Huh, falling down on the extreme mountain peak, looking at Sean standing on the scorched earth as if admiring the surrounding scenery, Claremont's face showed a sneer.

   "Is there a trap waiting for me? It's strange that the position hasn't changed for so long, but your acting skills are too clumsy."

   There was a cold light in the azure pupils, locking onto Sean's figure, and the power in Claremont began to boil.

Aw, a low and powerful wolf howl sounded, a first-born single horn, wings on the back, dark, blood-red wolf shadow appeared behind Claremont, seemingly real and illusion, and the outside world, on the stands, Seeing such a scene, many students who knew the goods gave out exclamations.

   "I heard that some time ago, the Alchemist Tower discovered a new different world. There is a strange creature called Eudemons in it. It seems that they should have analyzed the secrets of this creature by now."

   Looking at the wolf shadow behind Claremont, Janissa, who is a Tier 6 title, also has a dim look.

"Yes, the Eudemons of that world can merge with people and become weapons and armors. It is an extraordinary way unique to that world. However, the alchemist has already mastered the means of transforming monsters into Eudemons, but it is not mature enough. That's all, I didn't expect Claremont to have obtained an Eudemons, which is still a very rare Tier 5."

   Compared to Janicea, Leroy’s news is more accurate.


   Hearing this, Janicea let out a sigh. Although Claremont is very well prepared, the result of this challenge has long been doomed. It is just a cutscene.

   "How strong can the temporary traps be? The gap between you and me cannot be smoothed out by these small means."

The wolf shadows merged, and a black wizard's robe with short fleece and a hood like a wolf head appeared on Claremont's body. At the same time, two huge wolf teeth were intertwined to form a peculiar pair. The white bone sword fell into Claremont's hands, and it was covered with jet black lines, revealing an extremely bloodthirsty aura.

   "With the dark robe armed with Eudemons and the bloodthirsty curse sword, how can you be my opponent?"

   Brush, the dark flesh wings spread out behind him, his figure turned into nothingness, Claremont's figure quietly disappeared, at this moment he merged with the darkness, this is the ability of the evil beasts to arm the dark robe.

   "Blood-Drawing Devil Vine Corrodes the Sea of ​​Blood."

  The brilliance of spirituality flows, and in the darkness, the bloodthirsty curse sword in Claremont's hand exudes terrifying and obscure power fluctuations.

   Compared with the phantom beasts in another world, the weapons formed by these phantom beasts are more compatible with wizards after the magical modification of the hand of alchemy, and the curse sword is one of the very good choices.

The incantation sword, like the magic staff, is a commonly used auxiliary item by wizards. Compared with the more well-known staff, the history of the incantation sword is actually a little bit longer. In addition to casting spells, hand-to-hand combat is often required. Under such circumstances, a good curse sword can often bring unexpected gains.

Rumbled, the earth cracked. After Claremont cast the spell, countless thorns with sharp barbed thorns came out of the ground. In an instant, the scorched earth plain where Sean was located became a bloodsucker. The ocean of vines.

Chi, blood with a strong smell of fishy and ugly dripping from the magic vine, corroding the earth, intertwined with each other, twisting like living creatures, constantly surging towards the location of Sean, from the outside, it looks like a piece of blood The ocean drowned Sean. Seeing such a scene, in the darkness, Claremont's face showed a win-winner smile.

The blood-drawing vine is the cornerstone of his secret witchcraft for practicing "The Secret of Nature". The sixth-order supernatural plant from **** has the dual characteristics of blood and fire. Although the environment like scorched earth is not friendly to ordinary natural wizards , But it didn't have much influence on him, and even had a slight increase in the absorption of magic vine.

The Corrupting Blood Sea is a witchcraft he specially created based on the characteristics of the blood-sucking vine. It can be said to be his proud work. It can maximize the power of the blood-sucking vine, and this time he also used another one. The seed of the Blood Demon Vine is used as the casting material, coupled with the boost provided by the Eudemon Armament of the fifth-order bloodthirsty horned wolf, he believes that this kind of power is by no means the ordinary fifth-order true spirit wizard can resist, and Sean is earlier than him. It has been promoted to Tier 5 in one step, but it has only been a few years now.

   "Let’s turn into a pool of foul blood in the sea of ​​blood."

Looking at the growing sea of ​​blood, Claremont was even more proud. Because he was afraid that Sean would find a way to reject or postpone his challenge, he deliberately let out the wind and promoted Sean's passive avoidance, leaving Sean nowhere to go. , So that he had to accept his own challenge, and now it is finally time to harvest.

   Of course, as a qualified wizard, although victory is basically in hand, before the final result is announced, Claremont still did not relax his vigilance and remained in the dark.

   "Witchcraft·Strangulation of Thorns."

The sea of ​​corrosive blood has taken shape. Claremont started a new round of attacks just in case. He has made up his mind that unless Sean is clearly dead, he will never stop his attacks, but at this time. Abnormal changes occur suddenly.

   Buzz, invisible power burst out, vines grew wildly, and the already chaotic sea of ​​blood became more and more terrifying at this moment.

   spread upward. At this moment, the blood-sucking vine that should have strangled Sean seemed to be dominated by some kind of power. They gave up the strangulation and became entangled with each other.

   "What's the matter? Why doesn't the blood drawing vine not listen to my control?"

Realizing that something was wrong, Claremont's face changed drastically. This time, in order to ensure that Sean was killed, he deliberately brought out a seed of the blood sucking vine from his home, using it as a casting material to match the blood sucking vine in his body. Pushing the power of corroding the sea of ​​blood to the limit, but at this moment he found that the blood-sucking magic vine was out of control.

   "This power, this power is the power of rules, how is it possible, he..."

Thinking of a certain possibility, the blood on Claremont’s face faded instantly and became pale and white. At this time, the blood-sucking vines were already intertwined in a spiral shape, like a big tree standing on top of the earth. The only difference is that This big tree does not have a crown, only a sharp point as a sword.

  咻, pierced the space and pierced the darkness. At this moment, the cover that the Eudemons Armed Dark Robe brought to Claremont seemed to be a decoration, and did not play any role.

  嗤, the body was pierced and hung on the top of the blood-sucking vine. Facing such an attack, Claremont couldn't even make a decent resistance.

"why why?"

  The pain tortured Claremont's body, while regret and inexplicable jealousy tortured his soul.

His whole body strength was imprisoned, and Claremont fell into madness and let out a hysterical roar. He didn't understand why, why Sean, who was only promoted to Tier 5 before him, was promoted to Tier 6 again in just a few years. And he is still spinning about the first real liberation, and the second liberation is far away. He doesn't understand why Sean didn't tell him that he is a Tier 6 title. If he had known it, he would not have come to challenge now. , He doesn't understand, he doesn't understand.

   Faced with Claremont like this, Sean ignored him, just a tool man.

   "This is fake, isn't it? Isn't the blood drawing vine belonging to Claremont? Why is it being manipulated by Sean?"

   Seeing this result, the viewing platform suddenly fryed the pot. They really didn't understand why such a scene appeared, and some people who knew it had an incredible color on their faces.

   "The power of rules, he is Tier 6."

   eyes widened, looking at the freeze frame, Evelyn whispered unconsciously, while beside her, Latifah and Siegel turned pale, as if they were emptied of energy.

   "Should this level be enough?"

Looking at Claremont who was hung in the air, like a display, Sean whispered, and as his mind turned, the characteristics of the blood sucking vine were no longer suppressed, and Claremont was instantly swallowed into A corpse, so far this farce-like chief challenge has finally come to an end, and Sean has officially stepped onto the stage of the world of truth.



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