Adorable Collection Order: Mr. Lu, Your Nine Sons Shocked the World

Chapter 739: Lu Ziqian vomiting blood first aid

In the evening, Lu Ziqian ignored the opposition of his brothers and insisted on asking the driver to take him to Yangzhuang Reservoir.

In the hot summer, the scenery in the evening is beautiful, the sunset glow is like a brocade, and the dark red glow dyes the sparkling water surface red.

Police personnel are still searching around.

Lu Ziqian stood beside Liu Ju, his eyes were deep, his hands were tightly clenching the corners of his clothes, and all his nerves were tense.

"Liu Bureau, we found this in the aquatic plants over there." The detective was wearing gloves and holding a purple bow-shaped hairpin.

Lu Ziqian's legs trembled involuntarily, but he still tried his best to calm down.

He recognized the card, which they gave to Xiaoju Nuo.

However, there are many card-issuing shops of this style, so it cannot be proved that it is Xiaojuno's.

At this moment, another detective came over, and the detective also brought an old man who was herding sheep.

"Liu Bureau, we just took a photo of Ye Junuo to check nearby. The old man said he had seen Ye Junuo."

Lu Ziqian excitedly stepped forward and grabbed the old man's arm: "Where is she, where is she?"

The old man glanced at him with infinite sympathy: "That little girl is your sister! It's a pity, I saw her jump from there."

"I'm old and can't swim, so I called the police at that time. After the police came, they salvaged for a long time, but no one was found. You don't know, the mud at the bottom of this reservoir is too deep. And there are many more Water ghosts. Several people drown every summer."

"Half of the people were not salvaged. Alas, boy, you want to open up, my condolences!"

Later, what Liu Ju and the old man said, Lu Ziqian could no longer hear.

He felt as if his chest had been smashed by a particularly huge rock, and his heart and the bones in his chest were instantly shattered.

In the huge pain, something salty rushed out of his mouth.

His eyes instantly plunged into darkness.

Before he completely lost consciousness, he heard the exclamations of his brothers.

"Wubao, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh my God, why did you vomit so much blood!"

As soon as Lu Chenxu and Mo Xiaodie got off the plane, they received news that Lu Ziqian was in the hospital for emergency treatment.

The couple didn't have time to ask any more questions and rushed to the First People's Hospital of Yucheng.

At the door of the emergency room of the hospital, the couple saw Li Mingcheng, Longwei and several sons.

"What's the matter? Didn't it say that something happened to Dabao? Why is it Wubao?" When Mo Xiaodie walked over, her legs softened, and her whole body almost fell.

Lu Chenxu quickly stretched out his hand and gave her a hand, then looked at his eldest son Lu Zizhong, frowning unconsciously.

"Dabao, what's wrong with your face?"

Lu Zizhong raised his hand and touched his already swollen cheek: "It's alright, it's just that he was bitten by a poisonous insect when he fell off the cliff. Dad, don't worry. The doctor has shown me just now, just apply some medicine. already."

Mo Xiaodie looked at the door of the emergency room, and clenched Lu Chenxu's hand nervously: "Wubao, what's the matter with Wubao? He was poisoned since he was a child, and his physique was relatively weak. Did he fall off the cliff too? ?"

Longwei walked in front of their husband and wife, and his expression was not much better than theirs. Lu Ziqian is the child he raised hard since he was a child.

Now that people are being rescued in the emergency room, he is also very uncomfortable as a big brother.

"Zi Qian is because of Xiao Ju Nuo. Xiao Ju Nuo may, may have been, is no longer there!" Long Wei's voice was difficult when he said this.

"Not anymore? What do you mean? Why not anymore?"

Over the years, their family has often gone to Luozhaigou during the holidays. Every time the children go to see Xiaoju Nuo, their husband and wife can be regarded as watching Xiaoju Nuo grow up.

The little girl is cute and well-behaved. The whole family liked her very much.

Long Wei suddenly said this, not only Mo Xiaodie, but also Lu Chenxu was very surprised.

Long Wei sighed: "This is how it happened!"

Then, he explained in detail what he had just obtained from Lu Zibai about Xiaoju Nuo.

"What? Sun Yuanyuan didn't even know how to repent and did such a thing? Where is she now!" Mo Xiaodie was furious.

What kind of existence Xiaojunuo has in her son Lu Ziqian's heart, she, a mother, knows very well.

If someone dared to use Xiaoju Nuo to hurt their son, Mo Xiaodie would definitely not let them go.

After speaking, she turned around and walked out.

"Wife, wait for me, I'll go with you!" Lu Chenxu followed closely behind him.

Dare to hurt his son, those people are really tired of living!

However, before the couple took a few steps, they met Liu Ju head-on.

"Mr. Lu? Are you back?" Seeing Lu Chenxu, Bureau Liu was a little surprised. Since he was an old friend for many years, he naturally knew that Lu Chenxu took his wife on their honeymoon.

"That tiger, and Sun Yuanyuan, where are the horse cannons? What's the matter with Yucheng's law now, how could you let the kidnappers, traffickers and harming children so easily?" Lu Chenxu's voice was sharp and cold.

Bureau Liu could see that he was angry, but he also understood that if his son was in emergency treatment, he would probably be so angry.

"Hey, Mr. Lu, don't get excited. The situation is like this, what about the tiger, because the impact of this incident is too bad, and with the participation of your six young masters, this matter has shocked Yucheng. Now the General Administration has given special approval, He was detained in the No. 1 Detention Center! As for Sun Yuanyuan and Ma Pao, I regret to tell you that they are already dead!" Liu Ju sighed and told the truth.

"Dead?" Not only Lu Chenxu and his wife, but even the teenagers of the Lu family not far away looked at each other after hearing the news.

Lu Zili asked Lu Zixun in a low voice: "Three treasures? The poison you studied didn't say that it takes a while to go crazy and die? How can people die in just one night!"

Lu Zixun looked at Lu Zita, both of them looked puzzled: "No way, we tested it on a mouse, but it took a week for the mouse to go crazy."

The two brothers were very puzzled.

Lu Zibai asked worriedly, "Tell me, will we be implicated!"

Two people died at once. If the police investigate and find them on their heads, what should they do?

Lu Zizhong patted his arm quietly: "Liu Bao, calm down, don't panic. Listen to what Liu Ju has to say!"

Sure enough, Liu Ju, who was not far away, sighed again and explained: "They deserve it too. It is said that Brother Hu's subordinates went to find the two of them and injured them, so Ye Yongjun drove them to the town. They went to the hospital to bandage the wound. They also stayed in the hospital for one night."

"When I came home from the hospital today, for some reason, Ye Yongjun's car suddenly lost control and rushed into the Baishui River at the entrance of Luozhaigou Village. As you all know, because of the terrain, a pool of water was formed there with a depth of nearly ten meters. Woolen cloth!"

"Oh, they were drowned like this! It must be a bad reward! Ye Yongjun and Ma Hui who were in the same car miraculously survived! But they were not too scared, and they are still in the town hospital! "

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