Chapter 76 Disappearance (3)

Jane ran out the window before I could fire my weapon.

That was a great decision. Since I can’t destroy this building, I can’t go through the wall and aim for her.


I manifested the magic circle and followed him.

Jane, who had been escaping by ‘flying’, looked back at me and widened her eyes.

“Wow, Frontier! When did you learn flying magic?”

“… … .”

Come to think of it, Jane doesn’t know that I can fly. I think I thought that if I had a car, I would just run out of the window.

“Teacher! If you are not the president’s enemy, please explain the situation! I will help too!”

“So! It’s not a matter for you to help or not!”

“Then you can tell me what’s going on! I have no desire to fight with the teacher!”

“It’s okay to say that when you bring dozens of bundles of weapons!”

Well. I have nothing to say about him. I’ve been speechless for a long time.

“How did you find out in the first place! Frontier!”

“… … I just happened to find out.”

Perhaps the start of the sense of incongruity is thanks to the ‘sixth sense’. It was a feeling of discomfort that disappeared in an instant.

Still, thanks to that, I noticed a contradiction at some point while talking to my classmates.

If I hadn’t paid attention to that feeling when I entered the school gate, even I would have been oblivious to Osprit’s existence.

“… … How come it is, the highest level magic is so simple… … .”

“It must have been magic!”

“Ah! You did a judo newspaper! Frontier!”

… … Did you?

Would it be better to say so?

‘I’m just playing tag without end like this.’

Me and Jane, who are chasing without even thinking of attacking seriously, run away with the same heart.

It looks like I’m overpowering Jane because it’s a chasing picture, but it’s not.

If Jane tries to respond sincerely, the country will not be okay.

My flight is not magic like Jane, but I am only controlling my body as if I were controlling a woven object in the Menosorpo realm.

Because of this, there is a slight difference in control, but it is not faster than Jane.

‘Jane has no intention of running away completely. If that happens, I will go back to the president’s office and continue my work.’

I don’t know what’s inside the president’s office, but it’s clear that Jane was trying to stop me from going inside. Or even if it’s okay to go inside the president’s office, you shouldn’t try anything in it.

So Jane can’t be completely separated from me either. You are in a difficult situation like me. Especially since we don’t intend to hurt each other.


As much as I know Jane and Jane doesn’t know much about me.

At the moment, I have more intelligence than Jane.

‘It can be spread out at this distance.’

I narrowed the menosophes to my periphery. My flight stopped for a while because I couldn’t get out of here.

“Everyone, have you given up? Frontier?”

When Jane looked back at me, I was a little misunderstood.

Menosorphos expand open

air weave, wave


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I reached out my hand and extended the Menosorpo again, just as I had grabbed Mei. At the same time, the studio gradually expands depending on the range.

“… … !”

Jane’s eyes widened as she entered the range where the workshop was made.

The workshop swallowed up Jane in an instant—

1 space magic


Yeongchang 1 door

‘I am the one who takes the first step.’

completion of the ceremony


Jane’s mouth twitched, and she stretched out her finger and pointed to the right, and at that moment moved to the right, completely out of range of the workshop.

It didn’t fly fast or jump, but it literally jumped out of space and reached it.

“… … !”

I watched the scene with my mouth open. I couldn’t help but be surprised.


While the workshop made in the air fell and made a heavy sound to the floor, I looked at Jane blankly.

Jane used space magic. Even using one finger.

The difficulty of magic in this world is determined by how far it is from human understanding.

Things that can be easily seen and felt in life, such as fire, water, and wind, are so easy to create with magic.

On the other hand, the basics of lightning are a little more difficult, because they are not easily seen.

Using the same principle, teleportation, such as moving from somewhere to somewhere at once, boasts tremendous difficulty, no matter how short the distance.

That’s beyond the realm of ordinary people’s understanding. The transition method of Mangot with Selena or the conditions of the Indus portal are not for nothing.

Mangot has opened a path to reach in advance in order to transfer, and it can only be done one-way.

The portal of the Indus can only go to a preset area, and it uses a fairly precisely crafted magic circle.

It’s almost impossible to draw a simple drawing, as it’s tattooed on the palm of your hand.

In other words, the reason they can move through space, whether it’s Mangot or Indus, is because the way they move is changed to make it easier to understand.

The portal is forcibly pasting coordinates here and there, and the transition of Mangot is to move to a hotline connected to an individual.

If the magic of moving anywhere as you please, like the space movement shown by Jane now, was used, portals, gates, and Mangot’s unique transition method would all be useless nonsense.

“What just happened? frontier. You were surprised!”

As I watched Jane still bewildered, I saw clearly and realized that it wasn’t any smoke.

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No matter how good Jane is, the woman I know cannot do this kind of magic. That too with just one finger and one chorus.

“… … Teacher, are you sure this is Miss Jane?”

I raised my guard and asked. He looked at Jane with an animosity close to living.

Acting beyond my sixth sense. I was joking, but I thought it might be true.

Jane’s inaction, shown now, is close to the zodiac. No, some of them will lightly outdo it.

“Hey, you really are trying to see me as an enemy.”

Jane hardened her expression as if sad. Up until now, I thought we had treated each other in a sense that was close to half-playing.

But if I’m just playing with something completely different in the guise of Jane, I may already be in the hands of the enemy.

As the tension slowly raised her mana, Jane shook her head.

“I see. stop it. I’ll tell you everything. It’s really hard to tell the truth. Either way, one of them will die.”

Saying so, Jane calmed her mana. He slowly descended to the ground as if he was trying to dispel even the flying magic.

… … Even so, there must be a reason for such a defenseless state. I also went down to the ground. We completely drained mana and looked at each other.

Jane sighed a little and looked at me.


“… … !”

“Did you want to hear that name?”

“… … After all, was it the teacher who made him disappear?”

“no. Could it be? I don’t even know who he is.”

don’t know who

So is Jane also in the influence of Osprit’s disappearance?

I thought Jane was someone like me who was aware of this, but am I the only one who still noticed it?

“… … So how do you know its name? The name of a stranger.”

“… … Because.”

Jane lowered her eyes as if she didn’t like it.

“There was a letter in my room. A letter from a man named Osprey.”

“… … letter?”

Osprey left a letter in Jane’s room. If so, Osprit was also predicting this would happen.

“Mr. Jane was unexpectedly trusted by the president.”

“… … Oh, really. It’s so difficult to have a conversation with someone you don’t understand.”

Jane muttered in an unfamiliar voice to my words.

“I’ll explain it again, Frontier. I don’t know who Osprey is. So even if I was trusted by him, I don’t know if that’s true or not. It doesn’t mean he sent a letter to my room. Of course he put the letter where he should have put it, and I was the owner of the room.”

“… … ?”

I tilted my head, not knowing what Jane was talking about.

Rather than not knowing what I was talking about, I felt like I was repeating a normal sound.

‘Osprit put the letter where it should be, and the owner of the room is Jane?’

Where Osprit should put his letter.

If he didn’t specifically write a letter to Jane, where did he put it? A place where anyone can check if something goes wrong with him.

… … oh

“… … okay. That’s how it happened.”

Jane smiled bitterly at my words.


And Jane recounted my conclusions.

“Osprit left a letter in the Chancellor’s office. I confirmed that.”

In other words.

“The current president of Constell is me.”

Then he tilted his head as if he didn’t quite understand.

“I think it’s set up that way.”

* * *

[Congratulations on becoming the president of Constell. I don’t know who I am yet, but I’ll greet you in advance.]

The first sentence of the letter in the president’s office began like that.

[The president of Constell without me will be replaced by someone else. You can’t make a new person who doesn’t exist. The most likely one, I think, is Miss Jane. If you become the president, I can be at ease. If anyone other than Jane is reading this letter, I apologize in advance. Just think of it as an old man’s senility. You are qualified to be the president.]

Osprit seems to have a grasp on the structure of this situation. After he was gone, he knew that someone else would take the place of president.

It seems that Jane was a realm of speculation, but even that was correct.

[Unfortunately, this magic is not yet complete. It changes people’s perceptions and fills in the blanks, but sooner or later a serious contradiction will be discovered and the magic will be destroyed. But don’t worry too much. It just comes back to normal. All I want is for the daily life of the world to flow naturally until then. Short days before the magic is destroyed.]

“… … From what is written, it seems that the president himself has expelled himself from the world.”

“I will. But now that I am the president, can you please do not confuse me?”

Jane stared at me. It was quite refreshing to see Jane, who was completely convinced that she was the president.

[You, the principal, are probably able to use very high-level magic. I don’t know if you recognize it as your original magic, but I want you to know that I had a little help in that power. Of course you don’t have to. Now it is completely your power.]

“gun… … Are you saying that the president is borrowing Osfried-sama’s power?”

“It feels like that. I have to be honest about this point. I was able to use magic that was completely out of order with the magic I had been taught so far. Naturally, I thought it was mine, but I was a little hesitant, but after reading this letter, I was convinced.”

Jane at least recognizes that she is the president, and at the same time recognizes that the situation is abnormal.

Perhaps this is why Osprit considers this magic unfinished. Small contradictions pile up layer by layer because of the gimmicky setting.

[The reason why I do such an annoying thing is simple.]

The letters continued.

[Someone is aiming for me.]

After that, the atmosphere was different.

[He had no way to escape anywhere in this world, so he had no choice but to fall out of the world for a moment. It’s not ironic. If you don’t have a high skill in magic, you won’t even be targeted by him. Even now, even this is just to buy time, but I hope that there is a solution within the time gained.]

Osprey is being chased by someone?

Which Osprite was the closest to the current archmage?

‘Besides, if there is no way to escape anywhere in the world, I can only think of one thing.’

… … god.

Is there anyone among them who is aiming for Osprey?

Judging from the fact that he would not have been targeted without the knowledge of magic, it seems that the current Osprite has really come close to being an archmage. When he rises to that level, God’s hand will reach him.

[So you, the president, can just live as usual. As usual, working as a general in Constell, researching magic, or learning combat skills. I want you to live like you did when you didn’t see this letter.]

It seems to be a story that his magic will never harm others.

[However, the reason I am writing this letter is because there are two things I want you to protect.]

As soon as I saw the phrase, I had an ominous feeling and frowned.

He sighs as he turns his gaze to Jane.

[First, don’t get caught by the Frontier de Roach.]

It was out right away.

[He is the most difficult person to judge for me in the whole of Constell. I’m sure he’s an ally, but his power is unparalleled. The thing you should fear most when dealing with him is knowledge, not magic or skills. I don’t know how much he knows. I hope you think so too.]

For Osprit, it seems that I was something to be wary of. Even though they call me ally.

It seemed to me that being caught didn’t necessarily mean something was going to happen, but rather meant to be wary of what might happen.

[And secondly, this magic that I have now unfolded is approaching anti-magic. It’s incomplete.]

I know that without having to say it. This absurd scale of change of perception can be called great magic.

[A magic of this size is woven into a very precise structure. I think I’ve been well-prepared, but unexpected things may happen if an out-of-standard force is applied.]

at that time.

A knock was heard at the door.

[So, you have not been assigned a role like you, but nonetheless, it is judged most likely to unwittingly interfere with this great magic—]

“Excuse me, Principal. This is Elodie. I have something to discuss.”

Me and Jane were silent at the same time, looking at the door the knock was on.

[—Don’t let Inies find out. This is more important than being undetected by Frontier.]

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