Chapter 42 Operation Deception (4)

Heldre’s approach was already felt by everyone.

Shortly thereafter, it began to come into view.

Heldre was flying in a propulsion flight with the elderly man’s face hardened.


Osprey was the first to respond. Because it was the closest to him.

However, Heldre’s flight gradually drew an upward curve. He had nothing to do with Osprey. Right now.

If I don’t pull the neck of that thing that threatens my granddaughter’s life from high altitude right now—

“… … !”


But Heldre did not go and broke himself. There was an explosion in the air just before him stopped.

Magical manifestation in an empty space. It was obvious who it was. Heldre turned and looked at Osprey.

As expected, Osprey had his thumb on his chest. It was the battle stance of Osprite, which Heldre had often seen before.

Osprit said.

“Go without saying hello, Heldre.”

“… … Osprey.”

Heldre’s bloody eyes gleamed.

“I don’t have time to talk to you right now. do it later.”

Then, in a swish, Heldre flew back to Frontier.


Osprit followed after him, literally ‘exploding’ the air. Nevertheless, Heldre swerved between them, and went towards Frontier, at times with a bit of a hit.

‘That Heldre was attacked first and then ignored it.’

Is Frontier’s thinking right?

Frontier’s earlier actions seemed too sudden and sudden, but seeing Heldre’s hasty momentum, he seems to have succeeded.

And Heldre arrived. in front of the frontier. Osfried flew right behind Heldre, and Heldre was now sandwiched between Frontier and Osprit.

“… … !”

Heldre widened his eyes.

I couldn’t believe it even more when I saw it in front of my eyes. Heldre laughed the moment he faced the face of the madman holding his granddaughter by the collar. That smile stayed alive.

“Frondier de Roach.”

Heldre exhaled a tingling sensation and called out his name.

Frontier laughed too. That smile was similar to that of Heldre.

“It is an honor that you remember my name.”

“Did I not tell you? I will never forget your name.”

I didn’t mean it that way back then.

Heldre looked around for a moment.

He wanted to tear the frontier to death right away, but the situation was too unfavorable for him.

Her granddaughter, Qian, was held by Frontier, and in her other hand was a strange sword.

That sword, its momentum and exterior clearly revealed what it was.

“… … Excalibur. The report was real.”

“Everyone didn’t believe me, so it was comfortable for me.”

Frontier with a brazen answer.

Heldre said.

“That kid was pretty big. Using Aurors, and learning to ‘fly’. However, the head was not large compared to the strength he had grown. Even if you got Excalibur, you dare show me your teeth,”

While Heldre said so.


Frontier cut Kian’s arm slightly. Blood began to seep through the wound.

Heldre’s bloodshot eyes were now red as if they were about to explode.

“what did you say? Heldre.”

“This, this, the one to tear to death… … .”

Heldre’s whole body trembled. A huge aura erupted all over his body.

Even if Frontier is holding Qian hostage now, Heldre can kill Frontier with a small group. Kian won’t die either.

However, even if that is possible, the problem is the Osprite behind it.

For Heldre, even an Osprite alone is quite daunting, but Frontier holds even a hostage with unprecedented power.

“… … I see.”

Heldre closed his eyes. The shaking also stopped. Life was not completely hidden, but it was captured.

“What do you want? That’s probably why you called me here.”

Hearing Heldre’s answer, Osprit behind him lit up.

‘After all, I’ve seen this far.’

Osprit truly admired Frontier.

Heldre was summoned with Kian as a hostage, but before that, Thompson and Skyler were rendered incapacitated. Because of this, Heldre cannot expect proper combat support.

In the end, we have no choice but to voluntarily enter the trading phase.

‘If we get the confirmation that we will stop the revolution and the safety of Constell as it is-‘

Osprey thought so.

However, Frontier slightly opened the hand holding the sword. Something grew between those fingers, and he swallowed it.



Strong mana gushed out from Frontier. In terms of the amount of simple mana, it was higher than Osprit or Heldre.

Unleashing a terrifying force, said Frontier.

“What I want is simple.”

His voice changed. As if the boiling air was his voice, Frontier’s voice sounded like an earthquake.

“Your life, Heldre.”

“… … Huh.”

Heldre spit out in exasperation.

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No matter how much mana he is exhaling right now, even if he is taking his granddaughter hostage.

The pursuit of Heldre’s own life has crossed the line too far.

“Are you killing me?”

“That’s right.”

Immediately after speaking, Frontier stretched out Excalibur.

Heldre snorted.

‘Heh, the weapons I have are pretty good, but that’s just that-‘

That thought also ceased to exist.

This is because Frontier’s overflowing mana began to dwell in Excalibur.

Excalibur more amplified the mana it absorbed, and it became stronger several times and lit up.

“… … your boy.”

It’s not like bullshit.

Frontier was really, very well equipped with a weapon capable of killing Heldre.

However, Heldre is also a member of the Zodiac that has already gone through numerous battlefields.

Heldre looked at Excalibur silently.

‘The only way to hit that sword at me is by throwing it.’

I don’t know how far Frontier’s throwing skills are, but it’s never too late to see and damage Heldre’s eyes.

Heldre said.

“No matter how powerful it is, its essence is a ‘sword’.”

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Not a bow Not even the end. There were obviously limited ways to hit that sword on Heldre.

“Hey, do you know what will happen if you don’t hit me?”

Since it is a sword, if it is thrown, of course, Frontier will be empty-handed. As long as Heldre dodges the thrown sword.

“You will die.”

Heldre said. It was sincere, without any pretense.

“If you spit blood from those eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and every hole, you will die. My eyes are rolling and I won’t be able to tell the difference between heaven and earth. I will make it that way.”

A lively voice, a clear warning. Frontier listened quietly and opened his mouth.


Frontier called Osprey.


“Go away. The location is dangerous.”

“… … Are you really okay?”

“yes. And the one who doesn’t get involved can help, right?”

After a moment of silence, Osprit retreated to the side, as Frontier had said. Frontier was right.

To help Frontier, it’s better to be close to Frontier than to besiege Heldre.


Frontier wrapped his sword around Qian’s neck. That alone made Heldre more alive, but there was nothing he could do about it now.

Frontier wrapped Qian’s neck and held the sword in his hand in reverse. He pointed the tip of the sword at Heldre.

—Up to that time, Heldre had turned his head in anger and could not understand the true meaning of Frontier’s actions.

Why did Frontier wrap Kian’s neck? Why are you holding the sword in reverse? It would be impossible to throw in a position like that.

Frontier grinned.

“You said you would avoid it.”

Frontier wrapped around Kian’s neck with the hand holding the sword. So of course, his other hand is empty.

it will be empty

That empty hand that was slowly raised, for some reason, holding something like a hammer—

“Try it, ‘Zodiac’.”

With that hammer, Frontier struck the tip of Excalibur’s hilt.


A huge metallic sound that seemed to rip through the air erupted.

In an instant, the mana consumed by Excalibur was released. It was a huge flash of mana that contained the shape of a sword.


Excalibur’s swordsmanship that swallowed enormous mana and then amplified it again and spit it out.

Of course, the sword’s body is not contained, and the power of the condensed Excalibur’s mana is spread by the impact, so its power is somewhat weakened.

Does that ‘somewhat’ really have any meaning?


Heldre concentrated the aura of the whole body on one point. I gave up the thought of avoiding it. It was no longer a sword.

A building that had only the shape of a sword was shot with the power of an unknown hammer. Neither the speed nor the area could be avoided.

Heldre put the fingers of both hands together and extended them forward. His aura sharpened like an arrowhead.

The aura collided with the flash of Excalibur.



Heldre screamed. The moment it collided, the entire knuckle of a finger was harpooned. I knew it would be like that. I threw away my fingers, no, my hands from the beginning.

However, despite the sacrifices made,

Whoops, whoops.

“Ugh, uh, ugh, ugh… … !”

His bones scream. The fingertips had already been torn from the skin and the bones were visible.

His fingers were barely attached to his hand. Instead, his wrists, elbows, and shoulders were slowly making a cracking sound.

Those who have received the power of Mjölnir do not lose their power easily. It was the same when Renzo first got Mjöllni.

Fortunately, Renzo sacrificed his favorite weapon instead, but Heldre was bare-handed. In addition, the mana power contained in Excalibur already surpasses that of Mjolnir.

Maybe if he had been prepared enough to take Excalibur, the Auror somehow managed to get it out with a hasty defense.

As a result.

“Ouch, huh… … , heh, heh heh… … !”

After taking it all over, Heldre was in a miserable state. His fingers were stretched out in random directions, and his whole body was covered with numerous burns and cuts, and blood gushed out.

he lowered his arms. You probably won’t be able to hear it for a while.

“… … This, sometimes, irrational power… … !”

Even if it was an attack close to a surprise, even if he was careless, to destroy all his arms.

Heldre looked at Frontier with a trembling face.

… … Excalibur was still in his hands.

In other words,

“You blocked it.”

Frontier is insensitive, no. Rather, he looked at Heldre with a face that even looked bored.

“Then next.”

At Frontier’s words, Excalibur shone. What that meant was clear.

Its meaning was ‘fear’.

“Heh, heh heh… … !!”

Heldre took a breathless breath. Frontier looked at her face and said.

“Stop that face. It doesn’t fit.”

“Come on, wait. Wait a minute.”

“Are you a zodiac?”

Frontier picked up the hammer without hearing.

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Next comes

That fact alone made Heldre feel like his heart would burst.

Heldre does not know the maximum amount of mana the Frontier has.

When the next one comes, let’s say we miraculously stopped it.

So what’s next? What’s next?

Heldre deeply regretted it. Had he been fully prepared, he would have responded to that attack. But he came too hastily. And I was so careless.

‘Die… … .’

to die? I? Am I the ‘zodiac’?

However, that clear deadline is already beating his head as loudly as a warning bell.

Frontier slowly pulls the hammer back.

Rather, he didn’t feel even a handful of life in those eyes.

“Hey, save me! Please! I will do anything!”

Heldre begged for his life.

It was something I had never done in my life.

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