Chapter 69 Antidote (3)

Frontier held out a hand.

Frontier had been curious before. How did you turn mana into liquid?

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No matter how thick the mana becomes, it does not become liquid. Because it’s not like that in the first place.

Therefore, Frontier’s reasoning was as follows.

‘This lab did not develop a technology to turn mana into liquid. He developed the technology to put mana into the liquid that was originally there.’

I don’t know what the liquid is, but it’s probably harmless to the human body like saline. Because they only chose injection as a means of injecting mana into others.

And whether harmless or harmful.

Frontier already knew the liquid that had mana from the start.

black river.

“It’s probably too much to absorb.”

As he spoke, Frontier raised his hand.


His black cloth stretched out in all directions and stuck to the people behind the black wall.

“I think I can take it off.”

Frontier’s sixth sense responded clearly. Each person enters a different mana rather than their own mana and collides with each other.

‘Human mana has different colors. But even if there was a lot of infused mana… … No, there are still five types. You’ve just been trying to get out.’

Five types of mana infused into them. This means that this research institute has improved the mana injection five times, using at least humans as test subjects.

Just like when he absorbed a black monster, the Frontier made the mana of the Black Heaven touch the mana inside the human body.

“Mr. Elin, and Diego.”

And just before they tried, they called their names.

“I promise. It’s my first time doing it too. These people could die.”

“… … !”

At those words, the two hardened their faces. But it didn’t stop Frontier.

I don’t know what Frontier is going to do now. But just before Frontier came to help, Dier and Elin were also prepared to kill them.

Other than that, if there is another way, you have to walk there.

After checking their eyes.

Frontier pulled the black cloth.


“Turn it off… … .”

Some screamed, others let out painful moans. But after that, everyone behaved the same. They slumped down like a deflated balloon doll.

Elin ran and looked at them.

Elin’s face, which had been diagnosing her condition with a stiff expression, became more comfortable after a while.

“… … stay alive The symptoms are gone.”

Hearing this, Dier sighed.

But soon astonished, he saw Frontier.

‘What is the real identity, this person.’

The cause of the side effects, from the appearance of the Frontier just before, knew that the Frontier had drained the mana they had been infused with.

However, it was there. I couldn’t quite figure out how Frontier could drain someone else’s mana. Even if it’s infused mana.

‘… … Also, something has changed. Frontier.’

Meanwhile, Elin was nervous about the atmosphere of Frontier.

His expression and voice were the same as usual, but today’s Frontier had an unfamiliar agility.

Much more fundamental than when he confronted Elin, as if something fundamental had changed, no, as if he had left something behind.

“Then the rest.”

Frontier lifted his head and looked into the distance.

There was a huge chunk of mana that woke up before them and ran rampant.

Long before those who fell down, the prototype that was tested for the first time.

Many researchers have already been swept away by him, and he was slowly walking towards the Frontier.

“Frondie, be careful. That’s a lot of mana.”

“… … Yes. It certainly is.”

Frontier answered Elin’s tense voice.

Meanwhile, a prototype appeared. The body was abnormally swollen, probably because of the injection. The bloodshot eyes were much redder than the others, the blood vessels all over the body stood out, and the excessive heat of the body raised a fog-like thing around it.

It made a thump-thump-heavy sound every time it walked in.

“Mr. Elin, Dier. Back off.”

Following Frontier’s words, the two retreated. Both of them are still stronger than before with mana injections, but after some time, Elin’s condition deteriorated due to side effects, and Dier is not yet adept at handling mana itself.

And above all, even after the mana shot, Frontier still looked much stronger.


At that moment, the madness of Angus who could not read the atmosphere resounded.

“Look! That great mana! A human body that is still alive despite injecting that much mana. This is medicine! Starting with that prototype, I dreamed of a mission to restore the human realm by creating human weapons! I have been fighting for mankind!”

There was no one to respond to him. However, it was a very unpleasant statement. Is that justification for making human weapons? Or is it sincere? Either way, the present Angus was full of self-confidence.

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Now that this mana injection has spread around the world, more and more people will tell stories similar to Angus.

Even in a rather moderate way, opinions such as ‘Isn’t the mana injection necessary depending on the situation’ can be sufficiently raised.


But that’s not the issue to worry about now. Frontier raised his mana and sharpened the black sky. It was ready to attack the prototype at any time.

Frontier’s and Prototype’s eyes met. With the black wall in the center, each other’s movements stopped.

“Ha ha ha ha ha! die! Everyone will die here with me! Look at the power of prototypes!!”

As Angus said, the clash between the two seemed to start at any moment.


Frontier saw something in the prototype’s eyes. On the contrary, Frontier relaxed his combat stance. The black wall was also released and returned to the black sky.


Surprised, Elin called Frontier, but Frontier didn’t answer and just looked at the prototype.

The prototype came to Frontier with heavy footsteps as the black wall disappeared.


knelt on both knees.

At that, Elin and Dier widened their eyes.

Of course, what surprised me the most was Angus.

“What are you doing! prototype! Kill him! What makes you think you are!”

As Angus explained, the prototype would have already been used as a test subject for all kinds of mana injections and would have already lost consciousness.

So, only the urge to release mana remains, and no one listens to orders.

So, of course, I can’t hear Angus’s words, but the behavior of the prototype now was so surprising that Angus shouted to burst his throat.

“why! why yours! You must be a human weapon!!”

After leaving behind Angus’s sullen voice, the prototype said.

“… … Kill me.”

“… … !”

that one word.

Frontier’s eyes widened when the opponent he had considered as an enemy spoke of his own death. His hands trembled like he had never seen before.

It was such a big change for Frontier, who was always good at hiding his feelings.

Frontier clenched his fists, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

And the eyes opened again. Elin saw it.

‘… … I’m back.’

Seeing this, Elin finally felt as if Frontier had returned to the Frontier she knew a little bit.

“Kill me, what do you mean?”

Frontier asked.

The prototype shook his head and shoulders and said.

“Until now, I have lost consciousness and regained consciousness countless times. I don’t know when I’ll lose my mind again. So before that, kill me. Before I hurt anyone.”

“Have you ever killed anyone?”

“… … I do not know. I don’t remember. But maybe, for sure… … .”

As the man said that, his voice gradually trembled, and tears fell from his eyes.

“My dream was to protect people. But why, why, damn, I don’t know what I did while I was unconscious. I don’t know who to ask for forgiveness, but someday I’ll have to, I’ve put my head down to the families of the people I killed and made atonement for the rest of my life, but damn it now! Uhhh… … !”

The man’s body gradually tilted. He put his fists on the floor.

I just stood still, not knowing who I was going to, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I repeated the same words.

When Frontier saw that, he knelt down on one knee and made eye level with the man.

“Then you must live. You have to tell the world what happened to you while you were alive. If you really did kill someone, you would have to make atonement for it. It’s not over yet.”

“Ha, but now, I have already been subjected to irreversible experiments. Now I don’t know when I’ll lose consciousness… … .”


Frontier’s mana was boiling. He identified the man’s body through analysis.

The body, as he said by himself, had already become a mess inside as a result of many experiments.

However, if you take out the mixed mana, the immediate side effect will disappear.

Frontier is neither a doctor nor a therapist, but as long as you stop getting worse, the rest will be okay.

And above all.

“You made it through.”

“… … !”

Angus was sure the man was unconscious.

Maybe anyone will. Many of the people who received the mana injection much later than this man all lost their minds and tried to attack Dier and Elin.

But this man persevered. Even after countless experiments, he did not let go of himself with a single thought of atonement.

“So it is possible.”

“Yes, you mean you can heal me?”

“A little.”

Frontier stretched out the black cloth and made it touch the man’s body.

He could not simply drain mana like the others. It was so tangled that delicate manipulation was required.

And above all, the man’s own will was important.

“It could hurt more than any experiment I’ve ever been through.”

Of course, Frontier doesn’t really know which one is more painful. But people from a while ago screamed when they drained their mana. It must have been an excruciating pain.

This man, who has already been subjected to many experiments, will suffer even more.

“… … Does not matter. If only I could go back to normal.”

“I thought he would say that.”

Frontier smiled and moved the black fabric with needle-like delicacy.

* * *

When all the injected mana was drained, the relaxed man lost consciousness.

His face, breathing gently, seemed to have fallen into a peaceful sleep after a long time.

The body and blood vessels inflated by the experiment were still there, but that was not Frontier’s domain.


After finishing the operation, Frontier let out a long sigh. I have never done such delicate work with black cloth. In addition, the thought that people’s lives are at stake made me feel even more burdened.

‘My fingertips are shaking.’

Frontier looked at his hand. It’s not violent, but the gentle trembling doesn’t stop.

Come to think of it, I did a lot of work today. Body and mind were torn.

“Come on then.”

Still, there was work to be done, so Frontier turned his head and looked in one direction.

“He’s left.”

Frontier strode towards Angus.

“Hey, uncle.”

Frontier spoke to Angus, but Angus was staring blankly at Frontier.

Instead of answering, he asked a question.

“… … Did you just drain mana?”

“… … .”

“Did you drain the mana and get rid of that side effect, did you?”

Angus looked at Frontier in disbelief. Frontier remained silent, but Angus’s eyes gradually began to come alive.

“Wow, perfect! You are the most talented person to help me with my experiments! If a person injects mana after completely draining their original mana, they can create the strongest human weapon with no side effects!”

Angus raised his trembling hands. The shards of the antidote that had been smashed by Dier must have been very painful, but he forcibly got up and reached out toward Frontier.

“I, help me. If you have that ability, even a perfect human weapon is not a dream. If that’s the case, this time is a step towards the restoration of the realm, the dream of all mankind… … !”


Angus’s hands gripped Frontier’s shoulders. He looked at Frontier with eager eyes.

Dier and Elin, who were watching, didn’t say anything, so they watched Angus quietly.

Frontier looked into Angus’s desperate eyes for a moment and then smiled.

“… … That’s it.”

Frontier nodded as if he had something to think about.

“By instilling mana into humans to make them stronger, they push out demons outside and restore the human realm. It’s a really big dream. If you really do that, everyone will honor you as a hero.”

“That, right? No! Then it will be not only me but you too. Your power is the most necessary force for that plan! You can be a hero! With that ability, there is no need for anyone to die anymore.”

“That’s the problem.”



A black stream flew in and tied Angus’s arms and legs to the floor. He was clinging to the floor like a frog before being dissected.

“While making mana injections harmless to humans, and giving birth to the human weapon of your dreams.”

Frontier’s cold eyes looked down at Angus.

“How many people did you kill?”


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