Adorable Collection Order: Mr. Lu, Your Nine Sons Shocked the World

Chapter 355: Long Yu takes away the wooden pagoda

The ward was empty, and Li Muta was not seen.

"Did we go to the wrong room?" Long Qian frowned.

"Maybe the nurse made a mistake, let's ask again." Lu Chenyu also felt a little strange, just now the nurse clearly told them that the wooden tower was in the room south of the end of the corridor.

The group returned to the nurse station. The nurse checked and determined that Li Muta lived in the room just now.

"But there's no one inside." Father Lu looked serious.

The heart of the four treasures is not good, where will a person go? Everyone was a little worried.

The nurse immediately contacted the doctor to find out the situation.

After a phone call, the nurse told them that Li Muta was transferred.

"Transfer to another hospital? Is my grandson's heart condition worse again?" Father Lu's heart suddenly froze again.

The nurse quickly comforted him: "No, his condition is very stable. The man who accompanied him to see the doctor asked for transfer."

"The man who accompanies him to see a doctor?" Father Lu and Lu Chenyu both looked suspicious.

"Yes, the other party said it was his family, and he was very kind to that little boy."

"Family? Then do you know which hospital they were transferred to?" Father Lu asked again.

The nurse shook her head embarrassedly: "I don't know, they didn't say that."

In desperation, they had to leave the Second People's Hospital, and it was almost midnight at this time.

"Dad, what should I do now? Do you want to call and tell my brother?" Lu Chenyu was very worried.

Before Father Lu spoke, Long Qian and Mo Zizhong said at the same time, "No way!"

Mom's body has just recovered a little, so she can't be bothered anymore.

Lu Chenyu frowned and looked at his little nephew whose expression was almost the same: "Then what do you say?"

"Second uncle, my mother was injured, lost a lot of blood, and is still very weak. If I told her, she would not be able to bear it." Long Qian stared at Lu Chenyu, dissatisfied with his proposal.

"I said to tell your father, not to tell your mother, why are you nervous?" Lu Chenyu was still a little envious of these two little ones protecting Mo Xiaodie so much, so it seemed that it was a good feeling to have a son.

"My dad can't hide anything from my mommy." Mo Zizhong gave Lu Chenyu a blank look.

Lu Chenyu's eyes widened: "Then what do you say?"

Mo Zizhong ignored him and dragged Long Qian back to the car.

Lu Chenyu looked at Father Lu dissatisfiedly: "Dad, look at Dabao like this, he didn't take my uncle in his eyes at all."

Father Lu ignored him at all and followed directly behind his two grandsons: "If you want people to respect you, you must do something respectful first. If you don't do your job all day, I want my grandson to respect you, yours You're so thick-skinned!"

Lu Chenyu covered his heart exaggeratedly: "Dad, you are too hurtful. I am also your own son."

However, Father Lu didn't look back at him at all, but directly opened the door and got into the car.

Inside the car, Mo Zizhong had turned on the computer and hacked into the hospital's monitoring system.

The surveillance showed that Shi Yumeng walked out of the room before they came and met them near the nurse station.

When they were talking to Shi Yumeng, a man who only saw his back walked away from another exit of the hospital holding the wooden tower.

Mo Zizhong locked on the man's figure and repeatedly checked it from multiple cameras in the hospital, but due to the angle, he couldn't see the man's face clearly.

The man held the wooden tower and got into a black car at the entrance of the hospital.

However, the license plate number of the black car was blocked by a fallen leaf.

Finally, he pushed away the laptop in front of him with a distressed face, and sighed heavily: "What should I do? I can't find the wooden tower."

Long Qian has been sitting next to him, watching the content of the surveillance video clearly, he pondered for a while: "We can start with Shi Yumeng."

"Shi Yumeng? Why does this name sound so familiar?" Father Lu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, frowned.

Lu Chenyu kindly reminded him: "It's my brother's high school classmate, the woman we met at the hospital nurse station just now."


"Yes, Grandpa, just now I checked the surveillance and she went to the room where Muta lived before we entered the hospital." Seeing Grandpa's puzzled expression, but still not clear about the situation, Mo Zizhong explained patiently.

"You mean that woman knows the whereabouts of the Four Treasures?"

"Theoretically, this should be the case! It's just—" Lu Chenyu looked at the deserted street outside, it was already midnight, if they broke into a single woman's home now, would they be misunderstood!

"Just what?" Father Lu was dissatisfied with his hesitant words and glared at him.

Lu Chenyu glanced at his father's face and quickly explained: "It's just the early morning. It is said that Shi Yumeng is still single. If we go to her now, I'm afraid it's not suitable."

His words made Father Lu fall into silence.

This time is really inappropriate. But what about the Four Treasures now? No one knows, they can't just go back like this.

The sudden silence in the car was a little scary, and everyone knew what to do, not knowing what to do for a while.

After a long time, Long Qian said, "Brother, you can hack into Shi Yumeng's computer first and see if you can find any clues."

Mo Zizhong sighed lightly and shook his head: "I have already checked, and there is nothing in her computer except for some design drawings."

"Why don't you do this? I'll have Lin Feng send someone to stare at Shi Yumeng's door and follow her to see if he can find the wooden pagoda." Long Qian tilted his head for a long time before he spoke.

"But, when will the Four Treasures be found?" Father Lu was a little anxious.

There was silence in the car again.

At this moment, Father Lu's cell phone rang suddenly, and the crisp music broke the dull atmosphere in the car.

The call turned out to be from Li Jiangang. He first expressed his thanks to Father Lu, and then told them that the wooden pagoda was rescued by a kind person, but there were still some minor heart problems and needed to rest. At this time, the other party had sent him to a private Hospitals receive treatment, so they don't worry.

"Private hospital? Where is it?" Father Lu frowned.

Li Jiangang on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment: "The other party didn't say the address, he said that he injured the wooden pagoda and would take responsibility to heal the wooden pagoda. I just had a video call with the wooden pagoda, and I saw that he was very emotional. Stablize."

Father Lu was very angry and shouted at Li Jiangang: "Li Jiangang, you are so relieved to give your son to a stranger?"

Isn't this couple out of their minds, their son was taken away by a stranger, and they were not in a hurry at all. Aren't they afraid that the other party would sell the wooden pagoda?

Li Jiangang probably didn't expect that he would be so excited, and after a while, he said nononuo: "He is not a stranger, he is the young master Long Yu of the Murong family."

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