Adorable Collection Order: Mr. Lu, Your Nine Sons Shocked the World

Chapter 1596: Do you really not remember what you did to me?

Only then did the little girl in her arms stop crying, rubbing against his chest deliberately, wiping her tears and snot with his shirt, but still holding him in her arms.

"Tiantian, how do I sleep like this? You let go first, shall we lie down?" He looked down at the clothes that had been soiled by the little girl, and shook his head helplessly.

Only then did Lu Zitian let him go, but she wisely took the opportunity to grab his hand: "Okay, let's go to bed!"

The little girl lay obediently on the bed, and Shen Jinghan had no choice but to lie down beside her.

However, just after lying down, the little girl threw herself into his arms again and hugged her affectionately: "It's still my mother who treats me best!"

After speaking, he deliberately rubbed against his chest again, and he fell asleep quickly.

Shen Jinghan looked at the heartless little girl in his arms, lowered his head, and kissed the top of her hair: "Sweet, sleep! As long as I'm here, no one will dare to bully you."

The next day, when Lu Zitian woke up, she was frightened by the scene in front of her.

She was actually lying in Shen Jinghan's arms.

"Shen Jinghan, what's going on?" She bounced off the bed and sat up immediately.

Last night, Shen Jinghan hugged her and couldn't fall asleep at first, and finally fell asleep in the early morning. Hearing Lu Zitian's scream, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Tiantian, how are you awake? Do you have a headache?" He didn't seem surprised at the current state of the two in front of him.

Lu Zitian pointed at him: "Shen Jinghan, you, why are you in my bed. What did you do to me last night?"

When speaking, she quickly looked down at her clothes, and was relieved when she realized that the clothes were still worn yesterday.

Shen Jinghan lay on the bed, turned to his side, supported his chin with his wrist, with a serious aggrieved expression on his face: "Sweet, do you really not remember what you did last night?"

Seeing his expression, Lu Zitian was a little stunned, and asked in a low voice, "I, what did I do?"

Then, try to remember what happened last night.

Because Zhao Yue had a miscarriage, she felt very sad, so she drank some red wine with Shen Jinghan and talked about her thoughts, and then, she should have fallen asleep later!

It's just that why the two of them slept in the same bed, it must be Shen Jinghan who wanted to take advantage of her while she was drinking and not sober.

Thinking of this, Lu Zitian leaned forward angrily and grabbed Shen Jinghan's collar: "Shen Jinghan, tell me, last night, did you take advantage of me when I was drinking when I was unclear?"

Shen Jinghan watched the little girl question him so confidently, and the expression on his face became even more aggrieved. He raised his finger and pointed out the window: "Sweet, look, it's snowing, and it's snowing in June!"

Lu Zitian didn't react for a while, she really looked back and saw that the summer morning outside the window was very bright, so she became even more angry: "Shen Jinghan, you took advantage of me, and you dared to lie to me, today if I If I don't give you some color, I'm not Lu Zitian."

When she spoke, she slapped Shen Jinghan with a slap.

The other party seemed to have long expected that she would make such a move, so he raised his hand and grabbed her wrist precisely: "Tiantian, are you really going to kill me wrong? I said June Feixue because I am more than Dou E is even more wronged!"

The expression on his face didn't seem to be deceiving, and Lu Zitian was stunned: "What are you wronged! Explain to yourself, why the two of us sleep in the same bed?"

However, at this time, Lu Zitian's voice had softened a bit.

Shen Jinghan took the opportunity to take her hand away: "You really don't remember what happened last night?"

Lu Zitian scratched her hair: "Of course I remember. Last night, I was in a bad mood, so I wanted you to drink with me. But, Shen Jinghan, tell me, did you do it on purpose?"

"Intentionally? What did I intentionally do?" Shen Jinghan really wanted to be wronged by her.

"You said it was red wine, but why am I drunk? You deliberately got me drunk and wanted to take advantage of me!" The little girl said these words with confidence.

Shen Jinghan was stunned for a while, but he could only laugh helplessly: "Tiantian, think about it for yourself, last night it was you who dragged me to drink, and I have been persuading you to drink less, saying it was me A treasured red wine with great stamina.

You will get drunk! But you said that your alcohol intake is very good, and it has nothing to do with it! Think about it for yourself, is this the case? "

After listening to Shen Jinghan's words, some intermittent memories emerged in Lu Zitian's mind. What Shen Jinghan said seemed to be true.

She felt very sad at the time, and kept dragging Shen Jinghan to get drunk.

"Then—even if I want to drink and get drunk, I didn't let you sleep in my bed, right! How do you explain this?" Lu Zitian raised her head and questioned the other party confidently again.

Shen Jinghan sighed: "I really regret not recording what you did to me last night as evidence to prove your innocence! Think again, what did you do to me when you were drunk?"

His words startled Lu Zitian: "What have I done to you? How is this possible? Shen Jinghan, stop fooling me!"

Shen Jinghan pulled the clothes on his chest and moved to her side: "Look for yourself, last night, I kindly came to help you cover the quilt, and when you were about to leave, you kept holding me and wouldn't let go.

Treating me as your mother, insisting on letting me sleep with you, and wiping tears and snot on my clothes on purpose! "

The marks on his white shirt are particularly obvious!

Lu Zitian thought hard again, as if she slept in a daze last night, and her mother came to cover her with a quilt and nagged her a few words.

Then she felt sad, so she hugged her mother and refused to let go, asking her to sleep with her.

Could it be that the person she was holding last night was not her mother, but Shen Jinghan!

Thinking of this, Lu Zitian immediately realized that she had embarrassed herself last night, her cheeks couldn't help blushing, and the momentum of her speech was a little short: "Well, I, I really regarded you as my mother last night. ?"

Shen Jinghan nodded vigorously: "Yes, you do treat me as your mother, hug me and refuse to let go, and don't let me leave!"

His words made Lu Zitian want to find a seam to crawl in at this time, her head drooped even lower, and she was almost ashamed to face Shen Jinghan again.

"That, I'm sorry! I was drunk, I didn't mean it, I didn't do anything to you except holding you and refusing to let go?" Because she had never been drunk before, what would she do when she was drunk, She really didn't know.

However, Shen Jinghan leaned forward again: "Tiantian, do you really remember nothing?"

"What do you mean by that?" Shen Jinghan's words made Lu Zitian feel inexplicably flustered.

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