Acceptance of the Heavens Begins with the Devil Fruit Tree

Chapter 66: Lord of Purgatory (commemorating the first reward in this book)

   At night, the evening breeze blows, bringing a bit of chill.

   Underground, laboratory.

   "Anas, how about the production of Knight's Blood now?"

   Just after finishing the experiment, Sean saw Anais who was waiting there early. Now Anais's aura is much weaker and more stable than before. He has successfully converted and became a Tier 1 gray-robed wizard.

   "Master, now every month the blood of the first-order knight can produce 20 blood, and the blood of the second-order knight can produce 10 blood."

   Since being given the secret of "Scarlet Blood" by Sean, Anais has changed his name to Sean from Lord Lord to Young Master, and he is a slave to himself. Sean has not deliberately corrected this.

Hearing this output, Sean frowned slightly. Compared to the demand, it was a bit low, but he didn't say much. Now the preparation of the blood of the knight is basically done by Anis alone, and he usually In addition to formulating potions, he has to practice and do other research. Time is really tight.

   "After a while, I will let someone choose a few apprentices for you. You can take them with you and let them share the burden for you."

   "Okay, Master."

  Understanding what Shaun meant, Anis immediately nodded and agreed.

   "By the way, how is that chain?"

   As soon as the voice changed, Xiao En remembered the hot chain of the third-order strange thing that White Beard had obtained from the fanatic.

Sean still values ​​this third-order strange thing. After all, from the description of White Beard, this strange thing is very powerful, but he has studied for a long time and has not found any special place, and just as he was preparing to put this strange thing. An accident happened when the matter was transformed into a source of power. He felt resistance. Although it was very weak, it did exist. This was never before. The most important thing was that the chain spoke.

   The Great World of Boya is not the world of Xianxia. The strange things here have never been described by the spirits. It is strange how strange things speak when they speak. For this reason, Sean temporarily gave up the idea of ​​turning it into a source of power.

   "It's still the same, noisy every day."

   Talking about this chain, Anais's face is also a little weird.

   "I am the lord of purgatory, the king of crimson, I am lord of purgatory, the king of crimson."

   Just stepping into the third floor of the underground laboratory, Sean heard the roar of the second grade.

In a cage made of steel, a black iron chain is constantly twisting its body in a closed glass box, just like a living thing, but perhaps because it is no longer used by humans, this chain is not only able to move. , There is no other ability.

   "Still like this?"

   Standing outside the cage and observing for a while, Sean was a little disappointed, he was very interested in this unique strange thing, but unfortunately there was no breakthrough discovery so far.

Combined with the novels he had read, Sean had doubted whether there was a powerful character's soul attached to this chain, but after observing for a period of time, he found that the possibility was very small. Although the hot chain could talk, it would go back and forth. Just those two sentences, without the slightest logic and spirituality, more like a repeater.

   "Forget it, that's it for now, Anais, you usually pay attention to it, and tell me if there is any change."

   After speaking, Sean was about to turn around and leave, but at this moment the fiery chain spoke again.

   "Slave, stop for me."

   The chain's voice is still in the second, but Sean really stopped.

"Are you talking to me?"

   turned around and looked at the chain, a glowing color flashed across Sean's blue eyes.

   "Slave, stop for me."

   "Slave, stop for me."

   Facing Sean’s question, Chainlink once again turned on the repeater mode, which made Sean a little puzzled.


   Just as Sean was about to continue communicating with the Hot Chain, a sudden change interrupted the process.

   "Anas, be optimistic about it and pay attention to its changes."

   After finishing speaking, Sean immediately turned around and hurriedly left the underground laboratory.

   Botanical Garden, the top of the mountain, a forbidden place in Luye Town, today ushered in the first stranger.

   "Huh? Not here anymore? It looks like I just ran for nothing."

   Revealing his figure from the darkness, Sterling Silver Blood No. 3, silver-haired Beroni Sankoh looked up at the demon fruit tree close at hand.

Although he intends to test the strength of the Tier 4 in Luye Town, he is not arrogant enough to directly attack the Lord's Mansion, so based on the collected information, he came to the top of the Botanical Garden, a place where the Lord of Luye Town often visits. Come find that Tier 4, test it, and leave before the others can react, but it's a pity that it's gone.

   "Hey, what kind of tree is this? Is it an extraordinary plant? But why didn't I feel the flow of magic?"

   did not find the target, Belloni did not rush to leave, but looked at the devil fruit tree carefully, as if this is his own home.

   "This fruit is so strange."

   looked around, but Belloni found the devil fruit in the form of the legendary animal species, ghost dragon.

   The pale silver light in his eyes flickered, Belloni looked closely, and found no danger, his silver hair stretched behind him, climbing upwards, ready to pluck the fruit.

   "Hey, are you going to steal my fruit?"

   The careless smile His figure was stiff, only then did Beroni realize that someone came behind him at some point.

   Muscles tensed, vindictiveness filled, Beroni slowly turned around.

The pupils turned completely silver. Looking at the white beard like a little giant not far away, Peroni raised the vigilance in his heart to the highest level. In his perception, the white beard at this moment is a stone, without a trace of life. , But this is simply impossible, because this is a living person who appears in front of him.

   "Master said stealing is bad behavior. Are you ready to be killed by me?"

Before   's words fell, the white beard's figure had disappeared in place.

"So fast."

   His pupils shrank, and it was too late to escape, Beroni could only cross his hands to block his chest.

   嘭, although he reacted in time and made an effective block, the white beard's fist was still not so easy to receive, and Peroni was knocked out directly.

  , let's unload, flip in the air, and Peroni lightly landed on the ground, but there was a glare of blood at the corner of his mouth.

   "It's really amazing, but it's interesting."

   sucked, sticking out his tongue to lick the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the silver light in Belloni's eyes became brighter.

   "Blood is liberated."

   Roots of silver threads emerged from the flesh and blood and spread all over the body. Beroni’s posture began to change, his height stretched, his limbs became sturdy, his claws sharpened, and his face appeared in a wolf shape.

   "This time you won't hit me so easily."

   Seeing that the white beard once again disappeared from the same place, a smirk was drawn from the corner of Belloni's mouth, and his footsteps disappeared, and the speed was not even slower than that of the white beard.


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