Chapter 74 The Devil (2)

The monster continued to watch Atjie’s fight.

His superior intelligence and adaptability did everything he could to somehow absorb Atjie’s fall.

In a sense, it was closer to a swordsman who entered the samadhi.

His whole body moves in order to arrive at one technique called nakjang, skipping all the basics and basics that must be learned before him.


‘Not enough.’

I don’t understand yet.

It takes practice to fully imitate that technique.

‘I have to get out of here.’

The monster looked around the prison.

I tried to escape earlier, but this prison was designed so that an entity with mana could not come out.

‘It was the same person who arrested me first.’

To be honest, he has no clear memory of when he was born.

At that time, there was only endless killing intentions.

Immediately after doing the ‘accident’, there was someone he had to kill in front of him, so he tried to kill him, but was blocked.

He looked down at his hands.

His hands can turn into metal-like claws at any time he wants.

Concealment ability to hide at any time from the view of others.

Where the hell did you get those things?

Did I have it from the beginning, or is this also just an unconscious imitation?

‘I am a disaster.’

I don’t know what disaster means.

I don’t know if it’s a word that answers something or not.

But now I have no basis for knowing who I am.

It can transform into any form, and can steal all its powers.

So, I can’t know the real me.

‘But the technology is different.’

If only I could imitate that technique.

At least he will be freed from something common to everyone.

Even if you can’t be the only one, you can be the second one.

‘You have to leave.’

The monster grabbed the bars of the prison.

Gripping support!!

The prison bars react to the monster’s mana, causing a terrifying electric shock.

This isn’t just lightning, it’s a heinous attack that directly attacks the mana it touches.

The grate will not hit anything, but will attack anything that passes between the two grates. The reason why even a small, flexible monster could not get out of this place.


The monster felt pain. He knew he felt pain when the dark-haired man stabbed him in the back.

After feeling the pain, the monster did not know what to do, and struggled to get out of the pain, and eventually screamed.

The scream was not imitating anyone. The first and last act he realized himself. It is an act of his own choosing.

so that. He finds himself only in pain.


The monster’s body slowly fades. However, since he is only concealing, the lightning bolt of the grate continues to crush his mana. The body screams accordingly.

‘What am I?’

The concealment that continues to be maintained nonetheless. Completely transparent self.

You can change into anything, you can learn anything, you can imitate anything.

so that.

‘I am nothing.’



The lightning bolt stopped.

A separation from the perfect world beyond concealment.

And he walked through the grates. The volume of the body blocked by the grate was separated by that much, and then reunited as it crossed the grate.

‘… … !’

Atjie confirmed that the monster became invisible. Of course, so was Missonas.

“Heh, I thought I was going to use concealment, but I guess I gave up! stupid thing!”

Mizonas said displeased. Atji’s eyes twitched at that sight.

‘Is that so?’

Atjie cannot know whether the konjac monster succeeded in getting out or not.

The monster can make its body completely invisible, and only Frontier can discover its concealment at this time.

The lightning bolt pierced the invisible monster, and after a while, the lightning stopped. Based on common sense, it is correct that the monster gave up and returned to the prison just as Mizonas said.


“I don’t know why you are offended.”

Atzier said to Mizonas.

Isn’t disaster a monster sent from the devil’s side? If the monster escapes the prison on its own, it should be welcomed. Didn’t they break into this prison to get that monster out in the first place?

“Hey, what are you doing wrong!”


gang! Aww!

Atjie’s sword and Mizonas’ claws collided nonstop. In terms of simple skill difference, Atzier had the upper hand, but Mizonas had 10 nails and all had the same strength as Atjie’s sword. Simply put, the number of weapons is greater.

In addition, Mizonas’ attack, which is capable of firing Aurors even during battle, will pierce the head with a single blow from its claws if even the slightest carelessness is taken.

“We are sent here to destroy it!”

“To get rid of?”

“Yes! A monster from another world is originally—”

Mizonas’s mouth, which had been talking hard, stopped for a moment. In an instant, his face became pale, and his eyes were dyed with fear.


Atzier kicked Mizonas’s gap open, almost reflexively, in his stomach.

Mizonas staggered back in shock.

“… … ?”

However, Mizonas stood idly for a moment after being beaten to see if the fear worse than the pain was still there.

“… … no.”

What the hell he saw and what he heard, said Mizonas, whose expression suddenly changed.

“I wasn’t talking to you guys.”

“… … Has the ban been lifted?”

“Shut up!”

Mizonas’ claws swung again. At the intersection, the aura of the nails spread out like a grid pattern and rushed to Atzier.

If he was a normal human, he would have let go of his life in the sight and waited for his own fate to be shredded alive.

“Isn’t it boring?”

In the case of Atzier, it is one of the easiest to deal with.



His blade pierced between the intersections of the Aurors, and lowered once.

Even the thread of Mizonas was torn as if it had been cut, and then split like waves on both sides of Atzier.

All of them made terrible marks on the floor and walls, but the central Atzier was just there.

“… … your boy.”

Seeing that, Mizonas hardened her face.

“You are wasting time on purpose.”

“… … .”

“There is no way someone as talented as you can miss the gap I gave you a while ago. But it only stopped with one kick. Besides, the current attack is the same. At first, I thought we were focused on defense so as not to spread damage to this dungeon.”

As Mizonas spoke, the aurors grew more and more.

At first, he reasoned quite calmly and coldly, but as he spoke, his anger grew.

“How dare you waste your time against this me!!”

“… … This is true.”

Atjie shook her head as she received the momentum of her desperate anger.

“That’s right. So there’s no need to be angry. Or is it that all the disciples of ‘Wrath’ are angry?”

“Anger is our strength! It is the source of the footsteps of the devil!”

“… … I didn’t know you would admit it.”

Atjie’s thoughts flashed through Mizonas’ momentum for a moment.

All of the talented people would have realized that something strange had happened in this dungeon now.

Because that Mizonas is showing off his ridiculous mana without hesitation.

It is not a life that unfolds without thinking back and forth.

Mizonas knew that he would be caught when he expressed his Auror in front of Atzier. Knowingly, he raised his anger and added strength.

In other words, Mizonas is what he chooses to ‘wrath’.

‘The idea of the devil is difficult to understand.’

For Atji, who was always driven by his coolness, he never thought that there was such a way of thinking that he could choose his own anger.

But it seems that anger is actually becoming the power of the devil, so it can’t be taken lightly.

‘The problem isn’t him.’

Mizonas is definitely a strong opponent. If you try to kill him, you will take a lot of damage to Atji.

However, if we focus on defense as we are now, we cannot break through Atzi’s wall.

In the end, anger tends to simplify thinking and actions, so it’s even easier to defend.

‘Is that monster still in that prison?’

Atjie was concerned about the monster that was still inside when he thought of it as ‘common sense’.

Read at

Now I can’t even feel the presence of that monster. I don’t know if it’s natural because I used the concealment ability.

If so, why do you still maintain a cover-up after you know it’s impossible to go to jail?

Atjie had a premonition he had heard from his younger brother.

– He might get out of prison on his own.

As soon as he heard that, Atjie said it was impossible. Nevertheless, Frondier’s opinion did not falter.

– He is a monster from another world. The restraints created by the Empire do not assume a different world.

When he heard that, Atjie continued to be skeptical. Of course, Frontier himself had no confirmation about him, so Atzier’s stance was correct.

Frontier knew it too. The newly emerged konjac monster has no information on them.

Therefore, from the frontier’s point of view, both sides had to be prepared to deal with the situation.

-If he escapes from prison, please don’t follow him. If you are doing some ‘work’, just keep doing it.

Frontier said.

Ignore that monster.

– I’ll take care of him.

* * *


The second crow flew.

[The monster in the prison is not visible.]

“… … !”

Everyone was nervous for a moment at those words. But soon the tension was relieved.

said Lily.

“It was just a cover-up. No one can find it?”

Yes. There is no monster that can escape from the Demon Prison. Knowing that, everyone relaxed.

“Be more specific.”

said Frontier.

[When the monster’s hand touched the grate, there was an electric shock. After that, the monster gradually became invisible, and the lightning continued. And after a while, the lightning stopped.]

“Yeah, I gave up.”

Daisy heard the situation and nodded as if understanding.

“I knew I couldn’t get out, so I went back in.”

Everyone was thinking the same thing, but Frontier asked again.

“But you still can’t see it in the prison?”

[Yes. I haven’t seen him in the prison for at least 5 minutes after watching.]

That was a little bizarre.

If you’ve given up on escaping, there’s no reason to continue cloaking.

However, he is still nowhere to be seen in the prison.

“——Your Majesty.”

After a long deliberation, Frontier’s mouth was opened.

“I’m going out for a while.”


“Hey you!”

At that word, the Zodiac shouted in surprise.

“It’s possible he’s gone outside.”

“What are you talking about! No monster can escape from that prison!”

“He is a monster beyond common sense. No one has ever seen anything like that. Unexpected things can happen.”

Frontier didn’t have to say that he was a monster from another world. It takes a lot more time to explain it. Besides, I wonder if I’ll be able to believe that I’ve explained everything.

“Even if it were! Why are you leaving here!”

“okay! He’ll be here anyway! Anything unexpected can happen here!”

Frontier keeps this position as a major premise.

Because that monster or someone like him can always aim for the Emperor.

But Frontier said.

“It’s not the emperor he’s after.”

“… … What?”

“To be more precise, he’s not looking for anything. And that monsters don’t aim for anything, that’s what our enemies want now.”

Frontier continued to speak incomprehensible.

But as if he had finished talking with that, Frontier looked at Bartello.

“Your Majesty, we must stop him. Please allow me to leave.”


At that time, there were three of them moving quickly.

Ludovic, Daisy, and Monty.

They surrounded Frontier and aimed their weapons at him.

“Don’t be silly, Frontier.”

said Daisy.

“Our first goal is to protect His Majesty, Frontier.”

Ludovik said.

At that, Frontier saw Ludovic.

“If the response is delayed, that many people will die.”

“… … Small sacrifices are unavoidable. Another zodiac will go to see the situation,”

“It’s a small sacrifice.”

Frontier interrupted Ludovic.

Ludovic’s eyes trembled for a moment at the dark emotion felt in that voice.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t make that decision.”

“What… … ?”

“A decision like that is for the Emperor.”

Frontier said so.

The only thing the emperor can do is make a small sacrifice.

In front of the Zodiac, in front of Bartello.

“Hey, what kind of safety do you dare say—!”

“Of course I am, but I am not the emperor.”

Facing Ludovic’s anger, Frondier continued speaking.

“I am nothing.”

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