Ace Hollywood

Chapter 141: Cannes and awards season

The filming of "The Pianist" can be said to be difficult, and the difficulty lies in the requirements of Polanski and Daniel for the roles. Daniel has been consistent in his requirements. He regards "The Pianist" as a qualitative change in his two decades of interpretation. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has devoted himself to it. As for Polanski, he originally had a level line for Spearman's presentation, but seeing Daniel's performance, especially after the filming continued, this level line was continuously raised.

However, on the other hand, this can also be said to be the most worry-free shooting experience for Daniel, there is no delay, just need to drill deep into the role, without having to consider whether it is in line with the box office and awards.

Maybe people like Daniel Day-Lewis will have a lot of similar experiences, and they are more attentive in choosing plays, but for Daniel himself, this is really unique.


"Cannes?" Daniel couldn't remember whether "The Pianist" was successful at this year's Cannes Film Festival, but the decision that Polanski told him when the film was finished still shocked him.

It is already two months now, and the filming progress is actually very smooth and fast, but there are only three months before the Cannes Film Festival, which opens in mid-May, so it is necessary to cut out a film in such a short period of time. It is not an easy matter for Polanski, and with his emphasis on "The Pianist", he should and will sacrifice the quality of the film for the Cannes Film Festival.

"Are you surprised?" Polanski's expression was even milder. It seemed that after the filming of "The Pianist", some shadows were removed from his heart. "Do you think my mind is unclear?"

Daniel winked and didn't deny it, which made Polanski laugh.

Polanski pointed to his head, "Daniel, you know, everything is in it, every frame and every shot of "The Pianist" is in it, three months? No need, give me a month and a half, I can cut it out. I've waited too long for it."

After being silent for a while, in the lingering fragrance of coffee, Daniel nodded. He understood Polanski, and he also had 100% trust in him. He believed that the best "The Pianist" was indeed in Polanski's heart exists, and now, it only needs to be born through these materials and editors.

"I hope you can come to the Cannes Film Festival."

Daniel thought for a while. "The Bourne Bourne" will be released in May, so it's not impossible to make time to come, "I will come, but I'm not sure how many days I can stay."

Polanski understands him very well. After all, this is a superstar sitting on a rocket.

The popularity of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" has not diminished. What he can be sure is that the filmmaker must make a lot of money in the surrounding area, because even in Germany, he can see a lot of surrounding areas, such as figures, Keychains can be found almost everywhere, in the houses of the Bolshes' friends. Of course, the one I saw the most was his - Legolas' figure.

It's hard for you to imagine that feeling. It's really quite strange. Your image is placed on the bedside, table, and cabinet of so many people. They may go back and rub it whenever they think of it, from beginning to end, from front to back. He saw with his own eyes Collins Bolsh complimented him on the expressiveness of his figure, and her slender and white fingers stroked the small figure, chest, back, and then down... Although He behaved quite calmly on the spot, but when Collins' small hand touched the key part, he still felt that his body seemed to be overcharged.

You can't think too much about this kind of thing. Once you think about it, there will never be a time for peace.

Fair and Collins did not witness the history of Daniel's fortune in the United States, but they intuitively felt the process of his fame in Germany. When he first arrived in Germany, he would be recognized by many people, but everyone was more restrained. Later, The British paparazzi came to restrict his actions, but after all, the British and American entertainment circles are deeply involved, and Germany does not feel the same. However, after the release of "The Lord of the Rings", this situation changed abruptly. Daniel could no longer appear in public. He could only go to restaurants and shopping malls with high privacy. Thanks to Collins, there was no such local snake. Daniel is estimated to be trapped at home like he was in Los Angeles.

As for the other actors in "The Pianist", including small supporting roles like Diane Kruger, the feeling is more intuitive. People who try to sneak into the studio are becoming more and more unpredictable, and more and more people are waiting outside the studio. I saw Daniel's scream getting louder and louder. This pretty much established for them a real perceptible impression of what it's like to be treated to a Hollywood superstar.

Of course, Daniel didn't know that Diane and Guillaume would cause a lot of quarrels because of Diane's psychological changes, which shortened the marriage that could last until 2006 by a full three years.

How popular "The Fellowship of the Ring" is, Daniel is sometimes not so standard, because he was originally the most popular Hollywood star. Just look at Dominic Monaghan, who is now the most well-known film actor in Germany.


"Helen, I'm sorry, but there's really no way. Okay, when I get back, let's discuss "Hotel Rwanda" together." When Daniel was about to leave Berlin and return to Los Angeles, he received a message from MGM's Helen Dele. telephone. He's apologized a few times, and it's all because of the "Legal Blonde" Golden Globes before, it's not a big deal, but MGM takes it seriously, and Reese Witherspoon is shortlisted for musical comedy After the movie, the film was also nominated for Best Musical Comedy, but Daniel was rather shocked by the nominations, let alone believed they would win.

He is more willing to believe that the Golden Globes put "Legal Blonde" in it because it hopes to attract some ratings. After all, as the most talked-about comedy film last year, and the box office is high, the crowd of attention is very large. For the Golden Globes, which have always hoped to captivate audiences, giving them a nomination is no big deal.

But at that time, Daniel was at a critical moment in the filming. Of course, it was impossible to take a leave of absence to go back to Los Angeles to participate. Not to mention that Emmett did not nominate the best actor, even if he was nominated, he would not have left Berlin at that time for a small probability event.

In any case, he was a little sorry for Helen, after all, she wanted to make Legally Blonde a perfect project.

The same thing happened in "The Fellowship of the Ring", but this one is okay. Peter Jackson was nominated for best director, but he himself didn't believe in a play, and of course he wouldn't ask the actors to join him - in fact, there was no "Guardian" The cast of The Messenger of the Ring was shortlisted for either award. It was a bit surprising that Ian McLean was not nominated for a supporting actor. Because of this, Daniel called old Ian to comfort him.

In fact, as Daniel spends more time in Hollywood, more people have entanglements with him. This time, there are quite a few Golden Globe Awards that have something to do with him. Russell Crowe, the new Golden Globe actor, can be regarded as a **** way out of a group of rival Denzel Washington-cooperated with Daniel in "Hotel Rwanda", which was completed more than half later than Daniel moon. In addition, Reese Witherspoon and Peter Jackson are all Daniel's films, and Ron Howard also has several encounters, as well as Angelina Jolie's father, in "School Blues" Great actor Jon Voight.

Therefore, on the night of the awards ceremony, he had to make several phone calls, some of which needed blessings and some of which needed comfort. However, Nicole Kidman, who had a lot of trouble with Tom, became the most watched woman of the night with "Moulin Rouge", and she didn't know whether she needed blessing or comfort.

This year's Oscar invitation has been sent to Cusa. Whether he is required to award the award or not has not yet been notified. According to tradition, the winner of the last performance award is very hopeful to appear on stage to present the award.

In general, this awards season has little to do with him. Of course, the two films "Legal Blonde" and "The Fellowship of the Ring" still kept him from leaving the audience's field of vision in the second half of 2001, which is quite a bit. I am not in the Jianghu, but the Jianghu has the master style of my legend.

Daniel still had a headache when he thought of going back to the vortex of right and wrong in Los Angeles.

The Fellowship of the Ring, Anti-War, Roman Polanski, he can think of all the nasty topics reporters might ask him.

But life is like this, you can't stop moving forward step by step.


This weekend, I gave myself a day off, and I found an old book to read "The Throne of the World". History is really hard to write. I will continue with ten thousand words tomorrow, and I will update it today.

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