In the depths of the void, the big net of cause and effect and the fog of fate shroud here.

Om, the void trembled, and wisps of ancient, vast, domineering aura began to permeate. Although it is illusory, it has real and immortal power, enough to crush the space. For a moment, the giant **** who has been in the void and has been dead for so many years. The body was born with vitality again, and it seemed that he was going to live another life, reappearing its original glory.

"it's time."

Finishing the last mystery pattern, perceiving the deflection of the fundamental nature of the giant's ancestor, a huge vortex has formed in Sean’s silver eye of destiny. At this moment, the giant's ancestor is already half an eternal boat. The last step is the birth of the eternal spirit, but this eternal spirit, Sean does not intend to let him be born freely.

The door of the infinite opened, maintaining the body of rules, stepping out, Sean walked into the body of the ancestor of the giant, and came to Yuklar.

Inside Ukral, surrounded by the aura of chaos, and carefully perceiving Ukral's subtle changes, Sean's expression became serious.

It’s really important for Sean to refine the divine body of the ancestor of the giant into an eternal boat so that he can gain eight levels of combat power, but the fundamental reason why Sean spends such a high price to do this is still thinking Go further by yourself.

Sean has touched the prototype of the two powers, the pioneer and the master of the world, and if these two powers are to be truly smelted, the key node lies in the world.

The smelting of the power of the developer is very simple, that is, the owner needs to use his own power to create a world of eighth-level high-energy from scratch. It is simple and crude but unrealistic. The development of a world is not easy, especially to reach the seventh level. The high-energy world in the future.

In fact, after the world reaches the seventh-order, the internal rules are perfect. Each such world is a miracle. It is extremely difficult to open up with human power. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a great life of seventh-order to open up the seventh-order world. Yes, let alone the eighth order.

To a certain extent, it is almost impossible to use the power of the developer to advance to the eighth level. Of course, there is no absoluteness. The promotion of the power of the developer is not accomplished overnight. Under the circumstances, the developer can also open up the world of Tier 7 first, and then expand the world the day after tomorrow, so that the world can be promoted to Tier 8. If it succeeds, the developer can still use this to complete the promotion of power.

The sovereign power of the world and the power of the creator are very similar on the basis of composition. They also require three rules of time, space, and life. There is only one more destiny, but there is a great way of promotion. different.

Want to promote the sovereignty of the world requires the owner to find a world to replace the will of the world with his own will, operate the world, promote the development of the world, keep going up, get feedback from the world, and finally promote. There is no clear requirement for the world rank itself. , In theory, any world of rank can be used for promotion.

Compared with the promotion of the power of the creator, the promotion of the sovereign power of the world seems to be simpler, but in fact it is not, because there is no clear standard for the promotion of the world lord, although in theory, any world can be used for promotion. But the weaker the world will also give less feedback, and you want to be promoted in the foreseeable future, and even if you find a strong world and replace the consciousness of that world, you still don’t see when you will be promoted, because There is no such standard at all, it can only continue day after day.

In fact, the first difficulty in achieving the promotion of the sovereign power of the world is to replace the original consciousness of the world. The biggest danger is to lose sight of the way forward and lose oneself.

The most important thing is that the promotion of the power of the Lord of the World is very dangerous. Once it starts, it cannot be stopped, because the transcendent needs to dissipate his transcendent essence and integrate with the world.

Of course, although the promotion of the power of the creator and the power of the world has its own difficulties, each is not simple, but they have another common difficulty, that is, the security problem in the early stage.

Existences who want to be promoted with the power of the creator, unless they can directly open up the eighth world in one step and complete the smelting of power, they need to carefully protect the world they opened up. Once they are destroyed by external forces, their own promotion will fail.

The sovereign power of the world is even more so. Compared with the promotion of the power of the pioneer, the superhuman who walks this way can manipulate less space, and once the true intentions are discovered by others, they are more likely to be sniped.

The most important thing is that the promotion and transformation of the eighth rank requires huge strength. It is not enough to rely on Sean himself. It is precisely because of this that under normal circumstances, only the world of the eighth rank can give birth to the stalwart life of the eighth, shallow water Can't raise trolls.

As the imprint of the true spirit falls on the Liberal Arts World, it is almost an inevitable choice to use the power of the Liberal Arts World to complete the eighth level promotion, and this also means that his promotion cannot be far away from the Liberal Arts World.

It is precisely because of this that Xiao En eagerly wants to refine the divine body of the ancestor of the giant into an eternal heavenly boat, and no place in this void sea is safer than the body of a Tier 8 combat power.

"The groundbreaking is at this time."

All the miscellaneous thoughts in the heart were cut off, and the waves were unacceptable. Sean’s originally huge body quickly grew taller. At the same time, the rules and rhythms symbolized the power of the pioneers. Compared with the ambiguity of the past, this time the pioneer's blade is unprecedentedly solid and has a real texture.

"Open the sound of the pioneering **** echoes, holding the blade of the pioneer in both hands, the power of the **** like the devil is roaring like a sea like a sea in the godlike body, locking down the root of the embryo in this world, Sean fiercely Waved it down.

Om, the bright axe light swept across the chaos, and Yuklar, who was in a chaotic scene, had the concept of light for the first time.

Endless life, chaos retreat, Sean, like an ancient **** and devil, wants to separate the world flooded by chaos and completely subvert it.

The world trembled and earth-shaking changes occurred. The chaos of hundreds of millions of miles was opened up by Sean, but this is not the end. Although Yuklar is just a world seed, he has a seventh-order background. It is not so easy to complete the development. Easy.

When the light of the axe cut by Sean dissipated, the chaos on the edge came back, and the opened up area also had a tendency to renew. Looking at this scene, Sean looked different, and the silver eyes of destiny were full of indifference.

With a surge of power, both hands raised the pioneer's blade, and Sean waved it down again.


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