Chapter 43 Volunteer Activities (4)

The Obsidian is home to the most dangerous criminals, so accidents happen frequently.

Of course, a lot of people die.

Corpses generated by Obsidian are transported by the corpse disposal team. Before that, contact the bereaved family and ask about funeral arrangements. If there are no bereaved family members, cremation is carried out.

Since Renzo has no bereaved family, he decided to do the cremation in Obsidian.

After cleaning up the cell where Renzo was imprisoned, Renzo was moved to the morgue to prepare for cremation.

After that.

“… … want to meet you? Renzo?”

“Yes. Because I am a blessed person.”

There was a visitor to the Obsidian.

It was a woman wearing luxurious attire and a wide-brimmed hat that covered her face.

Every time I walked, my high heels creaked, which was difficult to hear in Obsidian.

“I thought I wanted to repay you one day, but I heard that he died suddenly.”

“Uh… … .”

The receptionist made a troubled face.

Renzo was placed in solitary confinement because he was classified as one of the most dangerous criminals in the Obsidian.

He had to be imprisoned in it until he died. Of course, visits and phone calls were prohibited.

So, if someone wants to meet Renzo, he must either escape from prison or wait for his life sentence to be reduced and released. Both are infinitely close to impossible.

“I have been waiting for the day I will meet that person with a glimmer of hope. Can’t I even see your face?”

The woman wept as she spoke. Tears welled up in the captivating corners of her eyes that looked under her hat. He covered his eyes with his hand as if to cover it.

“Excuse me, but what kind of relationship with Renzo… … ?”

“… … He couldn’t be said to have a good heart. He just seemed like a guy doing what he wanted to do.”

It will be. I saw it very accurately.

“But because of that personality, I was saved. Did you know? Slavery is still prevalent in the Deusta area.”

“… … Then that Renzo.”

The staff reduced her words as if counting, and the woman nodded her head.

“He saved me. Of course, he was just passing by, blowing up buildings and people that didn’t suit him. I was just swept away by it. But thanks to him, it is clear that he was saved.”

indeed. The staff nodded. It is truly Renzo-like grace.

“I will guide you to the mortuary. Three guards will accompany you. Are you okay?”

“Sure. If I could even see his face, I would be satisfied with that.”

The woman nodded, and the staff called and reported the situation.

After a while, three guards approached the woman and one said:

“I will guide you. Come this way.”

The woman moved under the protection and supervision of three guards.

Arriving at the morgue, the front guard opened the door.

Currently, only one corpse was placed in the mortuary. The guard moved it to the center, lying on the wheeled bed.

The face of the corpse was covered with a cloth.

The guard walked over to the body’s face.

“Then I will open the cloth.”

When the guard took the cloth off, there was Renzo with an already chilled face lying there.

“Oh, Renzo-sama… … .”

The woman covered her mouth with both hands and muttered as if lamenting. She staggered towards Renzo.

“Ah, it has come to pass, poor Renzo-sama… … .”

The woman’s fingertips touched Renzo’s face. The guard’s eyes twitched, but he didn’t bother.

“Thank you, everyone.”

The woman said so and held out her hand.

For a moment, the guards didn’t know what that meant. Do you want to hold hands? handshake?

The woman’s index finger, ring finger, and little finger each pointed at the three guards.



The guards’ heads were pierced. in an instant.

The finger that had turned into a tentacle was retrieved again, and the woman wiped the blood off her finger.

“Um, my fingers hurt a little if I don’t use an auror. Thanks to you, I didn’t have any boundaries.”

When dealing with humans, the thing that humans pay attention to the most is the use of aurora and mana.

This is because humans who do not use chi have a limit to their power.

Because of this, humans who do not use Auror are easily distracted as a reward in return.

What’s more, it’s even more fatal if it’s not really human, and just pretends to be human.

“Now then, let’s begin, Renzo-sama.”

The woman’s face twitched. It felt like something inside was crawling up from the bottom of his neck, and his face changed. There was not even a sound of bones.

The completely transformed woman’s face was the same as in Constell’s auditorium, making it hard to tell whether it was a man or a woman. It was Kraken.

“I mean, this face is comfortable.”

You can freely change everything from your face to your entire body, so why do you have to go back to this shape? The Kraken questioned his own actions. Maybe even when he was a human, he still had his original form.

“Well, aside from that, I have to work.”

The Kraken placed a hand on Renzo’s chest as he lay down.

The heartbeat is also completely stopped. Renzo here is obviously dead.

To gain one life, one must lose one.

A skill that only the Kraken can do. No, this is more of a taboo than a technique.

Why ah ah ah ah-!!!

At that moment, the alarm inside the mortuary sounded loudly. No, it’s probably an alarm sounding all over the Obsidian. He noticed the anomaly here.

“It’s also fast. It’s already too late though.”

A hole opened in Kraken’s palm. Something twisted inside the Kraken’s body sprinted. It protruded through an open hole in the palm of his hand, and squeezed into Renzo’s chest.

pounding! pounding!

Kraken’s whole body throbbed. The beating reached the palm of his hand, and eventually, the beating was also dyed to Renzo.

Blood dripped from the Kraken’s lips. But the Kraken was still smiling. There was pain, but I endured it.

Eventually, when the Kraken took his hand off Renzo’s chest.

Renzo’s eyes opened.

* * *

Day 3 of the school trip.

What I do is simple. I spend most of my day working as a lifeguard.

While working, Constell students deliberately moved to many directions. Especially those who know me well. To Aster, Elodie, Aten, Cybel, etc.

Because I had to show that I was properly punished by Constell.

It seems like he’s suspicious that I’m secretly doing something else.

Since that doubt is the correct answer, I have no choice but to work even harder.

“Hey, there’s a man!”

While I was working, I heard someone shout.

A woman rushed to me from the shore.

“Are you a lifeguard?”

“Yeah, what’s going on?”

“I can’t see my son… … ! I was swimming a while ago, and while I opened my eyes… … .”

I narrowed my eyes.

He turned his gaze to the shore. A mixture of students from Constell and citizens of Kropol, the sandy beach and sea were already filled with thousands of people.

To find the lost child there is to find the one and only designated pine tree in the pine forest.

Maybe if it’s just a lost child, the fact that she became invisible while swimming makes an ominous imagination.

“… … There will be some commotion, though.”

There is no choice.

I whispered quietly.


A magic circle developed along with my voice. It is difficult for ordinary citizens to notice the change, but the Constell students all raised their heads with a sense of mana.

An invisible but clear tension descended on the shore. In particular, students with good mood naturally turned their eyes to me.

Don’t do that too much. you’ll find out soon

I carefully checked all the mana in Menosorpo’s magic circle. Especially looking towards the sea.

According to the woman, the most dangerous situation is that the child is drowning in the sea.

… … and.

‘Damn it.’

there was. A child who hadn’t sunk yet, but was swept away by the waves.

I ran to the beach. After it has already floated quite a bit. It was not visible to the naked eye.

I was watching because I knew the location under the influence of Menosorpo, but the people on the shore, mixed with the waves, would hardly know.

‘I’m glad I learned it.’

I put the Auror around my body and levitated my body in the air as a way of maneuvering. By then, almost all eyes were on me.

I flew over the sea at full speed. The child had drifted farther than expected.

I think I’ve already drank a lot of water, but I’m still shaking with the desire to live, so I haven’t subsided.


I weave a rope and dropped it at the struggling child.


I heard that if you jump into the water to save a drowning child, you will fall together. A child in fear pushes the rescuer under the water without mercy because he wants to live.

Of course, I’m flying through the air, so it won’t happen, but it’s safer in any way.

… … but

‘Damn, I can’t hear you.’

There was a strong wave, and water probably got into my ears. Besides, I’m crying. He thought he was about to die, so he couldn’t see his surroundings at all.

It’s too flashy, but it can’t be helped.

air weave


large shield

I made a shield in the sea under the struggling child. As it slowly floated back, the shield supported the child and climbed up.

Kellogg, Kellogg, and the child still coughed with death-like faces. Fortunately, I spit out the water and breathed.

I landed on the shield.

“Are you okay?”

I have hardly ever dealt with children in my life. Perhaps the frontier would be similar.

um, what to do Once he got closer, he tried to examine his complexion.


Then the child was held in his arms. As soon as he was hugged by me, the child cried out loud. I cried louder than I was while I was drowning.

Ughhh gonna that sound to make me smile.

I looked into the child’s eyes and said.

“Come on, let’s go to Mom.”

The child sniffled and nodded.

With the child in my arms, I sat on my shield and returned to the shore.

The child suddenly forgot about crying and looked around, wondering if it was strange to see him floating around.

Surprisingly, I didn’t have much fun. Maybe it’s because I’m floating with the shield I control.

It’s just like sitting on a long moving walk in the air.

‘But the idea of using a shield as a stepping stone is fine.’

I can fly now, but if I use a shield, I think it will be possible to step on it and jump or make a sudden change of direction along the way. Sudden braking and rapid acceleration are possible.

I went down to the beach, unpacked the menosorpo, and returned to the woman with the child.

The woman sat down with the child as if relieved, and wept.

I was only released after I was thanked by the woman, the child nodded to me, and promised to play with me later. Also, children are selfish.


Then, he sighed and looked up at the sky.

The eyes of people, especially the Constell students, were so focused, so that I would never attract aggro myself.

But isn’t that just a coincidence?


Just then, where I looked up at the sky, a crow roared and split the sky.

A crow flying over the shore.

It didn’t suit me so well, so I nodded inwardly.

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New news has arrived.

But maybe, that’s the news I know.

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