Acceptance of the Heavens Begins with the Devil Fruit Tree

Chapter 901: Lord of Fallen Lord of Darkness

The Jade Kingdom, Zhenyun Palace, on this day, the top combat power of the Jade Kingdom quietly gathered here.

The main seat hangs in the air, Sean’s body melts away, and his consciousness belongs to the world of Ukral, unable to show up. Sieggel presides over this meeting on his behalf, and opposite him, a little Ymir, whose consciousness is projected from him, is quiet. Sitting there, now Ymir's real body is also in the world of Yuklar.

And under the two men, Morrel, White Beard, Green Pheasant, Death Danatus, Paradise from the Demon Source World, and Semiya who returned from the Yellow Sand World, a total of eight seventh-tier people gathered together. .

His eyes swept over everyone, these are the real heritage of the Emerald Kingdom, Sieggel finally stopped on Semiya's body.

After getting away from the world of Yangshen, Semiya returned to her real hometown, the world of Huangsha. At this time, the world of Huangsha has become a training ground for the **** world and the Eternal Tower. The whole world is shrouded in gunpowder, and killings happen all the time. , And the most powerless in this process are the natives of the Yellow Sand World.

Seeing his hometown become like this, new hatred and old hatred are added together, Semiya's anger is completely ignited, the first thing he does is to kill the **** guard Huang with a strong posture. The twelfth pillar demon **** of the sand world, the lord of lust, Asmod.

As the last pillar of the twelve pillars of hell, Asmod's strength is not weak at the same level, but it is still only a weak divine power. Facing the incarnation of the immortal bird, Semiya who has changed the path of the magician is not an opponent at all. .

And this is not the end. After killing Asmod, the lord of lust, Semiya burned all the millions of demons who invaded the Yellow Sand World from Hell with her own gods, showing a cruel and tyrannical one. None of the little devil stayed.

After that, Semiya turned his attention to the wizard's side, but considering the relationship between Sean and the Eternal Tower and the relative gentleness of the wizards, he did not choose to kill the killer in the first place.

Faced with such a situation, Kronos, the seventh-order space wizard who is responsible for guarding the Yellow Sand World, decisively chose to retreat and use his own wizard tower to pack all the members of the Eternal Tower. He is just one. Although the newly promoted seventh-order, although mastering extremely powerful space laws, it is definitely not Semiya's opponent, and Semiya also chose to acquiesce to this.

In the end, with the demon's death and injury and the wizard retreating in an all-round way, Semiya lit the world of yellow sand with her Nirvana flame.

In the past years, the lord of **** has planted the seeds of desire in the world of yellow sands. After so many years of development and catalysis, the seeds of desire have already taken root and firmly rooted into the roots of the world of yellow sands. Deep down, this world has inevitably fallen, and is constantly moving closer to hell. If you want to correct it, you can only break and stand.

And because of the past experience of reopening the world of the sun god, Semiya's own knowledge of the world has risen to a very high level. On this basis, based on the flame rule, Semiya finally created her own uniqueness. The magic, **** flame, great alchemy.

With Nirvana God Flame as the foundation, using the seventh-order fire magic, **** flame, and great alchemy, Semiya ignites the entire world of yellow sand, burns the roots of the world, burns all filth, and finally turns it into a flame orb , Swallowed into his own belly.

Of course, in this process, although the seed of desire that took root in the world of yellow sand was burned clean by Semiya, but under the influence of Semia, the fundamental nature of the world of yellow sand inevitably deflected towards the extreme flame world. Move closer.

Fortunately, the original native race of the Yellow Sand World, the Sand People, was adapted to this extreme climate, otherwise it would have to suffer an extreme disaster. Coupled with Semiya’s deliberate control, all the souls of the Yellow Sand World were finally redeemed. .

But this is not the end of the matter. Lost the world of sand, whether it is **** or the Eternal Tower, is furious. The Eternal Tower side is okay. After Morrel contacted as Sean, he considered Semiya. The previous performance finally acquiesced to the fact that Semiya occupies the yellow sand world, and the **** side is different.

The twelfth pillar of the demon **** Asmod fell. Millions of demon elites never survived. Such a loss cannot be ignored even for the **** world. Although the demon **** pillar is there, the fallen Asmod can still Resurrection, but the losses caused in this process are huge, especially at this key node.

The demon of **** is furious, the second pillar of the devil, the Lord of Sinking, the Lord of Darkness, and Moin, who is also the former Dragon Eater, the Dragon of Sin, and the Dark Dragon Nidhog, personally hunt down Semia .

As the second pillar demon **** of hell, in addition to the abyss consciousness and the first pillar demon god, Moin is the strongest person in the **** world. His strength is unquestionable. Although he has not reached the eighth level, he definitely stands. At the apex of the seventh rank, he is also an absolute powerhouse in the powerful divine power.

Facing Moin, Semiya is naturally not an opponent, but with her near-immortal power of Nirvana, although Moin can defeat him, it is difficult to kill him. In the end, after several years of pursuit, Under Sieggel’s guidance, he successfully got rid of Moin and returned to the Great World of Liberal Arts. After the second pillar of the devil fought Sieggel once in the air, out of certain considerations, he finally Did not chase into the big world of Liberal Arts.

Perceiving Sieggel's gaze resting on him, he raised his red eyes that were burning with flames, and looked at Sieggel. There was a hint of doubt on Semiya's face. At this time, he was quiet. , In the slightest can't see that he would be a ruthless man who slaughtered millions at every turn, refining the world.

Withdrawing his gaze, his slightly divergent thoughts gathered, Sieggel's expression became solemn.

"Everyone, there are two main things to announce when you are gathered here today."

The deep voice sounded, and Sieggel spoke.

"The first thing is that there is a good news to announce. The glory of the kingdom shines once again. Dr. Douglas Punk has been successfully promoted to the seventh rank, adding a heritage to the kingdom again."

Sieggel's words fell, and everyone's eyes converged on him. Is there a new black iron throne in the Zhenyun Palace?

Phew, the pale golden mist of luck flows, and a vacant black iron throne quietly emerges. At the same time, blue and white data streams are intertwined, wearing a long white lab coat, with round-framed gold eyes, and a black head The curly-haired Double Punk appeared here. At this time, his body, Cybertron, was still hanging high in the starry sky, and what appeared here was only his consciousness.

"I've seen everyone actively greeted him, a dark light flashed in his dark eyes, sitting on the black iron throne, and Doujiapunk didn't say anything.

Seeing such a scene, Sieggel spoke again.

"Dr. Douglas Punk is a researcher who is enthusiastic about research. After his return this time, the original No. 1 Machinery Research Institute, No. 2 Anomaly Research Institute, and No. 3 Warcraft Research Institute will all belong to the newly-built research department. principal."

While explaining the kingdom's latest decision, Sieggel also pointed out the temperament of Doupunk, a research madman.

"I believe that with the leadership of Dr. Douglas Punk, the kingdom will usher in new changes and achieve rapid development."

The old face was full of smiles, his eyes fell on Doublepunk, and Sieggel took the lead in applauding.

When other people saw this scene, they applauded and welcomed Double Plus Punk, the new seventh-order of the kingdom. Although Double Plus-punk’s temperament is a little weird, when it comes to the seventh stage, there are more weird people. Now, the degree of Double Punk is nothing, and as a scientific madman, it is normal to be a little colder.

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