In the early morning, the golden sun jumped out of the horizon, and the city of Bué began martial law. One after another luxurious carriages walked across the street to the palace. Today is the day when the current king of Thalia, Yordan, unloaded his crown. Months later, the new king will ascend to the throne.

   Falcon Hall, the great nobles gathered together, Yordan sat high on the throne, overlooking his courtiers.

   Looking at this magnificent king, like a lion king, several nobles felt something was wrong, but couldn't tell what it was.

   The Mansion of the Three Queens, Qingliangdian, Sean sits with Semiya, who has become the crown prince.

According to the custom of the Kingdom of Thalia, the new king who will be enthroned today will not meet the old king. This is a kind of respect for the authority of the old king and the new king, and tomorrow, as the crown prince, Semiya will be the new king. Enter the main palace, handle the corresponding things, and learn how to become a real king. After half a month, she will officially wear the crown and sit high on the throne, overlooking the entire kingdom of Thalia.

   "Semmia, you will be the new king from tomorrow, are you happy?"

   Pour a cup of tea for Semiya, Sean asked.

   Hearing this, Semiya was silent. She initially vie for the throne to avenge Patra, but now that there are more and more people standing behind her, she feels a heavy pressure.

   "Teacher, I... don't know."

   There was a trace of confusion in the red pupils. In front of Sean, Semiya did not hide her true thoughts.

   "Semia, the kingdom of Thalia is very small, and the world of yellow sand is also very small, but this void is very big. If you are really not ready to be a king, you can go the other way."

  Looking at Semiya, at this moment, Sean's words were extremely sincere.

   Hearing this, Semiya lowered her eyes.

   Seeing Semiya like this, Sean sighed.

   "Semmia, you should have found out, I am not from this world."

   Hearing this, Semiya did not speak, but she did not show any surprise.

   "I come from the world of truth, a world far stronger than the world of yellow sand, and I am a wizard."

   In the words, the brilliance of spirituality blooms, the vegetation grows in the Qingliang Temple, and the flowers bloom in full bloom, and it becomes a garden of dreams in an instant.

Seeing such a scene, Semiya finally showed a hint of surprise on her face. Although it was only the tip of the iceberg, she was surprised by the subtlety of this power. It was obviously a transcendent power beyond the bloodline. strength.

   "If you want, Semiya, you can go to the world of truth with me."

   With his eyes facing each other, looking directly at Semiya's gaze, Sean issued an invitation. At this moment, he really regarded Semiya as his student.

   After hearing the words, she was sluggish for a while, and cast her eyes down, and Semiya fell into silence again.

   "Teacher, this world is the place where I was born and raised. I still have many things to do here."

   There was a long silence, and Semiya's hoarse voice quietly sounded.

   "Even if you give your life for it?"

   Hearing the words, Semiya nodded.

Seeing such a scene, although he had already expected it in his heart, Sean could not help but sighed. After all, after getting along for so long, he still has a certain affection for Semiya, and Semiya is not only the power of blood. Intrepid, her own talent is even more extraordinary, in his opinion, if she embarks on the right path, Semiya has a chance to cross the 7th-order heaven.

   There was no words, and the Qingliang Hall, which was like a garden in the forest, fell into deathly silence for a while.

   Om, invisible power fluctuations, a complicated mark quietly formed on Semiya's forehead, which represents the power of the door of the infinite.

   "If you have nowhere to go, you can arouse the power of this mark, and then maybe you can give you a way out."

   Looking at Semiya who was determined, at this moment, Sean's expression returned to normal again. He did everything he could, and Semiya had to bear the consequences.

Feeling the power contained in the mark on the eyebrows, looking at Sean, Semia’s face was guilty, no matter whether Sean came to this world for any special purpose, it was great for her, and now she After all, he failed his expectations.

She got up and fell to her knees, just as she did when she was a teacher, Semiya bowed and saluted. After the ceremony, she slowly got up and walked out of the Qingliang Temple. The moment she stepped out of the temple door, the temple door closed automatically. It grew madly and quietly submerged the entire Qingliang Temple.

   "It's time to leave."

   retracted his gaze and entered the secret room. Xiao En walked into the gate of the two worlds that had been constructed a long time ago. This was the escape route he had prepared for himself before, but he did not expect to use it this time.

   After noticing the bizarre disappearance of Patra, Sean strengthened the monitoring of Patra, and then he discovered some anomalies. Following the vines, Sean found out some shocking truths.

   Although Patra and Yordan had a tight layout and acted very carefully, when they started to implement the plan, it was also when they showed their traces.

After some investigation, Sean found that Patra and others had arranged a sacrificial array covering the whole country in the Kingdom of There was even a sacrificial array outside the Kingdom of Thalia. The traces existed, and through this sacrificial formation, Sean also confirmed his conjecture that Patra was indeed standing behind hell.

It’s a pity that the sacrificial array has already taken shape and has begun to function. Even if it destroys the surface nodes, it is completely useless. Its power has been embedded in the bottom of the world. After all, **** is professional in sacrificial aspects, and other worlds are completely incomparable. The same is true in the world of truth.

After discovering such a situation, Sean used the drifting bottle to send out the news for the first time, hoping to get the support of the truth world, but so far he has not received any feedback, which made Sean's heart a layer shadow.

Faced with such a situation, the sensible Sean’s natural choice temporarily withdrew from this world. After all, after the sacrifice actually began, he might be able to take over the power of the demon **** of hell. In the face of such an existence, even if he burns his fundamental source of power with the help of infinite power The power of the door is definitely not an opponent, and the two sides are not at the same level at all. For this, Sean has a clear understanding.

Of course, although people have left, Sean did not do nothing. If possible, he would like to see the power of the **** god, and the imprint left on Semiya was prepared for this. In addition to the power of the Infinite Door, it also contains a little bit of his spiritual thoughts.



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