In the depths of time and space, the ancient giant is sleeping here.

Inside Yuklar, in the bottom underworld of the world, a place of reincarnation has initially formed, which penetrates many worlds and is connected with multiple small reincarnations, exuding an aura of neither life nor death.

And as the hexagonal reincarnation disc imprinted in time and space slowly rotates, countless souls are reincarnated in the world of Ukral from the small reincarnations of other worlds.

Under such circumstances, the Ukral world has entered the stage of a biological explosion, and various species began to appear constantly. In this process, the first intelligent race in the Ukral world, human beings was quietly born, and they survived. In the mountains and forests, hunting for a living, living a life of rumor and blood.

On the top of the immortal mountain where Shaun’s spine was transformed, the haunting rules of the tea tree that had been enlightened in the past have disappeared today, making it extremely quiet.

A little consciousness evolves into a divine body, and Sean and Siegger sit opposite each other, sipping tea carefully, the tea water is rippling with a regular halo, it is the enlightenment tea.

"Siegel, you came to me specially this time, it seems that something big happened outside?"

Taking a sip of tea, savoring the bitterness, Sean asked.

Yuklar’s ​​development is at a critical juncture. Sean has no intention of paying attention to outside affairs anymore, and tries his best to fit his own behavior to Yuklar’s ​​world consciousness. If there is nothing important, Siegger and others will not. Will come to disturb Sean.

"My deity, there are two main things that come to see you this time."

After drinking all the tea in the cup, he took another look at the tea tree that had condensed all the visions and turned into a plain old tea tree. Siegger spoke.

Hearing this, Sean turned his gaze to Him.

"The first thing is a good thing. There is news from Doublepunker in the Cybertron world that he has successfully promoted to the seventh rank, and it will not be long before he can return to the Boya World."

With a happy smile on his old face, Sieggel conveyed good news to Sean. Even for the current Emerald Kingdom, the appearance of a new seventh-order is also a happy event, and it doubles as a punk. The rules to master are quite special.

Hearing this, Sean's calm eyes also rippled. This process was much earlier than he expected. It seems that the process of doubling Punk in these years is still very smooth.

"Is he promoted based on the dual rules of data and wisdom?"

Looking at Siegger, Sean asked. Although Doublepunk is far away in the Cybertron world and has not shown a trace in the Liberal World for a long time, the connection between Sean and Him has never been broken, so he is Some plans, Sean is also very clear.

In addition to the data-based rules that must be mastered, Doublepunk also has ambitions for the rules of wisdom. It is precisely because of this that Xiao En has always kept the light of the seventh-order wonders, which is made with the core material of Rank Nine Wisdom Gu, in Beijiapang. In the hands of grams.


Faced with Sean's question, the smile on his face became brighter, and Sieggel gave an affirmative answer.

Both the data-based rules and the smart rules are quite special in nature, and the two are naturally compatible. Doublepunker can be promoted to the seventh rank based on these two rules, and the road ahead is much better.

With this answer, Xiao En's face also showed a smile.

Data-based rules and rules of wisdom, coupled with the mechanical gods transformed into Cybertron, are not counted as other magical effects if they can be used effectively. In terms of combat power alone, the power that punk can show will probably break a lot. Human cognition.

"My deity, the second thing is a strange thing, you should be interested."

Seeing the smile on Sean's face, Sieggel talked about the second thing.

Hearing this, Sean raised his brow slightly after receiving the information light group that Siegger had kneaded. The information contained in this information light group was mainly the mystery hunting and sealing methods that were spread in the Liberal World.

"External theocracy?"

After gaining insight into the essence of the mysticism, Sean immediately thought of external theocracy. In Sean’s view, the essence of this so-called mysticism was actually a degraded version of the external theocracy, which could strip the divine power from the body of the gods. , And transformed into an external divine power for others to accommodate, but the success rate is not high, and the preservation time is also limited.

"Yes, my deity. After researching, Morrel and I agreed that this so-called secret method is actually a simplified external divine power."

Hearing Sean's murmur, Sieggel spoke.

Hearing this, the thoughts in Sean's heart kept turning.

"Have you traced to the source?"

Looking at Siegger, Sean asked.

"I found it. Although these secrets came from multiple foreign forces, after sorting out the cause and effect, the original source came from the highest tower, the Twilight of the Gods School of Slaughter."

Hearing this, Sean knew it in his heart, and was not surprised.

"Sure enough, is it them?"

At the beginning, Morrel got the book "On the Essence of Gods" written by Helios, creator of the tower of the gods, from Hypnos. At that time, Sean saw it from this book. The vague shadow of the outside theocracy.

Moreover, as the first tallest tower of the Human Race, the original mission of the Twilight Tower of the Gods that appeared in the late golden age was to kill the gods and seek a place for the Human Race in the Boya Great World. It can be said that it is precisely because of the appearance of the Tower of the Gods Twilight and The human race has its current status through tough methods and the spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice.

In this sea of ​​void, if that force knows the existence of gods best, then the tower of the gods at dusk is the number one deservedly. It is not surprising whether it is the mystery hunting method or the mystery sealing method that comes from their hands, because They are professional in this respect.

"Let's talk about any other findings. You should tell me more than just this guess."

Light was flowing in the azure blue pupils, and through the appearance, Sean seemed to see something.

Hearing that, Sieggel's expression also became solemn at this moment.

"This deity, we first came into contact with the external theocracy because of Woking, and then through the traces revealed, it can be seen that the towers of the gods at dusk also master the means of making the external theocracy."

"But these two are not all."

The words were low, and at this point, there seemed to be a big net weaving in Sieggel's emerald eyes.

"The goddess of destiny, Amir, has become a medium divine power at the beginning, holding two destiny divine powers, and combined with the inheritance left by him, I guess that he or the former destiny master Moira should also be in control of the external divine power. Means, even He should be the original source of the secret technique of external divine power."

"And if this guess comes true, besides Vol'jin, the Twilight Tower of the Gods, and Amir, there is another existence that may also have the ability to make an external divine power, that is, the ancient who killed Moira. The sun **** Apollo."

Having said this, Sieggel paused for a while, remembering the result of his continuous follow-up of Uranus-related traces because of Sean's orders.

"The ancient sun **** fell in the late Golden Era. Uranus, the lord of the sky, reached the eighth level in one fell swoop at the end of the Golden Era, and he has been silent until then."

"Compared to saying that he is a genius, I think it is more likely that Wings of the Sky is not a real Tier 8 artifact at all, but an external divine power that condenses the sovereign power of the sky."

"Uranus obtained the complete power of the external sky and absorbed him. That's why he ascended to the sky in one step, accomplished an incredible feat, and achieved the eighth level."

After the words fell, Sieggel's old face had a trace of uncontrollable excitement. Compared with the vague speculations about Uranus in the past, his inferences are undoubtedly more reasonable and well-founded. The most important thing is He has used the power of cause and effect to confirm the side. Although it is not accurate enough, it is indeed possible.

And if this conjecture is true, it will not only unlock the secret of Uranus's arrival at the eighth level, but also represent the discovery of an alternative way to achieve the eighth level.

After killing Wojin and getting the external theocracy and universal gold coin, the Jade Kingdom became interested in the external theocracy technology, but unfortunately, without the support of sufficient information, it wanted to reverse the difficulty of analyzing this technical difficulty. Too high, the kingdom has gained very little so far.

Moreover, based on the existence of universal gold coins and some vague information, Sean and others speculated that the external god’s power should have only seven levels. Although the value is high, it is not necessary. From the current results, the external Theocratic power has the possibility that it can also affect the eighth level.

Perhaps at the beginning, the external divine power can only affect the seventh level, but the ancient sun **** optimized it to allow it to act on the eighth level. This is completely possible. After all, the one who was once the one of the gods Wang, the Boya Great World or this Void Sea is closest to the existence of Tier Nine.

And if this is true, then the inherently high value of the external divine power will rise to an incalculable point, because it represents an alternative possibility of achieving the eighth level.

After listening to Sieggel's speculation, Sean fell into a brief silence.

"Isn’t Double Punk coming back? Give him the omnipotent gold coin and related materials. With the omnipotent gold coin and the degraded mystery method as a reference, it may be possible to restore the external divine power with the ability of the double punk. Core technology, complete the reproduction of external divine power."

Understand what Siegger Sean quickly made a decision.

The omnipotent gold coin, a peculiar existence that condenses three theocracies, has always been in his hands. On the one hand, it is for the convenience of research. The external theocracy is indeed a very important technology. Sean is also very interested. On the other hand, it is to wait for the appropriateness. The appearance of the qualifier, after all, although external theocracy is good, it is not a person who can integrate successfully, but now it seems that handing him to the double punker who has mastered the two rules of dataization and wisdom should be A better choice.

"Okay, deity."

Understanding Sean's consideration, Sieggel took over the universal gold coin.

"Have you found the connection between Uranus and foreign forces?"

The thought in his mind turned, and Sean asked about Uranus again. In Sean’s eyes, Uranus, the lord of the sky, is a very special existence, and judging from all the traces, he is also most likely to collude with foreign forces. People.

Hearing that, Sieggel shook his head. He did not find any trace of Uranus' contact with any foreign forces.

With this result, Sean's blue eyes became deeper and deeper.

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