The ground was shaking, the mountains shook, and a violent explosion came from outside. At this moment, Sean’s laboratory in the belly of the mountain had a tendency to collapse. At this moment, Xiao Nan, whose mouth was stained with blood, walked in from outside. .

   "My lord, people from the Five Nations Alliance have found here."

   The words were low, looking at Sean who was immersed in the experiment, Xiao Nan's orange pupils had a touch of worry that could not be concealed.

Three years ago, under her leadership, Akatsuki attacked Konoha and captured Nine Tails. As a result, the Fenglei twins made a breakthrough. Akatsuki was defeated and Penn’s six army was wiped out. Then the Five Nations Alliance took advantage of the situation and launched a clearing of Akatsuki. .

Although the members of the Xiao organization are elites, and each one should not be underestimated, with the existence of the wind and thunder twins disrupting the balance, the Xiao organization has fallen into an absolute disadvantage from the beginning. If it were not for the advantage of being small and elite, The Akatsuki organization’s terror has long since perished, but today, Akatsuki, the shadow that once hung over the Ninja World, has finally come to dissipate. In three years, the members of Akatsuki’s organization died and fled. It is now It became an empty shelf.

   "Really? It's time to end."

   Hearing Xiao Nan's words, Xiao En stopped the movement in his hand, just as he sealed the Yin Jiuwei into the ten-tailed body.

   "Let's go, since they have hit the door, I should take a look no matter what."

   talking, ignoring the Golem of the Outsider, Xiao En walked outside.

   "Finally let me wait for my chance."

   When Xiao En's back disappeared into the cave, a pair of cold eyes quietly opened in the darkness.

   Heijue, the volitional creation of Otsuki Kaguya, has been sealed by Sean since it was captured by Sean many years ago, as a research material.

   Strange power fluctuations, the seal left by Sean was in disorder at this moment.

Gurulu, a muddy body twisted, Heijue easily broke free from the cage left by Sean. As a back hand left by Otsuki Kaguya, Heijue has no power in itself, but his particularity determines Ninety-nine percent of the seals in this world could not hold him, if it hadn't been for the hope of resurrecting Datongmu Huiye in Xiao En's body, Hei would have escaped long ago.

   Huang Tian has paid off, and the waiting for many years has finally paid off today.

   The figure condenses and transforms into a human form, looking at the things in the laboratory at this moment, Heijue laughs silently.

   After a long time of sealing, the physical body of Datongmu Huiye has long been worn away. If you want to be truly resurrected, you need to have four conditions, namely, the fairy human body, the fairy eye, the ten tails, and the black end.

Hui Ye’s soul is too powerful. Only the coexistence of the fairy human body and the fairy eyes can carry her consciousness. At the same time, only the existence of Hei Jue can awaken the sleeping soul of Hui Ye, and the powerful power of Ten Tails can attract her fundamental consciousness. Her fundamental consciousness broke the seal and escaped from the trap. Coincidentally, these four conditions are now completely complete in this small laboratory. I have to say that this may be God's will.

   "Mom, I will be able to rescue you soon."

   Thinking of the scene of Datongmu Huiye getting out of trouble, Heijue's eyes shone with tears, too long, and he waited too long for this day.

   "Sean, this guy can't think that everything he does will become my wedding gown."

Going to the side of the laboratory, looking at the culture tank in front of him, Heijue has a perverted pleasure in his heart. In the past few years, in order to resurrect the hope of Otsuki Kaguya, he has endured the humiliation and let Sean wantonly study his body. It's too awkward.

   "It's a perfect work."

   Looking at the test subject in the culture tank, Heijue Heihe had a satisfied smile on his face.

In three years, Sean did not give up his own research. At this time, the experimental body in front of Hei Jue is Sean’s most successful work. This is the product of Nagato’s body template and the perfect fusion of inter-pillar cells. , That is to say, compared to the product of crudely transplanted interpillar cells, he has a real fairy human body. In addition, in the past three years, Sean has also cultivated a pair of reincarnation eyes and a pair of reincarnation eyes. The reincarnation eye has been fused by himself, and the reincarnation eye remains on this perfect subject. In other words, this subject is simply the perfect container for Otsuki Kaguya's resurrection.

   "Everything should be over."

   Breaking the culture tank, Heijue's consciousness entered the subject.

   "Mom, all the suffering is over."

With tears in his hands, Heijue walked into the depths of the cave, where the ten tails were about to recover. With his own will as a guide and the power of the ten tails as a support, the soul of Otsuki Kaguya would soon be able to break through. The seal of the Six Paths·Earth Burst Heavenly Stars, reappeared to the world.

   Outside the cave, the ninja troops of the Five Nations Alliance have surrounded this place, and even the large chakra enchantment has quietly formed unknowingly, covering this place.

   In the face of the menacing Five-Nation Alliance army, Akatsuki's organization will be much shabby. Except for two or three big cats and kittens, there is not even a decent army.

   "Shaun, stop, you have already lost."

   Riding the wind, standing out of thin air, Naruto's expression is a bit complicated.

In the past three years, he and Sasuke have fought against Sean many times. They lost every time in the one-on-one battle, and they had the upper hand every time in the two-on-one fight. In fact, in these three years Had it not been for Sean's existence in China, the Akatsuki organization would have died out long ago.

"Sean, it's all Thunder and lightning, looking at Sean, Sasuke's expression is equally complicated, you should know that he once regarded Sean as his goal, but he did not expect that the other party would actually To destroy the entire Ninja World, this is something he cannot tolerate. He and Naruto have repeatedly asked why each other wants so much, but the answers they get are ridiculous.

   "Yeah, everything should be over."

   Looking at Sasuke and Naruto, Sean's expression was exceptionally calm, without any tension. At the same time, a powerful and tyrannical aura began to awaken in the depths of the cave.

   rumbling, the cave and the mountain shaking, in the eyes of everyone who could not believe it, a towering mountain collapsed in an instant, and a giant tree as high as several thousand meters rushed into the sky.

"What is this?"

   "Ah, my chakra?"

   Numerous tree roots broke out of the soil, covering all the surrounding areas. As long as they are touched, no matter who they are, the chakras in the body will be swallowed up in a short moment.

   "What the **** is this? You did Shaun the ghost again?"

   The storm surged, watching the ninja troop that was constantly being sucked up, the anger in Naruto's heart was instantly ignited.

   Hearing this, Xiao En didn't answer, but instead focused on the giant tree that rushed into the sky.


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