The five-color halo flows, reflecting the void.

   The Thousand-Hand Guanyin Colossus lays between the sky and the earth, with its hands pinched with fist marks, containing five colors, constantly catching the ferocious snakes and insects in the sea of ​​qi.

   "I found the flaw in my ultimate move so quickly, did I know it early, or..."

   Watching Xiao En's movements, Duke Long's eyes narrowed.

The sting dragon transformation is one of his very useful killers. Although these snakes and insects are not very powerful at the beginning, after they are killed, their power will be naturally distributed to the hands of other individuals, and they will continue to accumulate. , Prompting the remaining individual strength to rise in a stepped manner, and eventually the snake turns into a dragon. Once this step is completed, the power of this ultimate move is enough to severely damage the Asian Immortal Venerable, but Sean has adopted a sealing method from the beginning to avoid imprisonment. Killing directly cut off the follow-up evolution of this ultimate move. Obviously he has seen through the mystery of this ultimate move.

   "Compared to Heavenly Court, my star-gazing pavilion is still thinner after all."

I have a panoramic view of the surrounding scenes. Although the strongest Duke Long is dealt with by him, the other Gu Immortals in the Star Gazing Pavilion still stand at an absolute disadvantage when facing the Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, if it weren't for the silver horn. The legendary barren beast contained the three Heavenly Court Gu Immortals, and the four Rank 8 Gu Immortals in the Star Gazing Pavilion were in even worse condition at this time.

   "It seems that we still have to solve a few Heavenly Court Gu Immortals first."

With eyes flashing, under the control of Sean, Thousand-Hand Guanyin suddenly fell like rain, venting the terrifying power to other battlefields, that is, at this time, the stars flowed, and the four Gu Immortals of the Star Gazing Pavilion together with the Primordial Gold At the same time, Jiao was moved to its original position by the power of Star-moving Gu.

   "You dare?"

   Both eyes widened, and Long Wei exploded. At the moment when Xiao En took the shot, Duke Long noticed something was wrong.

   The air surging, piled up into walls, before the Thousand-Hand Guanyin fist fell, these air walls blocked the Heavenly Court Gu Immortal.

   rumbling, muffled thunder-like sounds continued to explode in the sky, thousands of miles of clouds disappeared at this moment, and the sky was terribly blue.

   "A three-foot gas wall?"

   Looking at the immovable wall of air that is still as stable as a mountain under the continuous fists of the Avalokitesvara, Sean whispered.

Qi wall is a very common defensive killer move in Qi Dao. Not to mention Gu Immortal, even mortal Gu masters can basically do it, but such a common killer move has risen all the way in the hands of Yuanshi Immortal Venerable. Rank Nine, known as the three-foot gas wall, even has the reputation of being the best defense in the world.

Although this is not necessarily true, it is more because of Yuanshixianzun’s own strength, but the defense of the three-foot gas wall is indeed extraordinary. At least in the hands of Duke Long, the defense of this killer move is very terrifying. of.

   clicked, the wall cracked, and with continuous blows, the three-foot air wall finally loosened, but the next moment, the earth's air was rolling, and the three-foot air wall returned to its original appearance.

Looking at each other in the air, Xiao En's expression is still indifferent, while Duke Long’s pair of vertical pupils are rare and solemn. Through the fight just now, he has been very sure that Xiao En’s strength far exceeds Heaven’s estimation. Not under him, that is, at this moment, his look suddenly changed.

   huh, silently, a long purple tongue with sharp barbs came out of nothingness, and at the moment when the three-foot gas wall cracked, it penetrated the defense of the three-foot gas wall.

   was caught off guard, a Heavenly Court 8th Rank Gu Immortal had no ability to evade at this instant, and was directly pierced by the purple long tongue.

Without blood, when this long purple tongue left the body of the Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, the Heavenly Court Gu Immortal stood intact, without even a trace of scars on his body, just because he had no breath before he knew it, because his soul Has been taken away.

   "Damn it."

   Angrily rushed into the crown, his muscles swelled, locked in that piece of nothingness, and Duke Long punched out.

  The white beam of light struck the void with hatred, and this punch carried the raging anger of the dragon.

   The sky trembled, and facing Duke Long’s punch, layers of soul shadows appeared in the emptiness, densely packed, actively blocking Duke Long’s attack.

The force of the fist is mighty, such as the rising of the sun. Facing Duke Long’s force, the soul shadows melted, like snowflakes in spring, but although fragile, these soul shadows seem to have no end, constantly melting and appearing, so Repeatedly, in the end, he completely wiped out Duke Long's mighty fist.

The smoke disappeared, when everything was over, in the emptiness, that one was hidden behind it, and it attacked directly, killing an eighth rank Gu Immortal in the Heavenly Court. The monster finally revealed its true face. Its human face, turtle back, Tiger claws and dragon tails happen to be the enemies of the ancient legendary soul beasts.

  According to the normal trajectory, Qing Chou shouldn't have been born at this time, but Xiao En used his soul knowledge to greatly shorten the time it took to be born.

   crunching, crunching, sour voice sounded. At this moment, Qing Chou was constantly chewing the soul in his mouth. Seeing such a scene, Heavenly Court Gu Immortal was shocked and angry.

To many people, the mission this time was just a cutscene, and even meant to make a fuss. Not only did Duke Long, the Sub Immortal Venerable lead the team, but also drew the other nine Rank 8 Gu Immortals. There was no possibility of failure at all. , But now the development of things has completely exceeded their expectations, and is completely different from what they thought.

   "It is banned here, our news cannot be passed on."

His expression changed slightly, and the Heavenly Court 8th Rank Channel Gu Immortal Pulsatilla suddenly noticed a bad situation. This time Heavenly Court not only drew ten Rank 8 Gu Immortals, but also all of the ten Rank 8 Gu Immortals who were good at it. The fields belong to different roads and can effectively cooperate with each other.

When their companions were killed, the Gu Immortals in the Heavenly Court were naturally very angry, and they wished to avenge their companions immediately, but they did not lose the most basic judgment because of this emotion. Every Gu Immortal who can reach Rank 8 is bound to All have experienced extraordinary tempering.

Sean’s displayed combat power has obviously reached Yaxianzun, and a legendary Primordial Wild Beast that grows up can basically deal with three ranks and eight ranks has two Primordial horns and Qingchou. Legendary wild beast, the Star Gazing Pavilion is no less inferior to Heaven in terms of overall combat power, and even has a slight advantage.

Under such circumstances, the best thing for Heavenly Court is to ask for help. After all, Heavenly Court has such a background. There is no need to fight the Star Pavilion like this. It is not worthwhile to win or lose, but at this time they discovered that not only It was they who used the Sifang Terrace, the Yudao Immortal Gu House, to seal the surrounding area, and the Star Gazing Pavilion also used some means to seal the surrounding area so that they could not even transmit information.

   "Can you crack it?"

   Perceiving such a situation, someone in the Heavenly Court Gu Immortal spoke up.

   Hearing this, the pasque-headed man hesitated.

   "The opponent used the Star Dao means, and the Gu formation has been formed. It may not be easy to crack it."

   Although he was a little discouraged when he said it, the pasqueflower still chose to tell the truth.

   Hearing this, several people in the Heavenly Court Gu Immortal frowned, and all traces now show that they have fallen into a trap carefully arranged on the side of the Star Gazing Pavilion.

   "It's been a long time since I felt like this."

   looked away from Qing Qiu's body, locked on Xiao En, and Duke Long showed almost substantial killing intent.


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