like hell. This time I didn’t even know how much I had added.

When passing through the arc light curtain, the energy invaded my body immediately, and the severe pain, which was countless times more painful than when I added endurance, directly broke the string in my brain. , and then passed out happily!

Fortunately, the human body has a self-protection mechanism. When humans cannot withstand certain injuries, the protection mechanism will knock you out.

Since you can't get up, just keep lying down, but the pain is now bearable, so you can't pass out happily again.

Dong Chen just endured the bursts of pain and kept lying on the ground.

After lying down for about half an hour, the pain finally disappeared and my strength gradually returned.

Dong Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

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