Cloud City, Palace of Kings, Palace of the Sun, here is one of the five most important palaces of Palace of Kings. It is a fire magic tower with extraordinary powers.

  The huge stones are piled up, and the gray stone pillars record the ancient times and highlight the background. While the stone palace retains the rough outline, it also shows the majestic atmosphere.

   hum, the void fluctuates, the figure emerges, looking at this ancient stone building in front of him, there are waves in Sean's blue eyes.

   Hey, with a sigh, Sean pushed open the door of the Sun Palace.

Om, the space is distorted, and a door is separated. Inside and outside the door are completely two worlds. From the outside, although the Sun Palace is magnificent and has a kind of graceful beauty, it is just like that, and you will find that the door is An almost independent small world.

  Huh, the red flame burned, forming a sea of ​​fire, where the flame became the only subject.

   The invisible power flowed, the flame of nothingness turned into a ladder under his feet, and Xiao En calmly moved forward.

Across the sea of ​​fire, to the center of the sea of ​​fire, in the endless flames, a vague shadow of the dragon caught Xiao En's eyes. It was huge, about a few hundred meters long, and was completely red. The armor is inscribed with golden lines, and on the dragon's head are six ferocious dragon horns, which demonstrate the majesty of the real dragon, while a purple orb is inlaid on the forehead, shining with a strange light.

Breathing, breathing, the tide of flame rises and falls, and the entire sea of ​​fire oscillates with it. Although it is sleeping, the power of this dragon is very terrifying. It is naturally the center of this small world where it sleeps. , As if it were synonymous with flame, it possessed great power in every breath and breath, and only the occasional aura that leaked showed the fact that it had reached the sixth-order limit.

It can be said that in the current Emerald Principality, in addition to Sean and his three other four seven-tiers, in the life level, only the green pheasant, the admiral can be compared with this dragon, or even worse. Some, let alone others.

   "Smaug, it's time to wake up."

   Seeing falling into a deep sleep, compared to Smaug, who had changed a lot in form and breath, a complex color flashed in Sean's blue eyes.

   Crossing the sea of ​​fire, Sean’s whisper resounded deep in Smaug’s heart.

Om, the dragon's power is permeated, the breath of the sixth-order strongest monarch radiates from Smaug's body, shaking the small world, but if you perceive it carefully, you will find that there is a slight lack of stamina under this seemingly terrifying breath. .

   "You have finally awakened, my master."

   The low voice sounded, echoing in the void, and was awakened by Sean from his deep sleep, and Smaug's withered mind was immediately filled with joy.

   "You are dying, Smaug."

   Looking at Smaug, his expression no longer calm, Sean said such words.

Although Smaug at this time seems to have sharp claws, **** heads, and scaly scales, it is actually decayed, and its life is about to end. If Xiao En arrives later, he may only see a shriveled corpse. It was precisely because of this that Smaug fell into deep sleep.

  As a former nature wizard, Sean used the sorcery of Nature Walker on Smaug when he was still weak, allowing Smaug to establish a close relationship with himself and become a community of destiny.

  Nature Walker is a witchcraft like a rope to bind Sean and Smaug firmly together. If Sean is strong, he will also pull Smaug forward, and the cost is the violent consumption of vitality.

The most important thing is that the nature of the witchcraft of nature walker is more inclined to a witchcraft ritual. Once set, this bond will not only not be broken with the passage of time and the level of life, but will become tighter until one side. When you die, the fetters will be lifted automatically.

   Hearing Sean's words, the joy on his face solidified, and the aura on Smaug's body instantly declined to its limit.

   "I know, but there is nothing to regret. If you weren't the master, I would have been a silly mixed-blood dragon in my life, and I would become a pure-blood dragon one day."

   Looking at Sean, Smaug bent down, his words were full of calm, as if he had really looked away.

The magic of Nature Walker is indeed very powerful. It is regarded as one of the core witchcraft by the seventh-order inheritance of "The Secret of Nature", which allows the natural wizard to cultivate a qualified familiar in a short period of time to make up for the lack of attack. Disadvantage, but this witchcraft is not omnipotent.

   When the familiar itself gets into a bottleneck, especially when it reaches the bloodline boundary, the characteristics of this witchcraft not only can't bring help, but it can also become a reminder.

Smaug is only a hybrid dragon. It was with the help of Sean to purify the bloodline all the way, from hybrid to hybrid and then to purebred. There are not many resources invested in it, especially for pure blood. It took a lot of effort when it was time.

And now that Sean has been promoted to the seventh rank, under his influence, Smaug's strength is constantly increasing. In just a few years, he has overcome multiple obstacles and reached the apex of the sixth rank. What lies behind this is the burning of massive vitality. If it weren't for the life-prolonging treasures of the Jade Principality, such as Longevity Gu and Longevity Peach, for Smaug's use, Smaug would have died long ago in the process, and it would not be possible to wait for today, because the extent of this burning of life will be exaggerated in the future.

But this is the limit. After reaching the apex of Tier 6, Smaug has no way to go, because this is the shackles of its own blood. If you want to go further, you can only complete the leap of blood again and transform from a pureblood into a myth. , But this is almost impossible.

   Thoroughbreds are already the limit of the mundane. Judging from the dragon bloodline, the purity of the dragon blood of a thoroughbred has reached the limit. There is no way to make progress. If you want to become a mythical species, you need to create miracles and complete qualitative changes.

In fact, judging from the history of the Boya, the recorded mythological species of true dragons are basically born, such as the time dragon, such as the fairy dragon, and very few evolved after the day, and occasionally appear. One or two are often due to coincidence, and their methods are not reproducible.

   There are a number of seventh-tier sittings, radiating multiple worlds. Although the Emerald Principality has a lot of resources, none can help Smaug to promote from a purebred to a myth.

Of course, apart from the path of blood, theoretically Smaug can choose other paths to advance to the seventh rank, such as analyzing a complete rule, taking the path of wizards and magicians, which can completely bypass the shackles of blood, but it is a pity Such a path, natural walker, and witchcraft can not bring any help, because it pays more attention to the accumulation of knowledge, and Smaug is not the kind of genius dragon or alien dragon, and does not have this talent.

The way forward is cut off, and Smaug can only let the witchcraft of Nature Walker burn his life, close his eyes and wait for death. Of course, from the perspective of inheritance, this weakness of Nature Walker is negligible. After all, this witchcraft The original purpose of the technique was to solve the shortcomings of the natural wizards that were too weak in the early attack.

As long as the fragile early stage is passed, even if the familiar is trapped in the shackles of the bloodline and cannot go further, it is not a big deal for the wizard himself. After all, even if the monster is dead, the wizard himself will not suffer too much. For big damage, the familiar is just a tool.


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