In Yuklar's world, the sky was dim, and two heavenly pillars shining with thunder light rose from the ground and stood between the sky and the earth.

After the Great Battle of the Elves, under the joint capture of the Sky Eye and the Nightmare Space, the Emerald Kingdom once again found the traces of two kings of natural disasters, the king of thunder disaster and the king of electric disaster, but these two gathered quietly. Although they acted relatively low-key, they failed to escape the capture of the Emerald Kingdom.

   Above the Immortal Mountain, Sean, Sieggel, and Ymir stood side by side, carefully feeling the changes in this world.

Compared with the beginning, the current Ukral world has changed drastically. The three realms have been opened up, and the order has begun to appear. In addition, Ymir has run through the reincarnation of many affiliated worlds and Ukral worlds, so that the souls of many affiliated worlds continue to flow. Reincarnated in the world of Yuklar, many creatures have been born in the world of Yuklar now, among which human beings have become the most widely distributed intelligent race.

   Although it is said that most of the human races in the Yukal world are still in the primitive tribal era, they have indeed begun to bloom the glory of civilization, and with the emergence of one prophet after another, the human race is evolving at an incredible speed.

Theoretically speaking, after experiencing the baptism of reincarnation, the souls of living beings will return to their original state, pure and simple, but there are always some special cases in the world. After the baptism of reincarnation, they can still leave some traces of the past. At certain moments, with a flash of inspiration, they can bloom with dazzling brilliance and bring different changes to the development of the human race. This type of people is collectively referred to as prophet.

   "Drought, wind, thunder, and electric disasters have been arrested one after another. Even if the remaining kings of natural disasters are slow, they should respond. I wonder if they will continue to be patient or just take action?"

   Feeling the continuous growth of Yuklar's world, Sieggel's expression became heavy.

   "According to the information provided by Supnos, the Lord of Earth Disasters·Mother of Desolation should now be at a certain critical moment, unable to take action, and other Kings of Natural Disasters should continue to be silent."

"Moreover, from the perspective of the Lord of Natural Disasters, this matter is not really urgent, because they are immortal. From their point of view, even if we capture the drought and other demon gods, at most we will temporarily remove them. It's just sealed up, as long as the King of Earth Disaster pulls out his hand, everything will return to its original appearance."

Hearing Siggle’s words, the silent Ymir spoke. I am afraid that the kings of natural disasters would never have imagined that the hands of the Emerald Kingdom had a method to completely kill them. The stalwart may not be able to kill them.

Hearing that, Sieggel had to admit that what Ymir said was reasonable. He did think too much about some things. In the case of unequal information, intelligent life often has extraordinary confidence in its biggest trump card. It will not be broken, even for the seventh-order beings.

   Thinking like this, Sieggel changed the subject.

"During the Great Battle of the Elves, Doublepunk used the eyes of the sky to kill the seventh-order wizard in the necropolis. In the following battle, the seventh-order wizard in the Hell Wizard Tower wanted to use taboo methods to escape, and was killed by Yulin Borges. Strongly killed, the soul was captured by me with the power of cause and effect, and the possibility of resurrection was lost. The remaining dark elves and the black mamba clan chief were arrested by the blue pheasant and others. They are now in the black prison. According to the predetermined plan, they will become human fruit trees that cultivate the eighth-order devil fruit."

   Whispered, Sieggel talked about the final result of the previous naval battle. Although the naval battle itself was an experiment, the final gain of the Emerald Kingdom was quite good.

The Black Prison is the No. 0 prison of the Emerald Kingdom. It is alive. There is a seventh-order emperor of the Beast Emperor, the Golden Swallowing Toad Emperor, in the Emerald Kingdom, which not only has strong physical defenses, but also masters extremely special energy absorption rules. After eating the seventh-order threshold fruit, the space in one’s body becomes a natural prison, trapped in it, under the dual effects of the threshold fruit ability and the energy absorption rules, even the seventh-order great life It's hard to get out of it.

Up to now, there are many subsidiary worlds, especially after the Demon Source Realm, the Emerald Kingdom actually does not lack the seventh-order demon fruits. After all, as long as the sixth-order transcendents can more easily awaken the sixth-order demon fruits and transform them into The seventh-order, but the eighth-order Devil Fruit Jade Kingdom is less pitiful.

The reason for this situation is that, on the one hand, it is too difficult for the sixth-order transcendents to develop the seventh-order demon fruit to the point of awakening, and the seventh-order life is too few, and secondly, after reaching the seventh-order level , Is generally more cautious about things like Devil Fruit with strange origins.

Under such circumstances, in order to obtain Tier 8 Devil Fruit, the Emerald Kingdom finally launched the Human Flesh Fruit Tree Project. The reason why the Black Prison is the No. 0 Prison is not only because of the special nature of the King Swallowing Toad, but also because of the existence of multiple powers. The blessings were there, including Ymir and Peygapunk.

After the prisoner enters the black prison, under the interference of the power of reincarnation, his own memory will be slowly washed away without knowing it, and then a new virtual consciousness will be reborn, taking charge of the body, and transforming from a complete person into A living machine.

Although at this point, a complete seventh-order is actually half-worn, its essence is still there, as long as the selected seventh-order devil fruit has a high enough affinity with him, through this essence, it is in the control of virtual consciousness. Next, the probability of final awakening is still relatively high, after all, the birth of virtual consciousness itself is determined by the type of devil fruit.

Of course, because the existence of Tier 7 is a treasure in itself, Tier 7 can absorb and have potential. The Emerald Kingdom will not kill chickens and get eggs. Those who will really be locked in the black prison are stubborn elements with unforgivable. The original sin.

Hearing Siggle’s words, Ymir’s pale little face showed a hint of interest. He was involved in the creation of this plan at the beginning, but it has not really started until now, because the inherently special sixth-order and seventh-order lives are It's not that easy to grasp How does it perform? "

   Out of curiosity, Ymir asked.

   After hearing the words, Sieggel sighed.

   "The performance is not bad, in line with expectations, if nothing happens, we will be able to harvest the eighth-order devil fruit in a while."

   "However, although this great battle was very rewarding, it also left some troubles, especially the towers of the necropolis."

   Speaking of this, Sieggel's expression became dignified. Although the Emerald Kingdom was not afraid, he also had to admit that the strength of the towers in the necropolis was indeed powerful and should not be underestimated.

   Hearing this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a cold murderous intent on Ymir's body.

"A group of undead that are full of foul smells, they are sins that walk outside the cycle of reincarnation. If they really want to touch our Emerald Kingdom, then let me deal with it. The undead Lubedo is still very interested."

   His disgust was not concealed in his words. As the leader of the power of reincarnation, Ymir had a natural aversion to the existence of the necropolis.

   Hearing this, he glanced at Ymir, shook his head, Sieggel said nothing.

Theoretically speaking, the power of reincarnation should be a natural restraint of the rules of the undead. In addition, with the reincarnation throughout many worlds, the power of reincarnation on Ymir has become stronger and stronger. Although he is not as good as the legendary undead. Lubedo, but the future is really matched, and the outcome may be uncertain.

   At this time, the soul was touched, Sieggel and Ymir cast their eyes out of the world at the same time, and only Sean had no response.

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