In the Liberal World, the New World, in the depths of time and space, ancient giants are sleeping.

Yukal's world, the immortal mountain, Sean's consciousness is condensed into shape, holding a quill pen and writing something on a blank page.

"The Dark Night Kingdom was established and became the sole overlord of the Night Island, but as the kingdom became stronger and stronger, a Night Island could no longer accommodate their ambitions, so they turned their sights beyond the Night Island to the boundlessness. The sea."

"The accumulated agitation broke out, and the magnificent era of great voyage kicked off. This year is called the first year of great voyage. Is there any reason to stop a man from running to the sea?"

Draw the last question mark, Sean released the quill pen. In the next moment, the radiance of secret silver flows on the body of the quill pen like flowing water. The entire page was completely enveloped. At this moment, the river of destiny in Ukral’s world suddenly turned a bend and headed in another direction.

Destiny Writer 008, a seventh-order fate-type strange object, Shawn uses the 008 quill strange object obtained from the mysterious world and the nine-level destiny Gu from the demon source world as the main materials to refine the seventh-order strange object. He is a writer Combination with destiny.

Reached out, closed the cover of the book, bound it with the thread of fate, Sean sent it into the void, that is, at this time, the writing on the cover was revealed, it is the Great Voyage · Volume One .

"Destiny is impermanent. If you play with destiny, you will be teased by destiny, but proper guidance is more conducive to the current development of the Ukral world, and in this process, my control over the rules of destiny will be further improved."

Standing on the top of the sacred mountain, overlooking the whole world, the thoughts in Sean's heart kept turning.

To open up the world of Ukral, Sean wanted to prove the two powers of the developer and the master of the world at the same time. After obtaining the great source fragments of the Great World of Liberal Arts and understanding the special characteristics of the king of natural disasters, the achievements of the power of the developer have already embarked on. On the right track, even saw the dawn of success, but the progress of the Lord of the World is very slow.

One of the most important reasons for this is that Sean's control of the rules of fate is flawed, and he is a little short of other rules, and now he has to make up for this with the help of the process of compiling the fate for the Yuklar world.

Om, the void fluctuated, Ymir wearing a black robe appeared here.

"It seems that things are going well."

Looking at Ymir returning, a smile appeared on Sean's face.

Knowing Sean's current state, Ymir explained all the things that happened in the food world, and released the biggest harvest worms in the food world by the way.

The startling malicious divergence, a dark cloud rose, a huge, six-winged, long tail needles and sharp mouthparts, a bee-shaped strange insect appeared. This is difficult for the naked eye. Consists of seen eating insects.

"This malice is like the enemy of all living beings."

Looking carefully at the insects, Xiao En's face showed a hint of surprise, and he could feel the power of these insects.

Upon hearing this, Ymir spoke.

"Eating insects, to be precise, they should be called evil eating insects. They have nothing to eat. After the restrictions are released, even a world will be eaten cleanly by them. It is not good to say that they are enemies of all living beings. pass."

A slightly cold voice sounded, and looking at the eater in the sky, the corner of Ymir's mouth outlined a subtle arc.

The eater is a kind of artificial creation. It was the stalwart life Akajia who cut off his greed for food when he was promoted to the eighth level in order to purely his own food. But it is indeed contaminated with some characteristics of the eighth rank. If it were not for the sovereignty of reincarnation to restrain the eating insects, he would not be able to tame these little guys.

Under normal circumstances, even if a complete seventh-order life face is extremely powerful with these mental powers, and can be immune to most attacks, it will only be eaten up when the monsters are eating like life.

Of course, what the eating insects are best at is not killing and cutting. To a certain extent, they are a kind of auxiliary worms. Although the eating insects eat everything, they can transform all these complex energies. For life energy.

This life energy is not only high in level, but also pure to the extreme, without any imprints. Using this energy to wash one's body, even a pig can cultivate into a sacred body of seven levels, of course, among them The consumption must be an astronomical figure.

"Let these eating insects release all the accumulated life energy."

After carefully sensing the power accumulated in these eating insects, Sean made a decision.

Upon hearing this, Ymir nodded.

In the next moment, the terrifying breath of life erupted on the top of the Immortal Mountain, rendering the sky of the entire Ukral world into emerald green.

"It's as vast as the starry sky. In terms of life energy alone, Tier 8 may not necessarily be so majestic."

Really feeling the huge life energy, Xiao En let out a sigh, this is the fruit of the eight kings after the eating insects swallowed for so many generations.

"Eternal Spirit, devour this power."

With the emerald sky reflected in his eyes, Sean gave the order.

"Yes, master."

The dull and thunderous voice of the Eternal Spirit sounded, and in the next instant, an invisible mouth took shape, and it began to crazily devour this seemingly boundless, high-quality life force.

Affected by this kind of life energy, some of the scars in the original body of the giant ancestor began to disappear. At the same time, the thunder ruled the power operation, more and more immortal matter began to be born, and the long-silent eternal boat began a new transformation.

And the world of Yuklar, which is one with the boat of eternity, has also been denied at this time. The vitality of life is booming, all things are thriving, and more and more strange creatures begin to be born quietly. After the filter of the boat of eternity, Yukal The changes in the world become more moderate and more controllable.

In order to enrich the life elements in Ukral’s world, with the assistance of Douglas Punk, Sean has woven a life information database in Ukral’s world. As long as the conditions are right, all kinds of strange life will be in Ukral. The birth of the Krall world is itself a side of the Lord of the World.

Time passed, and I don't know how long it took, the majestic life energy was finally swallowed up by the boat of eternity.

Om, the state is depressed, and the squeezed-out swarm of eating insects returned to Ymir's hands listlessly.

"My deity, it seems that Ukraal's world is one step closer to the eighth level."

Feeling the vigorous and upward aura emanating from Ukral's world, Ymir showed a smile on his face, and his eighth-tier road is also closely related to Ukral's world.

To achieve the sovereign power of reincarnation, it is necessary to open up a complete reincarnation in a world that reaches the eighth level, rotate life and death, draw a clear boundary between life and death, and control the dark side of the world, so that the life and death of the entire world can be put in order. , Stand under reincarnation.

From the surface conditions, the conditions for the achievement of the sovereign power of reincarnation should be simpler than those of the creator, but in fact this power is more It is easy to attract external interference. , No one wants to let his life and death be held by others.

Even in the present Liberal World, as long as Ymir dares to plot to open up reincarnation, he will immediately attract a large amount of external interference, including the existence of the eighth order.

So this condition seems relatively simple, but unless there is a major change in the eighth-order world and all powerful existences fall, it is very dangerous for Ymir to find a mature eighth-order world and directly open up reincarnation. , There is a high probability of being beaten to death.

Under such circumstances, the developing world of Yuklar has naturally become the best choice for Ymir. When Sean achieves the eighth level, he is not far from the eighth level.

"Yes, but it's still a bit worse after all, and time is not waiting, it's time to start the Demon God capture plan."

Overlooking the thriving world of Ukral, Sean let out a sigh.

Hearing this, Ymir narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a cold light flashing in them.


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