The Eternal Tower, the third floor, the land of summer, the natural garden.

   In the core area of ​​the Wizard Tower, ignoring the harassment from the outside world, after returning from Apple Paradise, Sean closed the Wizard Tower so that outsiders were not allowed to enter or leave.

In the Apple Paradise, Sean seems to have passed more than ten years, but in reality only ten days have passed. It is just an illusion that people can’t distinguish between true and false, or that it is something in the past. A recurrence of the incident at a time point, and the protagonist of the incident is the real owner of Apple Paradise, the creator of the natural school, Lilivia. However, it is difficult for anyone to believe that such an existence was originally just a small village from a small village. girl.

   The devil fruit tree stands, and the luxuriant canopy covers the sky in the core area of ​​the wizard tower. At this moment, a layer of golden light is flowing between the branches and leaves of the devil fruit tree.

   Standing under the tree, seeing this scene, Sean's blue pupils were shining brightly.

After devouring the sacred tree of the Great Tongmu family in the Naruto World, the Devil Fruit Tree gained a trace of the essence of the seventh-order. It is considered to have initially crossed the limit of the sixth-order, but it is still far from the real seventh-order, but this time it swallows the belt. After having the branches of the golden apple tree, there are some points that may really cross this step.

   "Although it is just a branch, it carries a trace of the origin of the golden apple tree. It may take some time for the devil fruit tree to swallow him, and this place is not suitable."

   His eyes flickered, and Sean once again sent the Demon Fruit Tree into the void.

The real promotion of the Devil Fruit Tree to the seventh rank is likely to cause a lot of disturbance. This is the Eternal Tower, not only has more than one seventh rank, but also the eighth rank, although there is a high probability that their bodies are not here. , But once the Devil Fruit Tree is promoted, there is still a high probability that it will attract their attention, and Sean does not want to cause unnecessary trouble at this time.

   "I will be myself next."

   Banished the Devil Fruit Tree, and the thoughts in Sean's consciousness continued to collide.

In the Apple Paradise, Sean used various methods to fight against various natural disasters against the apple tree. This is not only a test of the golden apple tree, but also another interpretation of the secret of "The Secret of Nature" In this process, Sean saw more traces of the rules of life.

Life mimicked and turned into an emerald dragon. A tree full of emerald green willow appeared behind Xiao En, hanging down thousands of silk ribbons to quietly cover the huge body of the emerald dragon he transformed into, this is his incomplete mythological gesture. Carrying his analysis of 15% of the space rules and 20% of the rules of life, at this moment, the ever-changing breath of life escapes from the emerald dragon, or from the body of this willow tree. Opening, slowly outlined a piece of pure land of life.

While Sean was immersed in the analysis of the rules of life, the outside world about Apple Paradise has been undercurrents. Among them, the most concerned is whether anyone brought out the silver apple, but all this has nothing to do with Sean for the time being, the golden apple The branches of the golden apple tree and the golden apple tree were all imposed by the golden apple tree's body, and ordinary people could not detect it at all. But just in case, after the golden apple tree branch was swallowed by the devil fruit tree, Sean put both the golden apple and the silver apple into it. Inside the door of the infinite, only a green apple is left outside, which interferes with the sight of the caring person. Even if someone uses some special means to peek, the end result will only be that Sean gets a green apple in the apple paradise. Apple, of course, the results may be different if the person who shoots the peep is a seventh-order or higher existence.

  Natural school, winter land, the wizard tower is not withered, the ancient banyan.

   "Some people outside now say that Sean Monteel got a silver apple in Apple Paradise. What do you think?"

   Leaning on the sofa, supporting her head in one hand and playing with a green apple in the other, showing a lazy and seductive posture, Janicea asked softly.

   Hearing this, Leroy poured himself a cup of hot tea, took a sip, and his wrinkled face stretched a lot.

   "It's his luck to get it, and it's his luck to not get it."

  Hu, exhaling a breath of heat, Leroy casually gave an answer. The reason why he put the wizard tower in the winter land is because he likes the feeling of drinking a cup of hot tea in the cold winter.

   Hearing this, Janesabeth glanced at Leroy, obviously a little dissatisfied.

   "You should have reached the limit of the upper title. If you can get a silver apple, maybe you can take that step. Are you not tempted?"

   With her bright eyes narrowed and staring at Leroy’s face, Janice asked.

   Although it is said that she and Leroy have known each other since they were students, and the relationship has always been relatively close, but even so, she does not know exactly where Leroy is now.

   "Hey, it's been so long in the blink of an eye."

   Retracted her gaze, thinking of the past time, Janicea suddenly felt a little trance, and she had no interest in further questioning.

Seeing this look of Janessa, Leroy also sighed. After living for a long time and seeing too much, many things became numb, and gradually lost his humanity, can be accompanied by such a person, It is also a kind of luck for him.

   "My analysis of the rules of life has reached 90%."

   Putting down the tea cup, looking directly at Janessa, Leroy gave the answer she wanted to know.

   Hearing this, Janicea looked stunned, and she didn't even react for a while.

Ninety percent of the analysis of the rules is a hurdle. The upper-level wizard's limit is more than 89%, which can only be infinitely approached to 90%. It is impossible to reach 90%. According to Le Judging from the answer given by Ruwa now, he has now taken this crucial step, which means that he is no longer a high-ranking title, but a close to god.

   "Those close to gods, you are already close to gods."

   Received the shock, Janicea murmured unconsciously.

   "Since you are already close to the gods, why spend three million magic points to enter the Apple Is it for the golden apple? Or is it you..."

   raised her head and looked at Leroy, Janicea suddenly understood that Leroy entered the Apple Paradise this time for her.

To be able to become a titled wizard of Tier 6, Janessa is naturally a genius, but genius is also hierarchical. She clearly knows that she is different from Leroy. Being a median title in this life is basically the end, even if by chance. , At most, it is to become a high-ranking title. It is impossible to become a near god, but if you can get a silver apple, there is still so much hope.

   "Long immortal, I won't die before you."

  With words, tearing the space apart, Janicea left the wizard tower of Leroy.

Although the near gods are still Tier 6 titled wizards in essence, relying on the power of almost complete rules, they can bear and use far more life extension methods than ordinary titled wizards. If you say that a Tier 6 title can generally be Living for about three thousand years, then after using various methods to prolong life, a person close to God can live for at least six thousand years. This is the gap.


  Leroy sighed as she watched Janesa's departure. Although Janesa's concealment was very good, how could he not see the complexity of her mood at this moment?



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