Admiral, Hello

Vol 2 Chapter 261: The motherland needs your stomach!

As soon as the Hummer was on the road, it became the focus of attention among the surrounding people.

People passing by and riders took out their phones to take pictures, but only had time to take pictures of the back of the Hummer, not even the license plate.

"Fortunately, the card is always thoughtful and thoughtful. He gave us a temporary license plate, which can be changed at that time. Otherwise, there are so many people on the road. If you don't want to be famous, you have to be famous." Xiao Yuhang was sitting in a Hummer military vehicle The co-pilot, watching the passers-by who raised their phones to take pictures, couldn't help touching his forehead and said.

Of course, in his heart he is still very happy with this kind of scene, after all, this is his own car, and it is his own when he is in the limelight.

"But the admiral, even if the license plate is changed later, you will still be photographed on the road." Akagi said from the back seat.

"It doesn't matter. You will have to ask Yu Siqing to get her to go to Guoan to inspect the modification at that time. Talk to them during the modification, just install a shielding device on the car. Anyway, after installing the shielding device, all the pictures are taken The blurry photos can't be seen at all." Xiao Yuhang said to Akagi turning around.

"The far side of the sea, can you hear me, my prayer~~~!"

"Hello? Who?" He picked up the phone and asked.

"Is Xiao Yuhang? Change the route and follow me immediately. There is an urgent task that requires the help of you and your ship's wife!" a strange male voice said to him.

"What mission? Who are you?" Although this voice had a sonorous taste peculiar to soldiers, he still asked vigilantly.

"You can verify my identity with Captain Rain, but now there is an urgent task that requires the help of you and your shipmate." said the strange man.

"I will check with Yu Siqing, so who are you? What is the content of the mission?" Xiao Yuhang asked the strange man.

"You can call me Lieutenant Colonel'Xiaoxiang'. I can't tell you the content of the mission, but I can tell you a little bit. This mission requires the stomach of your subordinates." Lieutenant colonel codenamed'Xiaoxiang' said to Xiao Yuhang.

"Lieutenant Colonel'Xiaoxiang', right? Okay, I get it. But I need to go back to prepare and get some things." When Xiao Yuhang heard the words of Lieutenant Colonel'Xiaoxiang', he suddenly thought of someone in the rabbit. Classic allusions in the history of family diplomacy.

"Can't it work now? You have the ship's lady by your side, and things will be ready there." Lieutenant Colonel'Xiaoxiang' asked with some confusion.

"Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, believe me, Akagi and Sister Li are not the best choices. I happen to have a person who is most suitable for the wine table." Xiao Yuhang said to him.

‘How did he know that this mission was related to the wine table? Although Lieutenant Colonel Xiaoxiang wondered how Xiao Yuhang knew, he still looked at his watch and said to him: "If you really have the most suitable candidate... then you have one hour left. One hour later. , Whether you are ready or not, you must follow us. This is an order!"

Hearing the commanding tone of Lieutenant Colonel Xiaoxiang, Xiao Yuhang did not feel the slightest discomfort. Instead, he nodded and said to him: "Is there one hour left? Okay, I see, I will show up with someone on time."

Lieutenant Colonel'Xiaoxiang' said, "Yes." Then he hung up the phone.

"Sister Li, go, let's go home quickly, we have a task." Xiao Yuhang put down his phone and said to Richelieu who was driving.

"no problem."

. . . . . .

After arriving home, Yu Siqing came over from behind unexpectedly.

"Xiao Yuhang, there is an urgent task for you to do right now. You should know it?" She asked Xiao Yuhang.

"Well, I see. I can roughly guess what the task is, isn't it just time to come back and find a suitable candidate!" Xiao Yuhang nodded and said.

"Oh? The right candidate? Are you sure what the task is?" Yu Siqing looked at him suspiciously.

"I didn't know, but I knew it after hearing that familiar sentence. Friendship will give you a reminder that the motherland needs your stomach." Xiao Yuhang smiled mysteriously at her, and then opened his door.

"The motherland needs your stomach??? What kind of hint is this?" Monk Yu Siqing Zhang Er thought for a long time, so he turned on the phone to consult Du Niang.

Xiao Yuhang walked into the house, and said to the navy girls who came to greet him: "Where is the Soviet Union?"

"Soviet Union?"

"do not know."

"Presumably hiding somewhere to drink, right?"

The ship ladies shook their heads.

"Master, please wait a moment, I'll bring the Soviet Union here." Reputation raised his skirt and bowed his knees to his commander, then turned and left the door.

After a while, she dragged her hand with a bottle of water of life, and the Soviet Union, whose eyes were still in mosquito coils, returned to the door.

"Master, the Soviet Union is here." Reputation said, pointing to the Soviet Union who was leaning against him.

"Hiccup! Oh! My dear Davarishi, what do you want me to do? Is there a task to give it?" The Soviet Union asked its commander with clear eyes despite its big tongue.

"The Soviet Union gives you five... No, ten minutes to charge, we have a task that needs you right away. You can also help with the reputation, at least you must wash out the alcohol!" Xiao Yuhang heard The alcohol on the body of the Soviet Union frowned and said to her.

"Okay, Master." Renowned nodded and dragged the Soviet Union into it.

. . . . . .

Ten minutes later, his face flushed and the Soviet Union exuding a delicate fragrance reappeared in front of Xiao Yuhang.

"Dawarisi, what mission requires me? I won't let you down!" She saluted her commander.

"What's needed is not you, but your stomach." Xiao Yuhang glanced at the Soviet Union's stomach, then pulled her into a Hummer military vehicle.

"Sister Li, please drive. Yu Siqing will tell you how to get there later, just follow her." He said to Richelieu.

"Yeah." Richelieu nodded and started the car.

"This is the'nanny', calling the'admiral'. Can you hear it?" Yu Siqing's call came from the car radio of the Hummer.

"This is the Admiral. The quality of the call is good, I received it." Richelieu picked up the interphone and said.

"Time is running out. There will be a police car in charge of clearing the road later. If you do not follow us, the'Admiral' will follow the police car. Repeat, if you don't follow us, follow the police car." Yu Siqing said to Richelieu .

"I received the'Admiral', even if I can't keep up with you, there is still navigation!" She joked slightly.

"No, we went to Qingdao Regent Hotel. Do you think we or the police car will not take you, you can get in?" Yu Siqing asked her back.

"Okay, I see, it's half past ten in the morning, and we can't make it to the dinner, let's go!" Richelieu said.


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