The latest website: Huh, the light converges, and Sean's figure is blurred.

Om, his hands were slightly pulled apart, the light was as solid as flowing water, and a long bow made of gold appeared in Xiao En's hands.

The bow is 3 meters long, the bow arm is thin, and the structure is simple. It is a move developed by Sean based on the bow of the sky in the myth and legend of the Boya Great World. On the other hand, it is more powerful than the previous moves that Sean had developed based on Yata Mirror.

"The Bow of the Sky·Scattering Arrow."

Pulling the bowstring, more light converges, like a bird returning to its nest, a golden four-sided serrated arrow quietly condenses.

Seeing that the color was domineering locked, and aimed at Kaido, Sean released the bowstring in his hand.

Shoo, silent, the moment Sean released the bowstring, Kaido's body was pierced by a ray of light.

Roar, a painful dragon roar sounded, and at this moment a huge hole appeared in Kaido's heart, and the entire heart had disappeared.

The eyes were red, the ferocious aura erupted, and he carried his mace and waved it wanton. At this moment, Kaido instinctively used thunderous gossip, forcing Black Feather and Golden Winged Garuda to retreat.

Stabbing, thunder and lightning, looking at Kaido in madness, Sean and the three only besieged, even if Kaido is chased and beaten by Kaido, they will mainly avoid, because at this moment they have clearly felt Kaido The breath of life is constantly losing, this is his last madness, there is no need to fight hard.

But at this moment, blackness spread, and a figure wearing a mask and black robe suddenly appeared beside Kaido.

Seeing this figure suddenly appeared, Xiao En's expression changed slightly, without any hesitation, he immediately released the laser.

In the face of Sean's swift attack, the black-robed man gently raised his left hand.

Om, the black brilliance bloomed like a whirlpool. Although only the size of a palm, all of Sean's lasers were distorted and submerged in the whirlpool automatically, without arousing any waves.

While blocking Sean’s attack, the black-robed man’s right hand rested lightly on Kaido’s shoulder. At this moment Kaido, who had been in madness and disapproved of his parents, was like a pet seeing the owner. It was extremely quiet, without anything. Struggle.

Covered with black material, Kaido's huge body disappeared, and then the black brilliance bloomed again, and the figure of the black robe also disappeared. The whole process was carried out in one go, so that the three people of Xiao En did not have time to move and leave him behind.

"Naturally, those with the Secret Fruit ability, I didn't expect that there will be such a character in the sea."

Without chasing, at this moment, in Xiao En's domineering perception, he has completely lost his perception of the black-robed man, as if he had never appeared before.

"Even though the dark fruit is vaguely involved in a little space power, I didn't expect it to be developed to this point by this person."

Standing in place, recalling the previous movements of the black-robed man, Xiao En's expression was indifferent. Obviously, the other party had been prepared long ago, and it was not a temporary intention.

"Let's go, get out of here first."

In words, in the form of golden light, Sean disappeared in place. Since Kaido has been taken away, there is no point in staying here anymore.

To be honest, Sean had never expected such a change in this battle before, but it made him more and more interested in the secrets of this world.

Although the power of the black-robed man was weird, Xiao En clearly knew that the opponent did not break the ceiling, and he was not afraid of the opponent when he really fought.


"An dark fruit awakens, the strength of the general level, such a person can't find any traces, it's really a bit weird."

On Black Raven Island, looking at the information compiled by the intelligence department, Sean frowned.

It can be said that this piece of information in Sean's hand already includes 90% of the strong men on the sea, even the lone rangers who have returned to seclusion or rarely shoot, but Sean can hardly find a black robe in it. The candidate for human characteristics, even the Dark Fruit, hasn't appeared on the sea for a long time, and its last owner can even be traced back to Marshall d. Titch, the fourth king of the pirates 200 years ago.

"Why, Myers, are you still looking for the dark fruit ability?"

A huge dragon head came in from the window, and the words of Uranus, the heavenly king, rang in Sean’s ear. The last time he fought with Germa, Uranus was also nearby just in case, but the battle was clear. , He didn't make a move. After all, his identity was still more sensitive, but even so, he couldn't grasp the trace of the dark fruit ability person.

"Yes, Uranus, but without any gain, this person seems to have emerged out of thin air."

Putting down the information in his hand and looking at Uranus, Sean sighed.

"Myers, although I don't know who the Dark Fruit ability is, Dark Fruit has an inseparable relationship with the Dragon Kingdom's plan to create gods. If you have the opportunity, you still have to control it in your own hands. "

As a living antique, although most of the time is asleep, Uranus still knows many secrets.

Hearing this, Sean nodded. In fact, he suspects that the black-robed man is a survivor of the Dragon Kingdom, which is the so-called D clan. After all, both Dark Fruit and Kaido are extremely related to the Dragon Kingdom. Deep connection.

The most important thing was that in that brief match, the black-robed man showed extremely strong control over Kaido, which was obviously not something ordinary means could do.

At this moment, Catwoman Catherine walked in with a folder.

"My lord, this is a confidential document obtained from Derma. The intelligence department believes it has great value. I hope you can check it out."

With that, Catwoman handed over the folder.

At the last moment of that Vinsmok Milburn chose to self-destruct, and the entire Djerma sank along with it. Most of the resources and information were destroyed in the explosion, only A small number of them were rescued by the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce. Obviously this document is one of them.

Opening the folder and looking at the materials that had been obviously burnt in it, Xiao En gradually frowned.

A considerable part of this document was burned, but through the remaining information in it, Sean knew that this was a confidential document involving the Troll God Kaido out of control.

"It turns out that there was such a hidden danger before Kaido, no wonder Djerma chose to take the initiative to retreat six years ago."

After reading this information, Sean also has the answers to some of the questions he had before. The most important thing is that there is a special force mentioned in this information.

"Future Kingdom."

He whispered in his mouth, tapped the tabletop rhythmically with his fingers, and a gloomy light flashed in Sean's dark eyes.


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