The Old World, the Kingdom of the Bald Eagle, the City of Eagles, and the Graycastle, full of cheerful laughter sounded here.

   Sitting on the throne, he did not deliberately maintain his manners. The current king of the Bald Eagle Kingdom Hasim Moore smiled unscrupulously and expressed his pleasure.

   "Your Majesty, the Moore family once again stepped out of a sacred one, and the day when the kingdom becomes an empire is just around the corner."

   With an unabashedly flattering smile on his fat face, Kingdom Archon Yolanda Barry spoke softly, expressing his congratulations.

As an ancient family that has passed down for a long time, the Moore family has many branches of blood. Among them, the royal family of the Bald Eagle Kingdom is its backbone and the most prominent one. In addition, the Moore family also has hidden bloodlines. Known as the eagle hidden in the dark, the existence of these hidden bloodlines is to ensure the continuation of the Moore family. They not only made a clear division with the bald eagle kingdom, but also made a mysterious division. The means can not be detected at all, Walter Moore is from hidden blood.

   Hearing this, Hasim Moore's smile became brighter.

From the age of ignorance to the present, there is only one empire in the Great World of Liberal Arts that is truly called the Mensa Empire. At that time, the monarch of the Mensa Empire, Alexander Augustus, established a knight after setting out the chaos and restoring the rule of the Mensa Kingdom. The palace broke the restriction of bloodline on identity, and promoted talents in an extraordinary way. Mensa, who was still a kingdom at the time, grew rapidly. Then Alexander broke the limit and became the first throne knight of the seventh rank. Unifying the Old Continent made the name of an empire.

   Of course, heroes guide the times, and the times also create heroes. They can build a unified and huge empire. This is certainly because of Alexander Augustston's majestic strategy, but it is also because of the special circumstances at the time that gave him this opportunity.

In its heyday, including Alexander himself, the Mensa Empire had a total of five seventh-order knight kings. This force is indeed very powerful, but it is not unmatched when it goes back up, such as the highest wizard in the wizarding civilization. tower.

The main reason why the Mensa Empire was able to complete the great cause of unifying the Old Continent was because of the environment at that time. In that era, because of the existence of the ritual witch formation of the breathing of the world, the entire liberal arts world began to enter the era of magic exhaustion. The consequence of this is the extreme malaise of extraordinary power, especially the decline of high-end power.

And in that era, wizards traveled far away from the starry sky, leaving only a few sporadic inheritances, no climate. The gods held up the kingdom of the gods in the starry sky and fell into silence. It can be said that at that point in time, the top power of the material world appeared. It is precisely because of this that the knight power represented by the Mensa Empire can suddenly emerge and trample the entire Old Continent with iron hoofs.

Of course, it is undeniable that at that time, the Mensa Empire with five seventh-order knight kings was indeed in full swing. There is no power in the material world that can match it. From here, it can also be seen that the Mensa Empire is the first. Emperor Alexander Augustus was so great that he broke the limit and opened up the seventh step for the path of knights, and he uplifted the entire knight heritage by life, and created the prosperity of the knight as king.

   And this situation continued until the five knight kings of the Mensa Empire disappeared mysteriously. If this were not the case, the rule of the first Mensa Empire would never collapse, and the entire history of the Liberal World might have to be rewritten.

   "I look forward to this day."

   Sitting on the throne, looking down at his consul, Hasim Moore's handsome face has unabashed ambition.

Of course, Hasim knows very well that the times are different. In this era, even if the Bald Eagle Kingdom has five rank 7 greats, it is basically impossible to unify the Old Continent. After all, at this point in time, this world ranks 7 Although there are not many but not many of the above existences, in order to achieve this goal, the Bald Eagle Kingdom must have the existence of Tier 8 as a support.

It is not easy to achieve this goal, but it is not without hope for the Bald Eagle Kingdom. Whether it is to obtain the support of the Lord of the Sky or Walter to further achieve the eighth level, this is possible for the Bald Eagle Kingdom. Yes, although the probability of these two possibilities is very low, they are much better compared to other countries where there is no hope at all.

   "Yoranda, let the Steam Fortress be released. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we must further promote steam, and at the very least, we must also contribute to the great power of Walter's crown."

Having said this, Hasim's expression has also become solemn, no matter what his identities with Walter were before, when Walter came to the throne, everything has changed. For this, Hasim sees Is very clear.

   Hearing the words, a pair of small eyes narrowed, Yolanda bowed and saluted.

   "As you wish, my majesty."

The Steam Fortress is the latest research result of the Bald Eagle Kingdom. It is a masterpiece of their steam studies. It combines various top technologies. Although it is a fortress, each steam fortress is a complete city within which people can live in it. Living normally for a long time is a small cycle of its own, so the steam fortress is also called the walking steel The most important thing is that the complete steam fortress can be mysteriously blessed by Walter Steam washes the entire city, can effectively clean up the muddy air, keep the inside of the fortress relatively pure, and reduce the impact of barrenness on the land. In addition, due to the enclosed structure and strong defense force, the steam fortress can effectively isolate Dangers from the outside, such as wild beasts eroded by the earth's stale air.

   Under the baptism of natural disasters, although the bald eagle kingdom is not weak, it has suffered considerable losses in recent years. The Steam Fortress was specially designed and built by them to resist natural disasters.

   Of course, in the current situation, once the Steam Fortress comes out and shows its corresponding effects, it will inevitably arouse the interest and prying eyes of other forces. The Bald Eagle Kingdom does not care about it, and even enjoys it.

Although the pure steam fortress is powerful and can effectively isolate external dangers, it is a very good shelter, but it is not so resistant to the erosion of desolation. The steam fortress wants to truly become a sacred shelter. It must be blessed by Walter, the father of steam. Only by combining with Walter's power can the Steam Fortress effectively clean up the ground and reveal its extraordinary ability.

   In other words, if other forces really want to rely on the Steam Fortress to resist natural disasters, then they must offer their faith to Walter.


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