Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Vol 2 Chapter 12: : Battle of the Kings

The rain was pattering, and the amount was not large, but when it fell on people, it always felt wet and disgusting.

Two reporters from "Baseball Kingdom" magazine arrived at the stadium in raincoats 15 minutes early.

As soon as he arrived at the stadium, Akiko Owada stared at her big beautiful eyes and looked around in surprise.

The seats in the auditorium around the stadium were already filled in advance, and there were even many people standing around watching. Although the stadium in the early days of Tokyo Autumn University was not as pompous as Jingu Stadium or Koshien Stadium, at least it could accommodate 10,000 or 20,000 people.

"But it's just the first round of the competition. Will there be too many people? It's still raining."

Owada Akiko said incredulously.

Fujio next to her was not at all surprised by the result in front of her.

"It is only natural that there will be such a scene. After all, in this game, the king of West Tokyo will play the king of East Tokyo. The overlord of Koshien will play in the quarterfinals of Koshien! To put it bluntly, this is definitely a match. No less than a feast in the finals of Jiaziyuan. How can such a feast not be noticeable?"

"The people from the Brotherhood of the Red Heart don't seem to be here?"

Owada Akiko wondered.


"Go! Go! Didong!!!"

"Go! Go! Didong!!!!"

"King! Qing Dao!!!"

"King! Qing Dao!!!!"

"who are we?"

"King Zheqingdao!!!!"

Before the game officially started, the cheerleaders on both sides cheered first.

Even with raindrops falling from the sky, there is no way to suppress their enthusiasm.

The beautiful cheerleaders wore simple clothes one by one, jumping and jumping there.

The musicians of the orchestra are also playing hard...

In such an atmosphere, the Tokyo area high school autumn wild ball competition.

In the first round, the match between Qingdao High School and Didong High School officially started!

In the first half of the game, Didong High School attacked.

In this game, the starting pitcher of Qingdo High School is of course their ace Sawamura.

This is an important opponent in the first battle, and the opponent is the powerful Teto. As the ace Sawamura, it is natural to start the game.

Before playing, Miyuki deliberately found an opportunity to communicate with Sawamura.

"Did you go all out in the first place?"

Sawamura shook his head.

The rain gave him a very bad premonition, and he felt that this game might be a big test of his physical strength.

"There is no need to go all out from the beginning, as long as you can get the number of eliminations steadily."


Miyuki nodded.

Originally, pitchers were the most consumed in a game. On such a rainy day, Sawamura's physical energy consumption would increase by about 50%.

If all strikes are the goal, Sawamura's physical strength may not be able to last. Even if it survives, there is no guarantee that the ball in the later stage will maintain the previous level.

At this time, it is no problem to choose to retain some of the strength.

Moreover, Sawamura changed the rhythm so suddenly, the people of Didong High School, it is estimated that they would not have imagined that they might be able to catch a surprise attack.

All the questions, both of them calculated very well.

But the development of the plot did not proceed according to the ideas in their minds.

Eijun Sawamura used a quirk ball to trick the batter of Teto High School into swinging his bat on the first shot.

The plan went well, and the Tedong High School batter swung the ball right in front of the third baseman.

In this game, the starting third baseman was still Hiritsu, and Supervisor Kataoka gave him a chance.

Being able to become the starter, Hiritsu himself is also very positive. He really wants to have a good performance to prove himself, but also so as not to embarrass Supervisor Kataoka. Watching the ball fall, Hiritachi waited calmly in the direction where the ball bounced, ready to catch it.

It's just that the ball didn't bounce like Hiritsu thought.

The rain stuck to the ball, and the ball fell right there and stopped.

I go!

Hiri wanted to cry, how could he always encounter this kind of unlucky thing when he was playing.

Although he was already in a hurry, Hiri did not move slowly. He hurriedly picked up the ball and passed to first base.

It's just that the time has been delayed, and the first club of Didong High School has already hit base.

Like other strong teams, Tedong High's No. 1 is their second baseman, and he is also a very fast player.

The advantage of such a player hitting the first pitch is obvious. Once he hits the base, the team's chances of scoring will increase exponentially.

Qingdao and Daocheng.

The first team of these two teams is also this type of player. Although they have different positions, different styles, and different strengths...

But one thing is the same, that is, they are very fast.

At the catcher's position, Miyuki raised his head and glanced at the first batter of Tedong High School, who showed a positive attitude of stealing bases, and smiled bitterly in his heart.

This is probably the so-called disadvantage of being a teacher.

Before the Qingdo High School game, as long as Sawamura Eijun started the game.

Over 95% of games, the first three innings don't drop a single hit.

Unexpectedly, today's game just started, and they lost the first hit in the first inning.

No matter how you think about it, it is very unfortunate.

"Don't mind, there's no way to do that ball just now."

Miyuki gives Sawamura a password.

On the pitcher's mound, Sawamura also knew about this kind of thing, and there was nothing they could do about it.

Originally, I wanted to retain my strength from the beginning, but now it seems that there is no such opportunity.

Throwing quirks when someone is already on base is a lot of caution.

"Then you don't have to keep your stamina anymore! All aim to strike out the opponent."

When someone hits base and the runner is very fast.

It is very risky to continue to rely on defense to get out.

In this case, it is better to aim for strikeouts.

Retaining physical strength also requires the right time, and now is not the time to retain physical strength.

bring it on!

At this time, the second club of Didong High School stood on the strike zone.

He is the outfielder of Tedong High School, and the outfielder can be ranked second in Tedong, so it is not difficult to see his strength.

After standing on the strike zone, he acted very cautiously, the bat in his hand was not long in his grip, and he seemed to want to touch the ball no matter what.

All of this will naturally not escape Miyuki's eyes.

It seems that Teto High School really worked **** Sawamura Eijun.

Miyuki can also guess what kind of strategy they will come up with after seeing the novel.

"It's a pity, if you think you can deal with Sawamura like this, then I'm afraid it's too naive?"

The first ball: the floating ball!

It's raining If you want to float the ball, you need stronger wrist strength and rotation.

Don't overlook this.

Miyuki can think of it, and Sawamura naturally wants it too.

He pulled away, his wrists dangling violently.

Then the whole person threw the ball out like a full bow and arrow.


The white ball turned into a cold glow in the rain, penetrated a distance of more than ten meters in an instant, and appeared in front of the hitter.

The batter of Didong High School was obviously not fully prepared, and could only watch the baseball fly over.

So fast!

too fast!


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