The pure white flames are burning, and the far north, which has been frozen all the year round, finally feels a little warmth today, which is the blazing heat of the soul.

   "Oh, I said you can't seal me, Lord of the sky."

Inside the big iceberg, the sleeping King of Ice Disaster opened his eyes, and the blue eyes were full of coldness. Looking at the holy flames that continued to spread inward through the ice, the face of the King of Ice Disaster was exposed. A triumphant smile.

Om, the divine writings imprinted in the big iceberg are constantly being wiped out. The original complete seal suddenly becomes incomplete. I move my body and step out. The original hard iceberg is like warm water at this moment. Shuttle by the king of ice disaster.

   "My lord."

   Covered with shadows, watching the King of Ice Disaster who emerged from the trap, the archbishop's emotions immediately became extremely excited, but it was a pity that his life essence had been burned out at this time, and only the last bit of obsession was left.


  'S eyes dropped, the cold snake eyes cast a glance at the illusory archbishop, and the king of ice disaster let out a sigh.

   The next moment, the chill broke out, and the archbishop's remaining obsessions were frozen.

   "It tastes good, but it's a bit less."

   threw the ice crystals that had been frozen in the archbishop's obsession into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and the king of ice disaster made an evaluation. He just got out of trouble, and he needs a good supplement of nutrition.

  Hu, lost the fire, the flame of faith quietly extinguished, and after this burning, the originally cold and gloomy iceberg has a somewhat sacred texture, glowing with a subtle golden light in the sun.

   "Lord of the sky, this is what you sealed me. One day I will use it to surprise you."

   left without anxious, looking at the big iceberg in front of him, the thoughts in the heart of the ice disaster king kept rolling.

   The next moment, the green snake surrounding him suddenly opened its mouth, expanding infinitely, like a bottomless black hole, directly swallowing the entire iceberg.

   After doing all this, only an empty deep valley is left, and the figure of the king of ice disaster disappears in the wind and snow.

   And soon after, the white sun appeared, and a cold gaze cast from a blood-colored star.

The Lord of the Ice Disaster was personally sealed by the Lord of the Sky. Not only is the location of the restricted area in the extreme north of the restricted area of ​​life, but the God of Listening is usually responsible for monitoring. Under normal circumstances, no one can rescue the Lord of the Ice Disaster silently. Yes, but now such an impossible thing has really happened.

   "Using the Holy Spirit as the kind of fire and the power of faith as the lamp oil to break the seal? Is this really feasible?"

In the kingdom of war, sitting on the seat of God, looking at the empty deep valley in the far north, Ares’s hard face is full of coldness, and at the same time, there is a trace of doubt in his heart. The seals of the Northern Lands are all left by the Lord of the Sky, and logically speaking, they shouldn’t be broken so easily, or the Lord of Natural Disasters has mastered some powerful means of breaking the seal that they don’t know, if this is the case. , Then perhaps some adjustments should be made to the follow-up plan.

"The God of Listening was deceived. The Lord of the Sky discovered the traces of the Mother Earth God not long ago. He delved deeper and wanted to find the existence of Mother Earth God. Now he has completely lost contact with it. Is this really just a coincidence? ?"

   Did not find more clues, retracted his gaze, thinking of some recent events, Ares frowned, and the development of the matter now seems to have vaguely deviated from the plan of the savior set by the gods.

   But if these are the calculations of the Lord of Natural Disasters, Ares is unwilling to believe it, because the Lord of the Sky is an eighth rank, and it is not easy to calculate him.

   "It's really annoying bugs, but they are bugs after all. They don't reach the eighth rank, they are always fish in the net."

After trying to track it down, he found that the whereabouts of the King of Ice Disaster was completely lost. Ares didn't care too much. Compared with the conspiracy and tricks that couldn't be on the table, he believed more in the spears and swords in his hand, no matter what the opponent has. Plan, just kill it next time you encounter it.

It is true that the Doomsday Church can break through the seal left by the Lord of the Sky and rescue the King of Ice Disaster. This is beyond the expectations of the gods of the starry sky, but this is only a small wave after all, unable to shake the general trend. As time goes by, the twelve natural disasters Although the kings have been born, the power of the gods has increased faster, and the ancient gods continue to recover. There are more and more gods in the temples. Coupled with the existence of the eighth-tier main gods, the general trend of the Boya world remains unchanged. Be firmly in the hands of the gods.

   In fact, compared to the inner king of natural disasters, Ares is now more worried about enemies outside the world. It is precisely because of this that he will support the Lord of the Sky to pursue the action of the Mother Earth God this time.

As long as the Mother Earth God can be found and supported by him, then the temples will have three eighth-tier master gods. At that time, the three eighth-tier God Gods will be led by Him, the Lord of the Sky, and the Mother Earth God, and the other star gods will cooperate. , Relying on the barriers of the gods, they are completely able to resist all enemies outside of the great world of Liberal Arts, and completely occupy the great world of Liberal Arts.

From the oldest age of ignorance to the age of black iron that just passed, the nature of the Liberal Arts world has actually been growing, and now this kind of growth has vaguely reached a qualitative change. In the material world, many creatures think this The era is the era of natural disasters, but the ancient gods prefer to call this era the era of miracles, because in this era may be born the world’s greatest miracle so far compared to birth The mother **** of the earth in the age of obscurity, the lord of the sky who was born at the end of the golden age, although I am still very young, it is a miracle that I can reach the eighth rank in this age, and everything is possible. "

  Ignoring the King of Ice Disaster who broke free of the seal, sitting on the throne of God, Ares thought of the changes in this era, thinking of his current ally, Lord of the Sky and potential ally, Mother Earth.

Although it is said that for an ancient existence like the Mother Earth, there is no pursuit of many things, including faith, but Ares does not believe that the other party will really miss the miracles that may exist in this era, after all, even the original king of the gods. The ancient sun gods were longing for such an opportunity, but it was a pity that they couldn't ask for it, and finally ended in regret.

   "I don't know if there are other ancient existences hidden besides the Mother Earth in the present Liberal World?"

   Thoughts turned, Ares thought a lot for a moment.

   The Great World of Boya has existed for five epochs. Although it has encountered the twists and turns of the retreat of the demonic tide, it is undeniable that he once possessed a brilliant and extraordinary civilization.

  With this background, in the newly opened Sixth Era today, there are bound to be many ancient existences left behind, but they are all like the mother gods, they have long disappeared, and I don't know where they are hidden.


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