In the world of    Gu, hundreds of years of time have quietly passed away. Here, the magic civilization has also changed from a seed to a small tree. Although it still cannot withstand the ravages of wind and rain, it has really taken root.

The original ruler of the    Gu world was the Heavenly Court. Later, in order to develop the magical civilization, the Heavenly Court was changed to the Magic Council. The original Lord of the Heavenly Court Hei Fan served as the first speaker of the Magic Council.

"I'm dying."

   sat in the first seat, Junyi's face with a calm smile, watching the 22 members of the Magic Council sitting on both sides, Hei Fan announced the bad news.

Hearing this, all the members were silent. As members of the Magic Council, most of them were veteran Gu Immortals. Later, they converted to magic and became a sixth-order magician. They are very familiar with the speaker of Hei Fan. , Some even watched Hei Fan grow up step by step.

   "You shouldn't be in such a hurry!"

   A sigh sounded, sitting in the front row on the left end, the magician with endless storm evolution in his eyes spoke. He is Heifeng, who has followed Sean, and is the one who really watched Hei Fan grow up step by step.

After being converted to a magician, when he is promoted to the fifth and sixth ranks, his life essence will be transformed and his life span will increase accordingly. In addition, with the existence of strange things similar to longevity gu, Hei Fan shouldn't have died so soon, after all. This old guy is still alive, but Hei Fan is still a little impatient after all, forcibly breaking through the seventh rank, and now suffering from backlash, he is undoubtedly dead.

   "There is nothing to rush. At this point, I have nowhere to go. Instead of sitting and waiting for death, I should fight to the death."

   Speaking of his own death, Hei Fan seemed very indifferent, and he did not regret his actions, even if he gave his life for it.

   "This time I called an emergency meeting to confirm the next speaker of the parliament."

   His eyes swept over the 22 members of Parliament, and Hei Fan said his purpose.

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the members were different. They had anticipated this matter a long time ago. As members of the Magic Council, many of them had some ideas about the position of the speaker, but they did not show it, because They know very well that although they are members of the Council of Power, they are not even qualified to make opposition to this matter.

   "After my death, the post of chairman of the Magic Council will be held by the Paradise Mage. I have already informed the Father of Oak and the Lord of All Souls about this, and have obtained their consent."

With the same smile on his face, Hei Fan gave the answer, that is, at this time the door of the meeting room opened again. He had black hair and black eyes. Although his face was not amazing, his facial features were exceptionally soft and pretty, and he was wearing an inscription. A young woman in a light yellow magic robe with a six-pointed star came in from the outside. She is a paradise, an elemental earth magician, the owner of the seventh-order natural element·earth devil fruit, a true genius, although only two Ten years old, she is already a Tier 5 magician, and she is also a disciple of Hei Fan. Of course, in the original development trajectory of the Gu world, she will become a Rank Nine Gu Immortal in the distant future, an existence that overwhelms an era. .

Looking at the paradise that came in, some people sighed in the meeting room and some smiled, but no matter what they thought, no one was disgusted with paradise. Although paradise is still young, her natural peaceful and peaceful temperament is easy to make people feel. She has a good impression, and everyone in the room is clear about her talent. She is recognized in the Magic Council as the most likely to achieve a seventh-order magician in the future.


   walked in front of Hei Fan, Happy Land bowed and saluted, and at this moment unconcealed sadness emerged in her calm eyes.

   "Don't cry, Happy Land, you are the one who is about to take on the duties of Speaker."

   got up, his eyes were full of vicissitudes, Hei Fan pressed the shoulders of Yue Tu and let her sit on his original position.

   "Happy Land will need your help from now on."

   His eyes swept over the 22 councillors one by one, and Hei Fan spoke.

   Hearing this, his eyes met for a moment. After a brief silence, the congressmen stood up one after another and saluted Le Tu, expressing their recognition of Le Tu, the new speaker.

Seeing such a scene, Hei Fan’s face showed a happy smile, so that he has nothing to worry about. Hei Fan is not worried about whether the Magic Council will have problems in the hands of Happy Land in the future, because Hei Fan is truly dominant. The people in the Magic Council are never members of them, but the father of the oak and the lord of all souls who live in seclusion behind the scenes. As long as they have their foundation in the Magic Council, they will not be shaken, and he also believes in the talent and ability of Paradise.

   With time, not only will he become an excellent speaker, he may also do what he has not done.

   Sea of ​​Floating Clouds, a large miracle land created by the Magic Council, after the meeting, Hei Fan came here with Paradise.

   "The sunset is beautiful, but after all, it has a touch of desolation."

   Standing on the sea of ​​clouds, watching the orange-red sunlight shining through the sea of ​​clouds, Hei Fan let out a sigh.

   "Happy Land, I know that you are naturally kind, and I hope that the lives of all races can live in harmony, but I want to tell you that this world is cruel, and there are endless struggles between the same races, not to mention different races."

"Of course, I don’t mean to change your mind. It’s a thing to celebrate that a person can have a clear goal throughout his life. I just want to tell you that if you want to realize your dream, try hard to make that oneself. Become stronger, when you become the strongest person, you have the possibility to make your dreams come true."

   Feeling the warmth of the setting sun on his body, Hei Fan stretched his brows, and he relaxed.

   Hearing this, a drop of tears fell from the corner of Happy Land's eyes, and it was at this moment that a trace of decay was transmitted from Hei Fan's body.

   The flesh and blood shrivelled, and twisted magic patterns emerged. Strips of worms resembling worms, as if insects engraved with time came out of Hei Fan's body. At this moment, Hei Fan's life fire suddenly extinguished, and he died.

"it's finally over."

   A relieved smile appeared on her shriveled The invisible power was pulled away, all alienation was ended, the black mortal turned into floating dust, drifting into the sea of ​​clouds with the wind.

   Watching this scene quietly, there is no movement in Happy Land. This sea of ​​clouds is Hei Fan's favorite scenery, and it is Hei Fan's own choice to bury it here after death.

   "Teacher, I will be the strongest person."

Looking at the vast sea of ​​clouds, watching the sunset falling into the horizon, there is unprecedented perseverance in the eyes of Happy Land. This is the first time for a person like her who is kind by nature and does not love to fight for power from her heart, and it is still so strong. .

   At the same time, in the depths of the endless void of the Liberal Arts world, Sean's inspiration was touched.

   cast his gaze, looking at the world of Ukral at the top of the world tree. In that chaos, Sean caught a new-born devil fruit, which was the seventh-order time fruit and the devil fruit Hei Fan had during his lifetime.

   Looking at this fruit that symbolizes time, Sean fell into a short silence.

   "The fruit of time has been transformed, and I won't have to wait too long."

   The radiance of magic power dissipated. At this moment, the three blurred lights behind Xiao En became clearer. They were a tree, a dragon, and a snake.



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