Roar, a long roar sounded. Above the sky above Bishui Island, two Primordial Golden Dragons with very similar appearances were fighting each other.

  咻, the void splits, and the sharp aura escapes, shattering the sky and the sea. At a certain moment, the two Primordial Golden Dragons spit out silver sword breath at the same time.

   hum, the dazzling brilliance shone a piece of whiteness in the void, the two sword breaths stalemate with each other, and in the end one of the sword breaths suppressed the other.

Phew, a bright light flashed in his eyes, seeing that he had already won, Xiao En released his ultimate move. At this moment, the ancient golden dragon that had the upper hand in the battle disappeared quietly and turned into Xiao En's appearance. .

   woo woo, seeing Sean gather his power, the real Taikoo Jin Jiao sobbed twice, and also cleverly gathered his own power. This is the result of his countless scars in exchange for this period of time.

   has the Eighth Transformation Immortal Gu, coupled with the related mortal Gu sent by the Stargazing Pavilion, and using the real Primordial Golden Dragon as a reference, Sean quickly completed his own transformation.

Xiao En is not profound in the foundation of the Change Dao. After transforming into the Primordial Golden Dragon, Sean is inferior to the real Primordial Golden Dragon in terms of mere accumulation of Dao marks, but with the existence of the Eighth Rank Sword Breath Immortal Gu. 'S power has been greatly improved, and Taikoo Jin Jiao is not his opponent at all.

   "Yinjiao, come here today."

Looking at the completely shredded sea of ​​clouds and facing the Taikoo Jinjiao, Xiao En stretched out his palm. Seeing Shaun's actions like this, the Taikoo Jinjiao who was named Silver Horn by Shaun immediately shrank his body and fell into it. With the palm of his hand, he moves skillfully, just like instinct.

   "Huh? Did you find it?"

   Playing with Silver Horn's body, he suddenly received a message from Old Man Black Wind. Xiao En's eyes narrowed. Unexpectedly, Old Man Black Wind's movements this time were much faster than he expected.

   Void fluctuations, Xiao En's figure quietly disappeared.


West Desert, one of the five regions of Gu World, most of the terrain here is desert. Both in terms of resources and the number of Gu masters, it is not as good as the East China Sea, but in terms of overall combat power, West Desert is not weak. In Donghai, because of the harsh environment, Gu Masters here are generally good at fighting.

  Death of Revenant, there was no name originally, but it was named because of the sudden change of the environment, the wind of chaotic spirits, and more and more fragments of Revenant.

  The invisible power is permeating, temporarily isolated from the wind of the chaotic soul, two figures standing on a sand dune in the desert of the dead, seem to be waiting for something.

   One of the two figures is wearing a black robe, half of his face is full of dragon scale lines, and he is an old man with black wind, while the other has blue-faced fangs, red eyes, pale skin, and a body like a boy, but he is a stiff fairy.

   "Black Wind, I found the place for you. I hope you don't forget the agreement with me."

   A slightly low voice sounded, with a touch of vicissitudes, the boy-like fairy stiff spoke.

   Hearing this, the old man Heifeng's expression remained unchanged.

   "Loess, don't worry, what I promised you will definitely be done, not to mention that the pavilion owner is thirsty for talents. As long as you join the stargazing pavilion, letting you reincarnate from the dead is just a matter of effort for him."

   "Trust me, Loess, this will be the wisest choice you have made in your life."

   with a smile on his face, although Heifeng's words are not heavy, but it demonstrates his strong self-confidence. The news that the star-gazing pavilion defeated the three major families and dominated the East China Sea has quietly spread, which gives him ample confidence.

   Hearing this, Huang Tu didn't say anything. He had already made the choice. The reason why he would say such a thing now is only because he paid too much attention to it, so he felt uneasy at the end of the matter.

   At this time, a strange wave came out, and the black wind and the loess cast their gazes at the same time.

   "Is the Dou Jingong here?"

   Void fluctuations, Xiao En's figure walked out of it.

   Seeing such a scene, the old man Black Wind quickly reduced the smile on his face, walked up and bowed to salute, but his attitude was much more respectful than before.

   "Return to the pavilion master, based on my long-term investigation, it is basically certain that the Bean God Palace is hidden in this desert."

   Hearing this, his eyes swept across, and he looked at the surrounding environment, and Xiao En nodded.

In the original development trajectory, the Bean God Palace will appear in the Blue Ghost Desert, but now this so-called Blue Ghost Desert has not yet appeared, but the desert under my feet does have a bit of the future. The shadow of the Blue Ghost Desert, because the Blue Ghost Desert is actually a large-scale Soul Dao resource point, with countless soul beasts living in it, developing in a normal rhythm. Judging from the chaotic spirit winds of this desert now, in It is indeed possible that this place will become a large-scale Soul Dao resource point after countless years.

   "Huang Tu has seen the pavilion master."

   looked vaguely, the current person in charge of the West Desert Zombie League Huang Tu Shangren also stepped forward to say hello to Xiao En, showing a rather humble attitude.

   "Huang Tu, I invite you to join on behalf of Guanxing Pavilion, would you like it?"

   His gaze swept over the body of the master of the loess, with a gentle smile on his face, Xiao En sent out his invitation.

   For the relevant information of the Loess Master, Xiao En naturally knew it, and knew that this time Hei Feng was able to find the hiding place of the Bean God Palace so quickly, he was indispensable, so after the meeting, Xiao En directly sent out an invitation.

   Hearing this, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and Huang Tu quickly agreed, which was something he couldn't ask for.

   "In that case, then I will help you reincarnate from the dead now."

   spoke, without hesitation, Xiao En directly urged the immortal zombie immortal move.

  The gray brilliance shrouded, and the appearance of the loess gradually changed, from a zombie with green faces and fangs to a boy with powdered jade.

   "Thank you, Pavilion Master."

   At this moment, there was a tremor in the low voice of the loess.

   Hearing this, Xiao En waved his hand, ignoring the excitement of the loess in his heart, and cast his gaze on the desert of dead souls.

The Bean God Palace is an Eight-Rank Immortal Gu House built by Yuanlian Immortal Venerable. It is also among the forefront of many immortal Gu houses. Although Shi Xiaoen and the three people fixed the approximate position of the Bean God Palace based on the previous clues, it is not easy to find the Bean God Palace. There is no special method, even if the entire desert is turned over. I am afraid it is of no avail.

   However, Xiao En came from the Yuan Lian Sect, and he has a small part of Yuan Lian's true biography, and he has a little relationship with the Bean God Palace.

   radiated his breath in an all-round way, and the halo of wisdom in his eyes flowed, and Xiao En began to search for the location of the Bean God Palace with that little sense in the dark.

"found it."

At a certain moment, his thoughts spread to the Sean saw a majestic mountain in a strange space deep in the desert, with liveliness in solemnity, vitality brewing in solemnity, blue bricks and gold tiles, exuding The palace is full of vegetation, and the plaque on the gate of this palace is written with three big Chinese characters of Bean God Palace.

It was at this time that I seemed to feel the existence of Sean. The breath of Bean God Palace was no longer obscured, and began to naturally radiate outwards. For a while, the light of green gold rose to the sky, and the strong vitality symbolized in this area. Flowing wantonly in the desert of death.

   "This is the Bean Shrine."

Feeling this undisguised breath, the old man Heifeng and the master of the loess changed their colors at the same time. The way of birth of the Bean God Palace made them a little unprepared. Can't help the breath leaking from the Bean God Palace.

   "As expected, it is the Immortal Gu House left by the Venerable. Although it is the same rank eight, the Star Gazing Pavilion is a lot worse."

   Feeling the panic of the Bean God Palace, his brows raised slightly, Xiao En looked at the whirlpool formed naturally in the sea of ​​sand, and stepped into it one step at a time.

Seeing such a scene and looking at each other, the old man Heifeng followed with the master of the loess at the same time. They were also very interested in the legendary Bean God Palace. Although it is impossible to actually get it, it is always a bit of experience. OK.



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