Acceptance of the Heavens Begins with the Devil Fruit Tree

Chapter 903: have not seen you for a long time

The big world of Liberal Arts, the land of the spirits.

As the third continent of the Liberal World, the elven continent that descended from the sky has attracted the attention of many people. However, because of the strong power displayed by the Kabbalah Tree of Life, many greedy eyes were suppressed, but as a news came out , The Elf Continent became more and more chaotic, and more and more pioneering forces began to land on the Elf Continent, occupying land, building camps, and searching for the resources of the Elf Continent, including capturing elven slaves.

Under normal circumstances, the major forces are concerned that the strength of the tree of life should not be so rampant, but there is news that the tree of life paid a great price when beheading the seventh-order wizard in the hell. He is dying of tarsal inflammation poison.

When this news first came out, many forces did not believe it, but with repeated trials, the tree of life has been slow to make a move. The authenticity of this news has gradually been elevated, and now the major forces have revealed to the elven continent. Lost his fangs.

Except for the Emerald Continent in the present Liberal World, the vast majority of the regions are still affected by the barren disaster. At this time, the elven continent that has just arrived and has not yet been polluted is a rare and pure land, which naturally arouses many people. Peeping.

   And as more and more extraterritorial forces arrive, various extraterritorial starry sky advanced and extraordinary methods have also been brought in. Now, as long as you are willing to pay the price, the sea can no longer become a barrier to the elven continent.

Huh, the wind blows, and the wind with a trace of annihilation landed on the west coast of the Elf Continent, raging unscrupulously. A variety of ferocious shadows appeared in it, and under the blowing of the wind, a film was formed. The forest withered, and countless creatures were buried in it.

   "The king of wind disasters is simply deceiving the elves too much."

   The kingdom of the elves, looking at the raging west coast through the projection, the elves and nobles couldn't help but gritted their teeth, but they were so pale and weak, the mother tree was sleeping, and with the powerful strength of the king of natural disasters, they had nothing to do.

   The most important thing is that the king of storm disaster is also extra cautious. His true body has never been exposed. All the traces exposed are his dependents. He is testing the bottom line of the elven kingdom step by step.

"Wang, we must do something. If we continue to compromise like this, the wolves will tear us apart before the mother tree wakes up. Even if we have given up one-third of the land, those guys still Without satisfaction, every day we have people caught by those disgusting slave traders."

   Looking at the Elf King sitting on the throne, some Elf aristocrats couldn't help but speak. As an ancient race with a long heritage, the Elves are not without cards.

   Hearing this, looking at the gazes of many nobles below, after a long time of indulging, the Elf King nodded.

   Above the undulating sea, a white cloud floats quietly, and there is a kingdom of wind hidden in it.

   Eight-faced and ten-tailed, resembling a tiger, sitting high on his throne, listening to the news brought back by his family members, the King of Storm Disaster showed a hideous smile on his face.

He had a rough life in his life. When he was first born, he was sealed by the Emerald Kingdom. Later, he was refined into an emperor. He couldn't get out of trouble. He participated in the twelve natural disasters and Uranus, the lord of the sky. In the twilight plan that was jointly formulated, he died again because of his backlash against the great source of the great world of Liberal Arts.

   After this recovery, considering the various circumstances before and the complex situation in the Liberal World, the King of Wind Disaster decisively stayed away from the Origin Continent and the Emerald Continent, and set his sights on the elven continent that had just appeared.

The old continent is indeed rich in resources, but once the fallen gods discover his existence, they may not be able to help but tear him. The Emerald Kingdom is the only one on the Emerald Continent. Although he hates him, he has to admit that he has provoke him. Sorry, I will wait for myself to become stronger.

The Elf Continent is different. The resources here are also rich. If you can occupy this place, spread fear, and turn it into your own natural disaster country, your own strength will be greatly improved. The most important thing is that the strength of the once masters here is not strong. , The only tree of life that needs attention has also gone wrong.

And the development of things later confirmed the idea of ​​the King of the Storm. With his strong personal strength and near-immortality characteristics, the King of the Storm is boundless on the elven continent, even those who come from outside the domain are not. Willing to provoke him easily can be said to be the real overlord of one party.

   Of course, even so, the King of Storms still acted cautiously, always paying attention to hiding his traces, changing the previous practice of fighting alone, contacting the Doomsday Church, recruiting family members, and letting these family members act on their behalf.

   "This will eventually become the place where disasters come, and I will walk out of disasters and become the supreme king."

A faint green light glowed in his eyes, staring at the elven continent, looking into the hidden depths, the king of the wind disaster whispered softly, with the example of the king of the disaster and the mother of the desolate achieving the eighth level, he also yearned Possess an eighth-order mighty force.

   But at this moment, the void shattered like a Two figures broke into the typhoon kingdom specially created by him imitating the god's dwelling on the ground.

"It's you?"

   suddenly looked back, saw the old one and two small figures clearly, his eyes were frozen on the old face, and the pupils of the king of wind disaster suddenly shrank.

   "Long time no see, wind disaster."

   With a gentle smile on his face, looking at the frightened King of the Storm, Sieggel seemed to see an old friend who had reunited after a long absence.

   While standing aside, he was 1.5 meters tall and had a pair of small horns. The silver-haired and silver-eyed Deer King showed a hint of curiosity.

   Hearing this, the face of the king of the storm fell completely gloomy.

   "Yeah, long time no see, I think you miss it too hard."

   Sixteen eyes were filled with cold light, looking at Sieggel who looked like a good old man, the King of Storm Disaster made no secret of his killing intent.

   "If you are in other places, I will give you three points, but this is my home court."

  The power surged, resonating with the kingdom of wind, and the aura of disaster began to surge here like a wave.

   "Go to death."

  The huge tornado took shape, evolving the scene of the end. At this moment, Sieggel and King Deer became the enemies of the whole world, and they fell into the doomsday together by the whole world.

   Doomsday wind disaster, the secret technique created by the king of wind disaster after he peeped into the deep reality of this world while shaking the great source is the strongest killing technique in his hand, touching the final power.

   No matter how much hatred of the Emerald Kingdom in his heart, how much hatred of Sieggel, the man who once forcibly controlled him, the King of Storms did not dare to underestimate the strength of Sieggel.

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