In the world of Yuklar, strong winds blow across the ocean and the earth, and a new pillar of heaven rises from the extreme south of the world.

   Above the immortal mountain, feeling the subtle changes in the world, Xiao En's face showed a smile.

   "The deity, the twelve natural disasters should have all been resurrected according to time, but they seem to have received some kind of news, they are very cautious in their actions, and few traces are revealed."

   "Sky Eye observed the world and calculated a few locations where they might hide. Next, I will lead a team to search for them, hoping to catch all of them as soon as possible."

   Seeing the smile on Sean's face, Sieggel, who was standing by, spoke.

   Hearing the words, Sean nodded.

"Let's do this. The twelve natural disasters should be cautious. After all, what they have done has caused too many people to hate them. They should be waiting for the Lord of Disasters and Mother Desolation to solve their hidden dangers, etc. Their own power further grows, and they may not be able to come to light until then, and they should have been aware of our capture of them."

   For Sieggel’s proposal, Sean gave a definite answer. At this stage, most of the twelve natural disasters have just been reborn, and they are at the trough of their own strength. This is the best time to capture them.

   "By the way, you must pay attention to the Lord of Earthquake during this process. He shouldn't sit back and watch, but don't worry too much. Once you find out, call me immediately."

   Thinking, Sean added.

Hearing this, Sieggel nodded solemnly. No one can ignore the existence of an eighth-order stalwart. Although Sean controls the Eternal Boat, he also has the eighth-order combat power, but Sean is in a special state at this time. Individual consciousness is completely enclosed in the Yuklar world and cannot extend outward. This is more troublesome in itself, but the development of the Yuklar world requires the foundation of the twelve kings of natural disasters. Now is the best opportunity that cannot be missed.

   "Okay, deity, I know what to do."

   "This deity, there is another thing you need to make a decision. The elven kingdom of the elven continent has made a request to us, and they want to join the royal power alliance."

   The thoughts in his mind turned, and Sieggel talked about another thing.

After completing the capture of the Storm King, Sieggal received a request from the Elven Kingdom to join the Crown Power Alliance. The reason for this situation is that one is because he was observing Sieggel’s capture of the Storm King. In the process, the elves clearly realized the strength of the Emerald Kingdom, which is no longer the kind of vagueness on paper. The second is that the current situation of the elves is indeed precarious and urgently needs external forces to break the situation. The third is that the royal alliance is a comparison after all. Loose organization, after joining, they can still maintain considerable independence.

Hearing this, Sean was quite surprised. Although he has not come into contact with them, creatures like elves are notoriously arrogant. Such arrogance is carved into their bones. For other intelligent beings, including humans, most of them It is despised, some elves would rather die than accept human help.

   "It seems that these elves are really pressed."

   "What kind of conditions did they give, don't you just want us to step into the quagmire of the elven continent, right?"

   With a smile on his face, Sean turned his gaze to Sieggel.

   Hearing the words, Sieggel explained the conditions set by the elves.

   "For the development and prosperity of the alliance, the elves are willing to donate to the alliance a seventh-order artifact, harvest scythe, which contains a harvest divine power."

   "In addition, they are willing to donate 100 drops of moon spring water, 1,000 life leaves, and a few other low-level materials to the Alliance every ten years."

   Hearing this, Xiao En narrowed his eyes slightly, and saw that at this critical moment, the Elves did indeed show great sincerity, hoping to obtain the asylum of the Royal Power Alliance.

The value of a Tier 7 artifact is of course needless to say, let alone the special theocracy of Fengshou. Xiao En guessed that this artifact was deliberately used by the elves to please Sieggel, after all, it is in charge. Sieggel of the theocracy of nature still has a high degree of compatibility with this artifact. In fact, the previous owner of this artifact was the mother of the fallen plants.

The Moon Spring is a myth-level spring water, also known as the fountain of magic power. Whether it is taken directly or used as an alchemy material, it is a good choice. If it is used as the main material to make a healing potion, Even for the seven ranks, it has a great effect.

   Life leaves are not to mention, although the rank has not reached the seventh rank, it is also a very cherished sixth rank treasure, which can save your life at critical moments.

   "Your opinion on this matter, Siggle."

   Seeing the urgency of the elves, without directly making a decision, Sean threw the problem to Sieggel.

   Hearing the words, thinking a little, Sieggel gave the answer.

   "This deity, I think I can agree to the requirements of the elves, for four reasons."

   "First, once the elves join the royal power alliance, the luck of the royal power alliance will inevitably increase."

   "Second, after the elves join the royal power alliance, the royal power alliance can justifiably grab the benefits of the elven continent. This method is far more efficient and cost-effective than mere plunder."

"Third, with the promotion of the One Thousand Worlds Plan, more and more worlds will fall into the Great World of Liberal Arts. The elves are the first to experience this kind of predicament, but they are not the last. The elves have become a template, which is conducive to further expanding the influence of our royal power alliance."

   Word by word, Sieggel stated his reasons for accepting the elves.

Hearing that, Sean is not commenting that it is a pros and cons to accept the elves to join the royal power alliance. There are indeed many benefits, but the disadvantages are also obvious. Now many forces have regarded the elves as fat in their bowls. How can they be willing to intervene in the Royal Power Alliance at this time?

   The most important thing is that the Royal Power Alliance is not to divide a piece of cake, but to take the bowl directly away. This will inevitably cause backlash. Although these forces are far less powerful than the Royal Power Alliance, they are also a powerful force together.

   "Fourth, and the most critical point."

   Raising his head, Siggle looked directly at Sean.

"I have initially found my own I can try to embark on this path only after Double Punk’s research results are further improved, but this is destined to be a **** road. Once you go up, the brutal killing is inevitable, and the conflict on the Elf Continent can just be used as a preview."

   With a loud voice, Sieggel gave the most critical reason.

   Hearing this, a bright light flashed across Sean's blue eyes.

In fact, at the point where he is now, many interests are no longer in his eyes. A low-level seventh-order artifact, whether it is special or not, is not worthy of him to look at him differently. Regardless of whether the King Power Alliance accepts the elves, it is all right for him, except What he can not ignore is the road involving the eighth level.

   "Did you really think about it? This road is not easy to walk."

   After listening to Sieggel's statement, Sean frowned slightly.

   Hearing the words, Sieggel nodded solemnly.

   "Think about it. If you want to control cause and effect, you must first sink into it and be entangled in cause and effect. This is a process that must be experienced. Instead of waiting passively, it is better to take the initiative to end, so that at least you can master more initiative."

   Hearing this, Sean didn't say much any more. He understood that Sieggel had made up his mind and was ready to be psychologically plagued by thousands of causes and effects.

   "From now on, you will mobilize the power of the Emerald Kingdom, including those Tier 7 combat power."

Siegger gave enough reasons. The first three are irrelevant, but the last one is extremely important. In this case, Sean also expressed his attitude. He gave all the power of the Emerald Kingdom to Sieger. Er, this is a manifestation of his attitude and his greatest support for Sieggel.

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