Chapter 48 Fire Flower (2)

a few hours ago.

Selena reported to Hagly.

“——Really. This vertical line was the notation of the Tochigu phrase. If you change the word order of a sentence with a sound, it will sound strange, so I marked it.”

Hagly nodded in admiration.

The content of the ancient language Selena delivered today was special. I tried to interpret the ancient language based on the information I received from Frontier, but I was quickly blocked by a wall.

But this learning opened the door.

“After all, Frontier has completely finished the interpretation of the ancient language.”

Hagly nodded confidently.

The information I received from Selena so far matched perfectly with the actual ancient language.

It couldn’t be possible with mere sloppy speculation. It may sound plausible a few times because of luck, but the bottom line is revealed as the content piles up. However, Frontier’s knowledge was perfect until now.

“If this is the case, it won’t be long before I can fully understand the ancient language.”

Hagly shows a rare look of joy.

Selena nodded deeply in front of him.

“Hagli, I have something to tell you about him.”

“yes? What is it, Jay? Are there any reports left?”

Selena was now awkward being called ‘Jay’. It was her original name when she was living in Mangot.

Without showing it, Selena said.

“Yes. Frontier says he will no longer teach you the Old Language.”

“Hmm… … ?”

Hearing Selena’s words, Hagly’s eyes narrowed. He opened the book. It was a book containing the ancient language lectures of Frontier that had been delivered to Selena so far.

“… … It’s not long enough for this.”

Even if you do, that’s only part of it. There is still a long way to go for a complete interpretation.

“What kind of sudden change of heart?”

“I do not know.”

“What did Frontier look like when he said that?”

“It was an arrogant face.”

Selena brought out the answer she had previously discussed with Frontier.

Frontier knew how his image would be projected on Mangot.

But even so.

‘I really asked about the expression.’

Read at

Now Frontier is getting scared.

“Hmm. He must have noticed the value of the ancient language too.”

“It’s my fault.”

“No. Isn’t it because you roasted and boiled it well and slurped the contents of the ancient language? did i say Frontier will soon fall for you.”

Hagly slapped Selena.

Hagly is stingy, so compliments are rare. It meant that Hagley appreciated Selena’s achievements.

But, Selena couldn’t be happier because it wasn’t true at all.

“Anyway, if Frontier doesn’t want to teach you ancient languages, I’ll have to offer you a new condition.”

Hagly thought for a moment.

So far, Selena’s appearance and acting have been used to steal Frontier’s knowledge. Progress was smooth.

An interpretation of an ancient language that I was wandering around without getting to a point at all. Finally, someone who can do it has appeared, and I’ve learned a lot so far. The day when the long-awaited wish of Mangot will come true is approaching.

I couldn’t stop here. No one can interpret the ancient language other than Frontier.

Maybe someone else will appear someday, but for now, Frontier is the only one.

“Didn’t Frontier ask for something in return?”

“… … cost… … .”

“For example, your feelings.”

Selena couldn’t understand Hagli’s words for a moment.

Hagley said again.

“Frondier was obsessed with you and taught you an ancient language. I coveted your body, so for a while I will be filled with satisfaction. But over time, people become greedy. You will want something like ‘love’.”

“… … okay.”

Selena nodded her head for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Hagly now knows that Selena used her body as bait to ask Frontier an ancient language. Because Selena said so. As directed by Frontier.

“Most humans do not know their fractions. Even more so if you are an arrogant person like Frontier. Perhaps what Frontier wants right now is your love. You want the person you love to love you. Humans are usually like that.”

“… … That, yes.”

Selena bowed her head again.

… … I haven’t given my body yet, let alone my heart.

“I can’t help it. It will take a while, but there is work to be done.”

“What is?”

“It’s like you’re starting to like Frontier.”

“… … .”

Selena was speechless for a moment, but Hagly shook her head as if it was natural.

“Until Frondier vomits out the content of the next ancient language, play the role of loving him. Until now, you have seduced me, but now I am rather being seduced by Frontier.”

“… … Then will you tell me the ancient language again?”

“Well. The reason Frontier doesn’t teach you ancient languages is also because they are suspicious of you. But if you believe that you are loved, your doubts will be dispelled. Because there is no reason to doubt the person who loves you.”

“Yes. Acting in love with Frontier… … .”

“Well. Frontier is obsessed with you, so it won’t take long.”

I think it will take a very long time.

Selena got dizzy for a moment after hearing the unexpected, but the story wasn’t over yet. He made up his mind again and opened his mouth.

“But the frontier is in a pretty dangerous state.”

“okay. I said it was taken by the Indus.”

Selena nodded her head.

“Because I don’t know the subject, it’s not strange if I die at any time.”

“I heard that Frontier is also using you as an escort. Are you alone enough?”

Selena nodded her head.

“Yes. And to be honest, even though Frontier can interpret ancient languages, I don’t know if it’s worth risking my life mentally.”

Hmm. Hagly sighed slightly at Selena’s words.

‘Jay doesn’t seem to like Frontier at all.’

How patient can she talk to this extent? How did Frontier’s arrogance and inferiority come about?

“Then we will need personnel. However, Jay. To deal with the Indus means to bleed too.”

“… … That’s right. I think it is too much sacrifice for one Frontier.”

Selena acted as if she wanted Frontier to die. That will give Hagley confidence. Frontier said so.

Hagly said with a laugh.

“It’s a sacrifice. Then what do you think? Is it worth the sacrifice to Frontier?”

“I have the ability to interpret ancient languages, so I have no choice but to do it.”

“It’s Mangot’s idea.”

Hagly shook his head.

“Jay, what do you think? If Frontier completely fell for you. Will he be the person you need?”

Selena knew the intent of Hagley’s question.

Hagly was intent on taking Frontier to Mango.

From the viewpoint of Mangot, Frontier is a child abandoned by the family. Of course, you will resent your family, and you will resent yourself.

Mangot has brought such humans so far. In fact, most of the personnel of Mangot had similar circumstances.

So, Hagley was asking about the possibility of a human being called Frontier.

‘… … then.’

Seen through Selena’s eyes, not Mango.

Is Frontier a necessary person or not?

Regardless of Hagley’s intentions, this answer was already decided for Selena.

“… … Required.”


Hagly nodded.

“I will grant permission to connect the shadow of Yeolgot.”


“And let me go too.”

“Hagli-sama too?”

Selena was surprised by the unexpected words. Hagly nodded.

“I want to see the face I miss.”

* * *

A sudden brawl that started inside Heldre’s mansion.

The members of the Indus came up from the shadows and made a quick judgement when they saw those guarding Frontier. He had taken refuge and distanced himself from them as they charged.

It was the best decision the Indus could make right now. Meanwhile, a large number of people flocked to Heldre’s mansion and waged a bloody battle with Mangot.

All of them belonged to ‘Indus’, and they are reliable allies just below the leaders.




Most of them were brutally suppressed by those who came out of the shadows.

hot cape.

Selena did not come to support by gathering anyone from Mangot.

Selena is the tenth assassin who was originally raised on Mangot. That’s why it’s called ‘J’, the tenth alphabet.

Considering the history of Mangot, the fact that young Selena is only the tenth is that when raising an assassin in the first place, she undergoes tremendous selection and selection.

That is why the fact that Selena is called by the name of the alphabet proves her tremendous talent and ability.

And Yeolgot is the most elite team carefully selected under Selena. Assassinations are rarely done alone. Especially if you need complete concealment.

The gap between Yeolgot and Indus was too large to be solved with just numbers.

“Frondier-sama, we will release you immediately.”

While the Cape was arranging the Indus men with ease, Selena returned to Frontier’s back and pulled out a dagger.

Unknowingly, he looked at Frontier’s complexion.

… … Also, I don’t know what it’s like with just the face.

First, the moment he brought the dagger closer to free Frontier’s hands tied behind his back, Frontier opened his mouth.

-Don’t loosen it.

It was a message conveyed only through the mouth, without making a sound.

Selena had mastered the art of reading her lips, so she read the shape of her mouth. In fact, even if they hadn’t cooked it, anyone would be able to recognize the shape of her mouth.


Selena also only moved her mouth.

Frontier’s mouth opened again.

– No mana

“… … !”

Selena hid her surprise.

I just checked her complexion, and she says she has no mana. It really didn’t show up on my face at all.

—I used up all of it when fighting Renzo. In the end, a little overkill.

─Then, shouldn’t you loosen your arms even more? This is dangerous.

―Now, it looks like he doesn’t fight because he’s been arrested. Even if the restraints are released, the enemies will notice if I find out that I am not fighting properly.

Selena swallowed her saliva. In the meantime, I’m still thinking about it.

Frontier spoke again.

-Don’t worry. I have enough mana left to bluff. But it’s literally just a bluff. It’ll work better if you’re tied to a chair.

─I see.

Selena stood up. Arms and legs tied with Frontier. It doesn’t look like it will be easy to cut right now. The spider’s web is thickly wound, and it winds up to a subtle auror.

Such strict restraint. Even the members of Indus know the strength of Frontier.

Selena changed her mind and decided to focus on escorting. He widened his son-in-law and killed all approaching enemies. Enemies hit by her needles fell on the spot without question.

Although Yeolgot’s ability is superior, Indus has an overwhelmingly large number of people. In fact, gradually, people began to take damage.

Raising the tension, Selena said.

“Then I will stand by your side. With all my life.”

Frontier let out a quiet laugh.

Still, Selena liked the cliché.

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