The origin of the world of Naruto, Sean came here for the second time.

Although it is equally endless, compared to the origin sea of ​​the Ark world, the origin sea of ​​the Naruto world is full of a decayed atmosphere. In fact, since Otsuki Kaguya planted the sacred tree in the Naruto world, the origin sea of ​​the Naruto world has been slow. Slowly decayed.

The sacred tree plundered the natural energy of the entire world, interrupted the upward power of the Naruto World, and then continued for a long time. The never-ending war has exacerbated this impact. In fact, a moderate war is not for the world. A bad thing, this can promote the ecological cycle of the world, but excessive warfare is definitely a kind of destruction to the world, and then Sean arrives, first swept the underworld, and then destroyed the three psychic holy sites, and now Naruto World It has been accumulated overwhelmingly.

   "Sure enough, it has been extracted, then take it away."

   As Shaun’s mind turned, the phantom of the Gate of Infinity in the Primordial Sea vibrated, and the ten-point fundamental source force was completely separated from the Sea of ​​Infinity in the Naruto World by the Gate of Infinity.

   rumbling, blood-colored thunder and lightning shining, black storm swept across, at the moment when the ten-point fundamental source force was completely separated, the colors of the source of the sea changed, as if it had come to the end of the world.

   Seeing such a scene, Sean's expression remained unchanged, which he had expected.

Compared with the Ark World, even after so many years of decline, the Naruto World is still much deeper than the Ark World. According to Sean's exploration, the Naruto World still has 50 fundamental source powers. It is necessary to know that the Ark World is only 12 in total. A little bit of fundamental source power, this is the gap, but it’s normal to think about it carefully. After all, the world of Naruto gave birth to the earth and magic. If it weren’t for the arrival of Otsuki Kaguya, it might not have been able to develop after a long period of time. A powerful civilization, even successfully upgraded, gave birth to a great existence of the seventh order.

   Ten points of fundamental source power being drawn at one time will shake the root of Naruto World and accelerate its demise, but it won’t make it burst immediately. For Sean, such a result is completely acceptable to him.

The Naruto World’s greatest benefits for Sean are threefold. One is population, the other is the mature Chakra system, and the third is the underworld. As long as these three benefits are given to Sean some time, he can completely digest them before the world is destroyed. clean.

   Void fluctuated, turned and left, Xiao En ignored the roaring thunder and storm.


   The Great World of Liberal Arts, the Green City, the Crown of Emerald.

   walked out of the gate of the two worlds, lifted the blockade he had left, feeling the aura around him, Xiao En was a little uncomfortable.

It has been a while since the demon wave of the Liberal World has been resurrected, and the current concentration of magic power is good, but in Naruto World, Sean’s body is sealed with dragon veins, and the whole person is as if soaked in magic power. Comparing the two, the gap is still relatively large. .

Sean harvested a total of three dragon veins in Naruto World, two of which were sealed in his eyes by him and transformed into his own pupil power, and the other one was left in Naruto World and built on this basis. In a maze like the psychic holy land, this is not only a foundation he left to the Holy Oak Church, but also a test field he prepared for himself. He intends to use the time difference between the two worlds to cultivate it on a small scale in Naruto World. First-order gardeners, second-order shepherds, and third-order plant engineers, who are extraordinary in the potion pathway, hope to gain some early gains, so as to avoid wasting too much time in the main world and taking detours.

   "It's time to sow new seeds next."

   Thinking of something, he stepped forward and Xiao En's figure disappeared into the meditation room.

At the top of the Botanical Garden, at the highest point of the Emerald Crown, the Devil Fruit Tree stretches its body.

The branches and leaves spread, and the purple flowers of the tree swayed with the wind. For a while, there was a shower of flowers over the crown of emerald, and in the process, a little bit of emerald light invisible to the naked eye drifted away with the wind and fell to the green field. Any corner of the town.

   After swallowing the sacred tree, the demon fruit tree transformed again. In addition to the original magic, it gave birth to another power, that is, the chakra. Like the sacred tree, it also has the ability to become the source of the chakra.

  In the Liberal Arts World, compared to other extraordinary ways, Chakra is basically the weakest existence of the same level, but it also has its own advantages, not only growing faster, but also extremely small in resource consumption.

In the Liberal Arts World, the most precious resources are basically extraordinary resources linked to magic power, and the extraordinary people who follow the path of chakra do not need to absorb magic at all. For them, as long as the devil fruit tree stays in the chakra species That little special magic power is completely enough. In other words, their demand for extraordinary resources is horribly low, and this is unmatched by the potion system.

With such advantages, Chakra’s extraordinary road can be said to be the most suitable for cultivating cannon fodder. It is cheap and quick to form. Of course, for Sean, compared to cultivating cannon fodder troops for combat, he They are more willing to turn these extraordinary people who walked the Chakra road into producers, who can repair bridges, pave roads, and farm.

And compared to other extraordinary ways Chakra, this extraordinary way may be the only extraordinary way suitable for universal popularization, but the idea belongs to the idea. If you want to realize it, you need to take your time and not be impatient. , After all, Chakra is also an extraordinary power. A person who masters Chakra is the weakest person of the same rank. He can also easily kill ordinary people. Once this power is blindly promoted and the situation is out of control, the impact will be terrible. Yes, after all, the human heart is the most difficult thing to think about.

   "I don't know how many qualified people can appear."

   Standing under the tree, watching the Chakra seeds drifting to all corners of Greenfield City, Sean's eyes drifted away.

   The extraordinary way of chakra seems to be only suitable for cultivating cannon fodder, but it is not without thresholds. People who cannot integrate chakra seeds can not embark on this path at all.

   "I hope the result will not disappoint me."

   Thinking of a possibility that he had imagined before, Xiao En's figure gradually faded under the tree.

As long as there are enough qualified candidates, Sean is certain to cultivate a batch of cannon fodder that can be used in a short period of time. Based on these people, Sean will be able to promote in Greenfield City. The conditions of Chakra's transcendent path will be very different in the scene in Greenfield City. After all, the weak transcendent is also the transcendent.


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