Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Vol 2 Chapter 114: : 21 3 strikes!

Three outs, offense and defense exchange!

Eijun Sawamura scored his 19th strikeout and completed the eighth inning of the Qingdo High School baseball team.

After changing the catcher, Sawamura Eijun seems to have been affected a little, but the effect is not big, and it does not prevent the great demon from showing his magical power.

The supporters of the Qingdo High School baseball team were naturally very happy about this. They were so excited one by one, they kept shouting the names of Qingdo and Sawamura Eijun.

Of course, the most excited are Sawamura Eijun's own fans.

The Demon King's Guards, the Brotherhood of Hearts, and the Angel Support Corps.

At this time, the three major fan groups of Sawamura Eijun Miku have just revealed a prototype.

But even this prototype is enough to daunt everyone.

It is not difficult to imagine that in the future, these three fan groups will inevitably grow and develop!

As for how far they can develop in the future?

It also depends on where Sawamura Eijun can go in the future?

With the rise of Sawamura Eijun's fame, the future of these three fan groups is limitless.

Some people in the know are amazed to see such a large fan group.

In the stands, Fujio, a senior reporter from Baseball Kingdom Magazine, recorded such remarks in his own notebook.

"This is the best era! In this information age, information is spreading in an unprecedentedly fast way. The concept of the global village has gradually been realized, and what has just happened here, people can get the news at the same time in the world. It is precisely because of these times that Eijun Sawamura is so famous!"

If you put it in the past, even if there are players who have shown the same performance as Sawamura Eijun.

However, because of the inconvenience of information dissemination, people can only learn about the outside world through television or print media.

Not everyone is interested in this aspect of things, and many people turn on the TV and watch baseball, and they are not interested at all and just turn it off.

Not like now.

Once a thing becomes popular, it is almost marketed in a viral way. When everyone around him became interested in baseball, when everyone around him was talking, he couldn't avoid the great devil Sawamura.

Even people who were originally not interested in baseball would subconsciously collect information about Sawamura Eijun.

On the one hand, it is because of curiosity, and on the other hand, it is also to be able to have something to talk to the people around.

Humans are a group of creatures, and they yearn to be one with their surroundings.

In order to do this, it is natural to make some effort.

Do so many people in the Demon King's Guard like baseball?

Probably not so.

It's like in the mainland, do so many people really like Lao Guo?

I'm afraid that's not the case. Among those who know and claim to like Lao Guo, there are many people who haven't even heard cross talk at all.

But this did not prevent them from becoming Lao Guo's fans.

It is exactly the same principle as Eijun Sawamura of the current island country.

Because he is popular, and he has been able to produce excellent results, it is like snowballing.

Sawamura Eijun's reputation is getting louder and louder, and naturally more and more people like him.

Fujio analyzed Sawamura from the perspective of a star. He believes that Sawamura Eijun is likely to become a cross-generational figure in the future.

It's like when people talk about basketball, they talk about Jordan.

The Guoyou supervisor in the rest area of ​​the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team was different.

His analysis is different from that of Fujio. The angle he analyzes is the mentality and foundation of Sawamura Eijun.

People like to compare Sawamura Eijun with Narimiya Naruto.

Because Sawamura Eijun's achievements and fame are slightly greater than Narimiya Ming, I feel that Kasawamura Eijun seems to be more powerful than Narimiya Ming.

But some self-proclaimed experts in baseball scoff at such a claim.

Although they recognized Eijun Sawamura's talent and strength, they would certainly raise many objections if they said that Eijun Sawamura was the number one in the country.

For example, Cheng Gongming and Hongxiang.

Although these two players are not as prominent as Sawamura Eijun's achievements, their strengths are also first-class. It felt like standing on the mound was not inferior to Eijun Sawamura. In some competitions, his performance was even more eye-catching than Sawamura Eijun.

Even Guoyou Supervision originally had this view.

Perhaps Sawamura Eijun is more comprehensive and more stable on the mound than Narimiya and Hongo.

But when it comes to the level of strength, Guoyou Supervision also thought that Cheng Gongming and the others were no worse than Sawamura.

Put them together for comparison, Cheng Gongming will definitely not fall behind!

Even the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team played two games with the Qingdao High School baseball team before.

This idea of ​​Guoyou's supervision has not changed.

But now, he can't help but begin to doubt his previous judgment.

See micro-knowledge.

Comparing heart to heart, if Narimiya Ming was replaced by Sawamura Eijun's current position, would he have made such a calm judgment just now?

I'm afraid not!

In the face of such a huge temptation to break the record, even Cheng Gongming might not be able to hold it.

Only Sawamura Eijun, as if nothing had happened, chose the fighting method that was most beneficial to him.

"You have to give up!"

A player who can not be confused by the situation in front of him and can see the change of the game situation.

How could it possibly be an idler?

Sawamura Eijun, from this point of view, must be far more than Narimiya Naruto.

Perhaps the two of them are now technically, and there is not much difference.

But Guoyou Supervision is very clear.

The difference in vision between the two of them will directly determine their future achievements.

In adolescence, it may not be so obvious. But once they grow up, there is no way to hide this gap.

The second half of the eighth inning.

Cheng Gongming on the pitcher mound, the whole person has completely gone crazy.

In the final period of the game, the score was tied by the Qingdao High School baseball team. Their current situation can be imagined.

Cheng Gongming felt that his physical strength was passing by quickly!

This shows that he has approached his physical limit. He has already thrown more than 120 balls, and at this time, he is already running out of fuel.


The weaker his physical strength, the more Narunomiya pitched the ball with all his strength.

At this time, he must not show the slightest tired state.

Once he showed exhaustion, these guys from the Qingdao High School baseball team would instantly turn into fishy sharks and swooped down.

Don't look at them all being suppressed by Cheng Gongming now, once Cheng Gongming relaxes.

They will definitely go all out!

"The speed of the ball hasn't come down yet?"

Tojo on the strike zone was sweating coldly on his head.

Before hitting the field, they had heard from the mouth of Director Kataoka, the number of pitches Narunomiya had so far.

He has thrown over 120 pitches!

Generally there is no surprise, the peak pitch of a pitcher is 70, and if you stay in shape, you can throw 90 to 120 pitches!

Because every pitcher has a different stamina, their caps are also different.

But very few people throw 120 balls, and the speed of the ball still does not drop.

This principle is the same as long-distance running. I have never heard of someone who has just finished 5,000 meters and can maintain the same state for the remaining 5,000 meters.

Even if the state is maintained, the light will return.

There is also a ball limit.

It's like a long-distance running with 50 meters or 100 meters left in the final stage to accelerate the sprint.

There are 50-meter acceleration and 100-meter acceleration. I've never heard of anyone who started speeding 1000 meters ahead of schedule.

That doesn't wait for you to run to the end, the whole person will be useless.

Cheng Gongming's current state is almost like this.

It is said that he has reached the second half of the schedule, but not to the sprint stage.

His ball speed should come down!

But the amazing thing is that Naruto's ball speed doesn't seem to have dropped in the slightest.

Instead, it looks sharper!

Tojo, who was behind by a strike, wanted to prevent himself from being chased.

He gritted his teeth and swung at the second ball.

He is aiming for a straight ball, which is also the way Naru Miya throws the most at this stage.

Unexpectedly, what Narimiya Naruto threw was a slider.


"nice shot!!"

The swing failed, and the two strikes were chased.

Tojo's face became extremely serious, and he had a very bad premonition.

I have to say that Tojo's hunch was still very accurate, and Narunomiya then threw a change-up.

Without any mental preparation at all, he swung the bat out in advance.

In this way, he naturally missed the swing again.


"nice shot!"

"strike out!!"

Cheng Gongming continued his efforts and scored two strikeouts.

"strike out!"

"strike out!!!"

Aso and Kanimaru did not touch the ball in the face of Narunomiya Ming, who was full of firepower.

There was no time to do any entanglement, and all of them were struck out.

The number of strikeouts Naru Gong Ming scored in today's game also reached an astonishing 15.

If it weren't for the presence of Sawamura Eijun Zhuyu, he would have scored a full 19 strikeouts so far.

The current Chenggong Ming will definitely cause a great sensation.

It's just a pity, because Sawamura Eijun had just broken the record before. So even Cheng Gongming, is now approaching the record number.

Everyone was only slightly surprised, and there were not too many expressions.


Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

In this way, the game came to the last game, which was the ninth game.

In the first half of the ninth inning, the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team attacked first.

Sawamura, who was standing on the pitcher mound, decided to pitch the ball after discussing the code with Ono.


Curve ball!

A fork ball!

Carter Ball!

Stretching the ball!

Float on the ball! !

In the next six balls, Eijun Sawamura did not use any kind of level three change ball.

He used all grade two change balls, and none of the six **** were repeated from start to finish.

The lower two batters of the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team were faced with an endless stream of changing **** that could not find any regular changes.

Just speechless!

It's not that they don't want to hit the ball, they also thought of various ways during the matchup.

I hope that I can hit the change ball of Eijun Nakazawamura firmly.

It is a pity that it is obviously unrealistic to want to do this with their strength.

Even the players of the Inagi Industrial High School baseball team had thoroughly studied Sawamura Eijun before.

But the real confrontation is another matter.

Knowing how to deal with Sawamura Eijun is one thing, but being able to deal with it is another matter?

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!!"

"nice shot!!!"

"strike out!!!"

"strike out!!!!"

Without the slightest Sawamura Eijun scored two strikeouts with six change **** in a row.

Let his strikeout count reach a terrifying 21.

Of the 27 outs in the nine-inning game without extras, 21 came with strikeouts.

Of all the high school students in the country, the only one who can do this is the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun.

Before the end of the game, he set an unprecedented record, and there was basically no one to come after.


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