Acceptance of the Heavens Begins with the Devil Fruit Tree

Chapter 918: The overall situation is set

Moo, a vast whale croak, a billowing air surging in the sky, facing the madly attacking Dragon King DeRous, Whale King Mu En’s face also showed a heavy color, and liberated his own body. , Incarnate a giant whale about 10,000 meters long.

Bang, the pure power collided, the void cracked, and the two giants, the Dragon King and the Whale King, collided together, one side was good at attacking, and the other was good at defense.

But at this moment, the fallen Wolf King, Crow King, and Horse King suddenly changed. The majestic blood fog left by them after their fall suddenly disappeared, as if they had been swallowed by something.

At the same time, the Dragon King who was fighting with the Whale King suddenly surged like a river like a sea, raising his original power level by one level.

In the original situation, the Dragon King was slightly weaker than the Whale King because of the rules, but now, driven by this huge force, the Dragon King not only made up for this gap, but even slightly exceeded it. Because he is not afraid of injury at all, and his style of play is very fierce, like a madman.

The most important thing is that there is a continuous flow of life energy in his body, like an unfathomable sea, even if he is injured, he can quickly recover. On the other hand, the Whale King does not have such confidence.

"Swallowed the fallen three kings, all the eating insects gathered on the dragon king."

The eyes of Samsara became apparent, and Ymir narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched the black qi in the dragon king Diluus that was difficult for ordinary people to see.

"It's time for everything to end."

The lilac eyes twinkled with dim light, looking at Dragon King Diluus, who became stronger in the Vietnam War, the power in Ymir's body began to surge. Whale King Mu En had already expressed his will and proved his strength by action. There is no need to continue any further except for the loss of spoils.

In the next instant, the hexagonal reincarnation disc manifested, traversing the void, and completely enveloped Diluus.

Life and death revolved, and the cycle of reincarnation was like a mill. Under the scouring of the power of reincarnation, Delouse let out a scream.

The power of reincarnation damages Diruus itself. The most important thing is the eating insects hidden in his body. To a certain extent, the sovereignty of reincarnation controlled by Ymir can restrain the eating insects. This special exists.

Bloodshot spread in the dark golden dragon pupils, resembling a spider web, Diluus struggled desperately, trying to break through the suppression of the sixth-order reincarnation disc, but Mu En took a step to contain it, making him still unable to do so.

"Roar, you **** guys, I must kill you."

Roaring frantically, under the scouring of the power of reincarnation, the power in Dragon King Diluus not only did not weaken, but began to skyrocket frantically.

Stabbed, the old scales fell off, the body grew wildly, and two wings were born again behind his back. Dirous became stronger in the madness, and his breath was not much weaker than the current Ymir.

Roar, the majestic dragon roar sounded, the void was distorted, the hexagonal reincarnation plate was shaken, and the whale king Mu En, who was responsible for the containment on the side, was directly flapped by Drouus' wings.

Seeing such a scene, Ymir frowned slightly.

After researching, Ymir discovered that there are two main abilities of eating insects, one is to unknowingly distorting the cognition of living beings, and the other is to store energy.

The food worms in the food world feed on eight kings of the past. The power accumulated in the body has far exceeded the limit of the individual's seventh-order. In terms of quantity, it may not be inferior to the eighth-order stalwart life. Exceeded, and the eating insects were divided into eight, at this time, four parts were gathered in Dragon King Diluus, which represented a huge force.

Before, Ymir was able to extract the eating insects from Mu En’s body, on the one hand, because of the power of Samsara’s sovereign power, and on the other hand, because of Mu En’s active cooperation, but now it’s different. Under the circumstances, it is not a simple matter for Ymir to use the power of reincarnation to pull out the eater.

The most important thing is to be stimulated by the power of reincarnation and feel the danger. These eating insects also start to go crazy, continuously pour their accumulated power into Drouus's body.


Seeing Diluus, who was constantly impacting the hexagonal reincarnation disc, Ymir let out a sigh, like the whisper of death. In the next moment, the phantom of the Infinite Gate was solidified in the void.

Boom, the thunder blasted, a blue and white electric light opened up time and space from nothingness, and directly hit Drouus.

This electric light was inconspicuous, like a small snake, but at the moment when he was hit by the electric light, the crazy Dirous was quiet, and he was quiet forever. He died, because this electric light was Sean's control of eternity. The power that the boat stays on the door of the infinite.


Looking at the dead Drouus, Ymir sighed again.

The living Dirous is far more valuable than the dead Dirous, but it is supported by the almost infinite power of the eating insects. If you don’t kill Dirous directly, this battle may be difficult to end, even in the end. It is entirely possible for Drouus to achieve a comeback, which is unacceptable to Ymir.

Moreover, in Ymir's eyes, the power accumulated in the insectivore itself is the spoils of the Jade Kingdom, and should not be wasted here in vain.

The sovereignty of reincarnation can operate in its embryonic form. Without the protection of the outer shell of Dirous, coupled with the blessing of the door of the infinite, it is difficult for the eater to resist the suppression of reincarnation.

On the other side, looking at the grayish-white stone gate standing in the void and flowing with the ancient aura, the skin of Whale King Mu En, protected by the meteorite layer, felt a little cold.

"This force is really huge, more than I expected."

Suppressing all the eating insects into the reincarnation, feeling the power hidden in them, Ymir's pale little face showed a rare smile.

Suppressing the world consciousness of the gastronomy world and tracing the traces of the past, Ymir has a certain understanding of the stalwart existence named Akaja who fell in the gastronomy world.

This one buried everything he had in the food world. It can be said that it was his death that created the magnificence of the food world. Just like a whale falls, everything is born when a whale falls. It can be traced back to Ymir. According to the traces of his death, he was completely dead.

Of course, the stalwart existence of Akkajia also left him a means of Among them, eating insects are an important part. They not only enslave the eight kings, but also help Akajia guard the eight ingredients. , Is also accumulating huge power for Akajia's resurrection.

The food demon in the food cell is the key to Akajia’s resurrection, because it itself is the certificate for Akajia to be promoted to the eighth level. Although it is only an empty shell, as long as the empty shell Akajia sleeps Consciousness can return again, and with the power accumulated by the upper worm, Akajia can be resurrected smoothly.

However, it is a pity that the birth of the food demon is closely related to the host of the food cell. Not all food demon are qualified to contain the power of the eight legendary ingredients, and once again awaken the profound meaning of food. Long time has passed, there has never been such an existence. Appear.

"Bring out the dead ape king and the snake king."

The thoughts in his heart turned, and his gaze turned to Morrel. Ymir spoke. He wanted to extract the eating insects from the two. The Ape King is dead. It is not troublesome to extract the eating insects from his body. Although the Snake King still Alive, but already sealed. Although it is a little troublesome to extract, it is limited. Fortunately, Ymir moves fast enough, otherwise the Ape King will be eaten and wiped off by the eating insects.

Since then, the overall situation of the expedition in the gastronomy world has been determined. Except for the deer king who is more dignified, the other eight kings will either be captured or captured or die.

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