The Fairy’s Garden, Mistar, under the impetus of Amir, Sutilt joined the Royal Power Alliance and became a substantial semi-subsidiary of the Emerald Principality. With a special status, he has not really joined the royal power alliance.

   "Xia En, this is the first time we have met."

   showed a humanoid posture, the green hair was disturbed by the breeze, the face of Sean was reflected in the pure gold eyes, and the face of Julie Borges was surprised.

Because of the contact with the father of the oak, Sieggoldo, Julien Borges is also more clear about the situation of the Emerald Kingdom. He knows that the current monarch of the Emerald Kingdom, Sean Montel, is a genius. Achieved the seventh level in decades, but he did not expect that the other party was not just barely entering the seventh level. Judging by the unabashed breath of Sean, he was convinced that Sean had already gone a long way on the seventh level. , Comparable to a powerful divine power, this is incredible.

   "Yes, Yu Lin is crowned."

   Being looked at by Julen Borges and sipping the flower tea carefully, Sean seemed very indifferent.

   The most fundamental purpose of the King Power Alliance is to gather luck, but on this basis, to unite more seventh tiers and draw them into their own camp is also a goal that cannot be ignored.

At present, the Emerald Kingdom has itself, Siggal, Ymir, Morrel, and Semiya five seventh-tiers, as well as two pseudo-seventh-tiers, Mermaid Christine and Fallen Angel Eric. In fact, there are already a lot of power, except for Semiya's special situation, trapped in the world of the sun **** and cannot be easily mobilized, the rest are top combat power that can be gathered.

   But the existence of rank 7 and above has always been better, at least as it is now, so in order to allow Urine Borges to join the league, Sean decided to take a trip personally.

   "Under the crown of Xiao En, are you really the return of the ancients?"

Looking at Sean with a smile on his face, Euren Borges said seemingly joking. At this moment, there is a hint of surprise in his eyes. This is the first time in his long dragon body. Meet people like Sean.

   "An ancient one? I'm not counted."

Shaking his head, Sean gave an ambiguous answer. At his current level, he clearly knew that although the traversers were rare, he was not the only one. He did not want to hide anything, but what he meant to himself. There are also some doubts about the origin.

   Hearing this, her expression changed slightly, and Julen Borges did not continue to ask questions, but changed the subject.

   "Under the crown of Xiao En, if I join the Royal Power League, I don't know what I can get?"

  Looking at Sean, Julen Borges’ pure golden eyes were dark.

He had reached a contract with Amir to protect the kingdom of Surtilt for five hundred years, but this did not mean that he would join the royal power alliance, especially when Amir abandoned the kingdom of Surtilt and was in hiding. in this way.

   Originally, he didn't intend to care about the royal power alliance. As a longevity species, he was not interested in these power struggles, but the appearance of such a powerful existence like Sean gave him some other ideas.

   The Liberal Arts world is going to be in chaos. This chaos includes not only the lower layers, but also their seventh tiers. Under such circumstances, it is a very good choice to choose a camp, make allies, and keep warm.

Normally, as a mythical dragon species, Yulin Borges will naturally stand with the dragon clan. After all, they belong to the same clan. However, the dragon clan in the Boya World is finally declining, and it is not enough to rely on, and the appearance of Sean Let him see a certain possibility.

   Hearing this, Sean's heart moved, and the kingship sword in the sea of ​​luck buzzed, and a huge burst of luck fell and fell on Yulin Borges.


   Feeling that there is a peculiar power in the dark, ignoring the barriers of space, Yulin Borges' expression changed slightly.

   "Don't refuse, this is one of the benefits you can get after joining the Crown League."

   A low voice sounded, and Sean spoke.

   Hearing this, the inspiration let go, really did not feel any danger, Yulin Borges was finally suppressed.

   hum, the luck is down, into a pure blue beam of light, which runs through the world, and one of the iron-blooded roses blooms proudly.

   "This kind of power is very similar to fate, but it is specious and very strange."

With luck and being in it, an indescribable sense of transparency emerges spontaneously. At this moment, Euren Borges clearly perceives a slight change in her bloodline that has been silent for a long time, although Very slight but it does exist.

   Such a change has shaken Yulin Borges' mind. As a mythical dragon, his strength is closely related to the bloodline potential he unearthed.

Unlike wizards who analyze world rules, condense rules, and reconstruct rules, the blood of mythical dragon species has its own power of rules. This kind of rules is complete and unique to them. There is no need to analyze and reconstruct at all, just continue to dig the blood. It is enough to open the bloodline yoke, which is also the fundamental reason why the mythical dragon seed only needs to wait quietly to achieve the seventh rank naturally.

However, it is not easy to dig deep into the bloodline after reaching the seventh level. Sleeping is not enough. A long time ago, Euren Borges broke the first bloodline shackles and became a comparable medium. The mythical dragon seed of divine power, and then he stayed at this stage until now, insurmountable, but at the moment he felt the loosening of the second blood yoke.

   Seeing Yulin Borges, who looked constantly changing and couldn't help but indulge in the state of luck and body, a small smile appeared on the corner of Sean's mouth.

   hum, the sword of kingship in the sea of ​​qi luck shakes, and the falling beam of qi luck is cut off.

   "Huh? Why is it gone?"

   Qi luck dissipated, and he broke away from the mysterious state, the blood was silent again, and returned to reality again, Yulin Borges turned out to be a little unacceptable for a while.

Seeing such a scene, Sean’s expression remained unmoved. There has always been a saying among the gods that beliefs are poisonous, but in Sean’s view, air luck is equally poisonous, and even worse, it’s easy to get addicted to the existence of having tried air luck. Among them, even the seventh order is the same, or even worse, because at their level, there are very few things that can push them to effectively advance on their own path, and the huge Qi Luck is just one of them.

   "What power was that just now?"

   Reluctantly recovered, looking at Sean, there was a glowing light flashing in Julien Borges's pure gold eyes.

   "Qiyun is a branch of destiny."

   Without hesitation, Sean gave an accurate answer.

  In the Liberal Arts world, destiny is one, and no branch has been born. In addition, because of the ancient sun god, the power of fate has become a taboo and has never been mastered, so no one has ever discovered the power of luck.

   But when the King Power Alliance was established and the power of air luck began to show, this secret was destined to be impossible to hide, and air luck itself was a force that focused on gathering the crowd.

Sean didn’t care about this. He found that luck and real control of luck are two things. Compared with the people in the Liberal World, he has already taken a big step forward in the way of luck, when others have not started yet. At that time, he was close to the end, with an absolute advantage, and he was not afraid of others to catch up.


Whispering softly, Euren Borges' mind was in a trance for a moment. After just experience, if he has enough air blessing, he is 80% sure that he will open the second bloodline yoke within 300 years. Gain power comparable to mighty power.

   "Under the crown of Xiao En, I can join the royal power alliance, but I hope to get enough luck blessing."

   Looking at Sean, Euren Borges said very seriously, with unprecedented firmness in her pure golden eyes.

   Hearing this, Xiao En's face showed an undisguised smile.

   "You are welcome to join, Yu Lin is crowned."

The voice of    fell, and in the distant sea of ​​air luck, the air was boiling, and there was a long sound of dragon chants. The huge sea of ​​air luck expanded outward again, and the sea area that represented the kingdom of Sutilt quickly solidified a lot.

   Air luck can affect people, and people can also affect air luck in turn. Once Tier 7 like Yulin Borges joins the royal power alliance, it is itself a kind of growth for the alliance's air luck, which is due to people's luck.

   Get the results they each want, Yulin Borges and Sean smile at each other, the atmosphere is instantly harmonious to the extreme.

Although Qi Luck is good, Sean does not shy away from sharing, and even willing to share. After all, Qi Luck is really poisonous. The more you take, the harder it will be to break free in the future. In the end, he can only be tied to the King Power Alliance, especially in King Power. This is even more so after the existence of Sieggel who is in charge of causation in the alliance.



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