The silver moon crosses the sky, and the purple moon shines against each other, illuminating the entire purple moon small world.

Inside the wizard tower, in a hidden space, Etrex was lying on a cold planer. At this moment, her mind was still clear, but there was no place to move around her body. Her eyes were usually moving at this time. Staring blankly at the darkness above her head, her mature coat was torn, desperately gnawing at her immature heart.

   She had hidden herself as much as possible, as far away as possible from Sinag, but the bad luck still came, which might be her fate, Etrice thought.

   Tap, crisp footsteps sounded in the silent laboratory.

   Silver hair was firmly bound behind his head, wearing a scarlet robe, and meticulously groomed, Sinaag came to Etres's side.

   "Today is your lucky day, and you will be fortunate to be part of a great person."

The slender palms stroked Etreis's round face, Sinaag whispered softly, and there was flames burning in his silver eyes at this moment, open and restrained, he looked at Etreis as if he was looking at a treasure. .

   "Of course, I was lucky to meet you."

   Fingertips ran across Etrice's tender skin, and Sinaag's handsome face showed a sickly smile, which was indeed his luck.

If it is in the world of truth, all children will have the opportunity to test their talents when they are six years old. The top talent holders like Etreis, once discovered, will be included in the wizard tower immediately, even if they want to enter The highest tower is not difficult, and there is a Bill of Rights in the world of truth. Under normal circumstances, no wizard can plunder or transplant the talents of the same race. Violators are severely punished.

Regarding this point, even the blood-source disaster that is best at human transplantation and transformation must be observed. At the very least, this is the case. Of course, the Bill of Rights only protects people in the truth world, humans in other worlds, and alien races. None of them are in this list, and the same is true of Ziyue Xiaojie.

   "Don't worry, it will be over soon, but the process may be a bit painful, just bear with me."

Through those turquoise eyes, Sinagg saw the fear in Etrice's heart, and the smile on his face became brighter. He was born extraordinary, with an eye that can only see through everything. Since he truly embarked on the path of a wizard, With this eye, he found countless treasures. Although he is still only a fifth-order true spirit wizard, his wealth may not be worse than that of a sixth-order title, but even so he has to Acknowledge that Etrace is the biggest treasure he has discovered so far.

   At this moment, Sinag had to feel that he was really a lucky benefactor. If it weren't the little world of Ziyue, if the old guy hadn't gotten into the laboratory, things would probably not go so smoothly.

   "I am destined to be an eternal person."

   The thought in his heart was firmer than ever before, and Sinag's slender palm turned into a ferocious dragon claw at this moment.

   "I thought it was pretty good before, but now it seems to be a bit unworthy of me. I won't be able to use it again after today."

   looked at his palm covered with scarlet dragon scales, a touch of disgust flashed in Sinag's silver eyes.

Hellfire Dragon, a pure-blooded dragon, the blood transplanted by Sinag for himself. In order to obtain the heart of the dragon with the blood of the Hellfire Dragon, he also shot out a small family that had no treasure but did not know it. After that, I was very happy for a while, but now it seems that this kind of blood is not worthy of him after all.

   "Everything will be different after today."

   The pitch-black flame burned on the ferocious dragon's claws, and Sinag's gaze locked onto Etrice's heart, but at this moment the mutation happened suddenly.

   "It turned out to be here, but I finally found it."

   A slightly casual voice rang in the silent laboratory, and Sinaag's body suddenly stiffened.

   "How is it possible? This is my mirror space. Without my permission, even a Tier 6 Titled Wizard would not be able to enter here without disturbing me."

   Inexplicably, a panic surged into Sinag's heart. In order to make the transplant smooth today, he deliberately placed the transplant site in his mirror space, but now the accident still appears.

  Huh, the flames of evil burned, covering the whole body. Although he couldn't help but panic in his heart, Sinag was not slow in his movements, and he immediately added protective witchcraft to himself.

   And this is just the beginning, almost at the same time, the vertical marks on the center of Sinag's eyebrows wriggled, and a magic pupil with a purple color and a black cross mark appeared.

The mysterious purple light diverged, and everything was in sight like no dead angle. The familiar feeling of seeing through everything and almost omnipotent came to his mind. Sinaig dispelled the panic in his heart, and it was at this moment that he saw the just emitted The source of the sound.

The twisted shadows are invisible and intangible, chaotic and disorderly, and seem to be one and ten thousand. Under the power of the rule level of the purple magic pupil, all the disguise is turned into illusion. The truest aspect is naturally presented in Sina. In front of Ge, the next moment, a miserable cry sounded in the silent mirror space.

   "Ah, monster, monster..."

   My son screamed suddenly, and the mirror space returned to silence.

   "I really did it myself."

   With a solid body, he came into the mirror space and looked at the pile of mud under his feet, Morrel frowned slightly.

The true form of the magician itself has a strong impact on other lives, and it can even be said to be pollution. With the power of the magic eyebrow, Sinaig broke the blockade of Morrel’s magic robe and saw through the appearance. Seeing Morrel's true posture, the Faceless One, then he died.

Because he saw too much, he was directly distorted the essence of life. In the mysterious world, intangible knowledge really has weight. Compared with Sinagg's vision through the magic eye, his own fifth-order essence is too much. Too fragile and unable to bear the weight of this piece of knowledge, so he died.

At this time, both his bones and flesh and blood have melted, half-shaded, and moved closer to Morrel. Only one head barely maintained its original but the facial features have disappeared, only left. It was blank, only the magic eye remained the same as before, and it became more and more mysterious under such a scene.

   "It really is the eye of the insight, and it comes from an emperor with evil eyes."

The rhythm of the power of the space blocked everything. He lowered his gaze to look at the cross-marked magic pupil that exuded a strange purple light. Morrel squinted his eyes. This is a mythical magic pupil, which contains rare insights. rule.

In the extraterrestrial space, there is a special species of monsters. Their name is Evil Eye. This monster looks like a tadpole. The main body is a big eyeball. It is generally in the third and fourth tiers. The king is called Evil Eye. A tyrant can reach the sixth rank and possess evil eyes that can confuse the soul. In addition, there are very few evil eyes that can break the shackles of blood to achieve the seventh rank, the so-called evil-eyed emperor, and these evil-eyed emperors Each of the emperors possessed a unique mythical magic pupil, some of which were only average, some were extremely powerful, and the Eye of the Insight was one of them.

   This kind of eye is first-rate whether it is used to assist combat or to explore secrets. Sinagg can easily see through the talent that Etris possesses because of the existence of this magic eye.

   Of course, although this magic eye has brought a lot of benefits to Sinag, allowing him to embark on an open life, Sinag eventually died because of it. I have to say that this is a kind of irony.


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